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The world population and a sustainable development

The world population and a sustainable development
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From July 8 to August 5, a thematic book exhibition “The world population and a sustainable development” dedicated to the World Population Day, the 65th anniversary of the UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) and 20 years of cooperation between Belarus and UNFPA runs in the Official documents department (room 207).

The World Population Day is observed annually on July 11th, according to the resolution of Governing Council of the United Nations Development Program (the UNDP resolution 89/46, p. 21). It was first celebrated in July 1987 and was dedicated to the birth of the fifth billionth earth dweller. This Day is designed to attract the world community’s attention to the questions of populations, development programs and solution of demographic problems.

The total number of the world population, which reached in 2011 a mark of 7 billion people (in comparison with 2,5 billion in 1950), has serious consequences for the development. The world with population of more than 7 billion people is simultaneously a challenge and an opportunity connected with consequences for a sustainable development, urbanization, public health and employment. Numerous crises – food, fuel and financial – create significant problems and induce the world community to the comprehension of the necessity to focus more attention to demographic problems and basic elements of a sustainable development.

In 1969, a specialized international agency – the UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) was created within the UN system. The Fund supervises the operative activity of the United Nations system in the field of population by assisting developing countries and countries with transitive economy in search of solutions of their demographic problems. It assists states in perfection of their reproductive public health services and family planning on the basis of an individual choice, and also in the development of politics in the field of population aimed at supporting efforts for a sustainable development. It also promotes a better understanding of problems of population and helps governments to solve them in ways and means which meet needs of the concrete country. As the largest source of assistance to population financed at the international level the UNFPA disposes of a quarter of all volume of financial aid on a global scale. This is, first of all, a financing organization on projects and programs of population which are carried out by governments and establishments of the United Nations.

The UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) began its activity in Belarus in 1994. Each initiative of the Fund meets the global purpose – to provide the rights of each woman, the man and the child for a healthy life and equal opportunities for its preservation. The Fund’s activities are based on national priorities and a close cooperation with the government of Belarus, agencies of the UN system, public organizations, international and national experts. Cooperation between Belarus and the UNFPA has a stable positive dynamics that is confirmed by a growing volume of financing in the area of the Fund in Belarus, and the adoption, first in Belarus, of the UNFPA regional program for 2011–2015. The UNFPA’s activities in Belarus are carried out in three basic directions: population and development, reproductive health and gender equality.

Documents of the exhibition offered to our readers and visitors acquaint with demographic tendencies, estimations and forecasts in the field of population, and also with the world demographic statistics and the policy concerning population.

The exhibition consists of the following thematic sections:

  • Activities of international organizations in the field of population.
  • Population, environment, education and development.
  • Population and demographic tendencies: the world statistics.
  • Demographic situation, the human and social capital of the Republic of Belarus.

The exposition includes about 100 documents: books, brochures, periodicals, mimeographed papers. The most part of the exhibition are documents of international organizations in Russian, French, German and English languages.

The exhibition is designed for university professors, students and postgraduates studying humanities and economics, research workers, specialists in demographics and sociology, representatives of public authorities, and also to everyone who is interested in social, demographic, and economic issues.

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