MainNewsBook exhibitions
An exhibition opened in the library “DEKART-22”
Creative class "Mouse's joy"

For fans of adventure literature

For fans of adventure literature
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Adventure literature consists of courageous characters, bright and fast-paced events, tense, dynamic plots in which unexpected twists of action do not allow you to tear yourself away from reading to the last page. The genre of adventure literature includes such traditional forms as detective stories, adventure novels, travel novels, satirical pamphlets, and science fiction works.

This exhibition will introduce readers to the best works of Belarusian adventure literature. It exhibits novels, novellas and short stories that were published from the 20s of the 20th century to the present. These are both action-packed works that tell about long-past times, and works about events that have become history relatively recently, for example, the events of the Great Patriotic War, works about space travel and unfamiliar civilizations, works about solving complex crimes and talented detectives.

The section opens the exhibition “The origin of the genre in national literature”. Here are the works of Yanka Mavr, who rightfully belongs to the title of the pioneer of the adventure genre in Belarus. In a number of the presented materials, the children's magazine takes pride of place “Belarusian Pioneer”, on the pages of which in 1926 the first adventure story by Yanka Mavr “A Man goes” was published.

The central place is given to the popular book series “Library of Adventures and Fiction”, founded by the publishing house “Yunost” in 1982 and addressed to teenagers. The series is easily recognized by the logo on the spine of the book in the form of stylized letters “PF” (P stands for adventure, F stands for science fiction), as well as by specially designed covers.

Special attention they deserve it the first edition of Mikhail Lynkov's well-known story “Mikolka-Paravoz” (1937) about the life and adventures of the boy Mikolka, the son of a railway worker; Leonid Daineko's novel “The Ghoul's Trail” with the author's autograph addressed to the Department of Belarusian Literature of the State Library of the BSSR named after V.I. Lenin in 1988; Ales Navarich's historical novel “The Lithuanian Wolf” (2005), for which the author received a special prize of the President of the Republic of Belarus.

Third section – "Adventure stories". It exhibits works by Belarusian authors from the 20th-early 21st century. The rich historical and cultural heritage inspires Belarusian authors to create new works that continue the traditions of Russian adventure literature. Among the presented publications are the well-known works by Vladimir Korotkevich “The Wild Hunt of King Stach” (1958) and “The Christ Landed in Grodno”; Ivan Serkov's trilogy “Me and Alekchander...” (1968-1989), which won awards at the All-Union and Belarusian Republican Children's Book competitions; publications by Leonid Daineko, winner of the Literary Prize named after Ivan Melezh (1989).

The exhibition is aimed at all lovers of adventure literature, but first of all it is aimed at young people, because the heroes of most of the presented books are teenagers.

The exhibition works from November 14 to December 31, 2022.
The end date of the exhibition can be changed.

The opening hours of the exhibition corresponds to the library’s opening hours.
Entrance to the exhibition is available by the library ticket or ticket of the library's social and cultural center.

The books presented in the exhibition can be ordered via electronic catalog of the National Library of Belarus.

For more info: (+375 17) 293 29 80.

The Department’s page in Instagram – gallery_nlb

The article is provided by the Gallery and Exhibition Department.



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Book exhibitions