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In tune with the times

In tune with the times
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The exhibition "In tune with the times” devoted to the 120th anniversary of the Belarusian poet, writer, playwright and public figure Mikhas Charot runs in the Belarusian literature reading room (205), from 8 November to 14 December.

The fate of Mikhas Charot (Mikhail Koudelka, 1896–1937) in many ways is typical of the generation of writers who came to the Belarusian literature in the 1920s. His work reflects all the romantic impulses, contradictions and great illusions of his time. The literary and artistic activities of Mikhas Charot is quite versatile, original and polyphonic. His writing shows a bright talent of the poet, skill and poetic culture.

The exhibition opens with the section "My songs – my storms”, which widely represents the literary heritage of the writer. Visitors to the library have the opportunity to get acquainted with the collections of his writings, separately published books and works in collective collections: Творы in 2 volumes (1933), Збор твораў in 2 volumes (1958), Выбраныя вершы і паэмы (1935), Выбранае (2001), poems Босыя на вогнішчы (1925), Марына (1926), Карчма (1926), Беларусь лапцюжная (1927), collection of verses Завіруха (1929), Сонечны паход (1929), collection of short stories Веснаход (1924), Выбраныя апавяданні (1926). As a playwright, Mikhas Charot is represented by the folk drama На Купалле, musical comedy Мікітаў лапаць and other plays.

The second section "From the whirlwind years" presents the author’s works translated into Russian (Босые на пожарище, Беларусь лапотная), Ukrainian (Світе, знай..., Бунтар), Bulgarian (Необикновена молба, Нероденият) and other languages.

The last exhibition section “The son of the epoch” introduces visitors to the life and creative career of the writer and offers materials of encyclopedias, reference books and literary-critical publications.

Contact: (+375 17) 293 27 16.


Participate in the #КВІТНЕЙРОДНАЯБЕЛАРУСЬ contest

30 Apr 2024

On the eve of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from Nazi invaders and the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, the department of excursion and methodological work of the National Library of Belarus / @excursion_nlb from May 9 to July 3 invites everyone to take part in the photo contest  #квітнейроднаябеларусь.

National Library of Belarus News