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We invite you to the National Library for the exhibition of folk costumes

We invite you to the National Library for the exhibition of folk costumes
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On July 5, the opening of the Belarusian-Russian exhibition project "Beauty and Traditions of Folk Costume", dedicated to the Year of peace and creation in the Republic of Belarus and the Year of teacher and mentor in the Russian Federation, took place in the atrium (2nd floor).

The project is based on the formation of spiritual, moral and intellectual development of the individual through the study of cultural heritage through creative artistic process.

The exhibition presents 6 original traditional Belarusian costumes of Kobrin, Malorite, Kalinkovichi, Starodorozhsky, Mstislavsky, Lida regions and 30 folk costumes created by children from orphanages. These are images of Khakass, Mordovian, Chuvash, Ustyuzha, Saratov, Arkhangelsk, Voronezh, Mari and other regions of Russia, as well as two images of Belarusian and Armenian folk costumes. Each exhibit is accompanied by a detailed description of the individuality and identity of the costume – from the type of fabric to the status designation.

The exhibition also includes details of folk costume, traditional jewelry and accessories, a collection of 26 rag dolls in traditional costume. The exhibition was complemented by Belarusian vytinanki and colourful thematic publications from the fund of the National Library of Belarus.

The opening ceremony was attended by deputy director general of the National Library of Belarus Viktar Przybytka, executive director of the international festival of arts "Slavic bazaar in Vitebsk" Andrey Karpay, senior researcher at the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National academy of sciences of Belarus Maria Vinnikava and director of the charitable foundation "Mission" Margarita Buryak.

As part of her speech, Margarita Buryak handed over a symbolic gift, a matryoshka doll painted by the children of the Syktyvkar Orphanage, to a representative of the Alexey Talai Charitable Foundation in recognition of her achievements in charitable activities.

The culture of the people is a separate historical world with its own specific features and peculiarities. The involvement of children in the process of cultural revival is of particular relevance. They should know their native language, traditions, crafts, in order to pass on the experience to their children.

The project was organized by the National Library of Belarus, the Mission Charitable Foundation (Moscow, Russian Federation), the Vitebsk Cultural Center, the Museum of Ancient Belarusian Culture of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

We invite you to immerse yourself into the world of folk costume until January 14, 2024.

The completion date of the exhibition can be changed.

The opening hours of the exhibition correspond to the Library opening hours.
Admission is by a library card or by the Social and Cultural Center ticket.

For more info: (+375 17) 293 29 80.

The material is presented by the Public Relations Department.


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