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We are thankful for the victorious May!

We are thankful for the victorious May!
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To the Great Victory the National Library of Belarus devotes a book exhibition “We are thankful for the victorious May!” which runs from 19 April to 15 May.

The exhibition contains more than 150 books which have been published for the last three years and which tell about heroism, courage and fortitude of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. They tell stories about unique human fates, unknown or little known military events, international character feats, which were committed in the name of victory. The main purpose of these editions is to show that we remember those who have won the right to immortality by the most expensive cost – at the expense of their own lives.

Decades go by, generations change, but the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 will remain forever in the annals of Belarus as a heroic symbol of national pride, military glory and valor. It was the first Belarusians who faced the treacherous attack of Nazi occupants on 22 June, 1941. Thousands of our compatriots fought in the war. In the relentless struggle against the enemy, they showed a piece of bravery, fortitude and heroism, performed crucial tasks to protect the Fatherland.

The victory gained not only in important battles, but in fights for each height, each town, each city, and each village.

Memorials, monuments and obelisks were established in the places of the cities and towns where were battles. These memorable places are now visited by many people of the older and younger generations who come again and again to pay homage to the immortal feat of compatriots. The memory of the heroes is immortalized in the names of streets, squares and gardens.

Our sacred duty is to preserve the legacy of this heroic, martial legacy of the Belarusian people, to send to a new generation the most sacred feeling – love for the Fatherland, to the sovereign and independent Belarus.

Contact telephone: (+375 17) 293 28 86.


"On the paths of bright spring" by Pavlyuk Trus

21 May 2024

On May 16, participants of the National Library of Belarus project "On the wave of time throughout life" visited the Uzden Central District Library named after Pavlyuk Trus, where they took part in the literary and musical festival "On the paths of bright spring.." dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the poet, member of the association "Maladnyak", native of Uzden region Pavlyuk Trus (1904-1929).

To the 100th Anniversary of “Maladnyak"

Digital History

18 May 2024

On May 18 the National Library of Belarus hosted the grand opening of the Digital History Lecture festival with the support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives.

National Library of Belarus News