MainNewsNational Library of Belarus News
Series of interactive lectures and concerts "National Musical Heritage of Belarus"
Handwritten catalogues of the library of the Nesvizh Ordination of the Radziwills

Ideas from the National Library: what to present parents for the New Year

Ideas from the National Library: what to present parents for the New Year
Other news

Your family video archives will receive a modern update, become available and fill the New Year's Eve in a cozy family circle with the warmth of pleasant memories!

In the 2000s, recordings of children's holidays on videotapes were very popular. Now many family stories dear to the heart are stored on them. Data carriers are constantly being improved, and videotapes and the equipment reproducing them are damaged over time.

On a wonderful family holiday New Year, grown-up children have the opportunity to make their parents a warm wonderful gift – to digitize a recording from a videotape as part of the paid services provided by the National Library.

An example of a gift from a loving daughter is the digitization of a videotape recording "Our favourite kindergarten":


The National Library of Belarus cordially congratulates you on the upcoming holidays and invites you to use the video digitization service.

We are waiting for your call on working days from 8.30 to 17.00 by phone.: (+37517) 266 37 51(+37517) 293 27 70(+37517) 293 29 64.

The material was provided by the center for digitization and preservation of library documents.


Happiness to see

1 Jun 2024

The photo exhibition "Happiness to see" was organized jointly with the Belarusian Children's Fund and timed to coincide with the International Children's Day.

Art exhibitions