MainServicesService Price List

Service Price List



Tariff (price) for individuals (BYN)

Tariff (price) for organizations (VAT inclusive; BYN)

Library information and bibliographic services

Written bibliographic reference processing:

address bibliographic description 0,55 0,55
specifying bibliographic description 0,60 0,60
defining gross order number of periodical and continuing publication number 0,35 0,35

in the Russian and Belarusian languages bibliographic description 0,80 0,80
in the Russian and Belarusian languages (up to 20 titles within 2 workdays, uncomplicated subjects) bibliographic description 0,90 0,90
in foreign languages bibliographic description 1,00 1,00
Finalization of a bibliographic user's list:

bibliographic description editing bibliographic description 0,35 0,35
bibliographic description editing (from 1 to 50 within 2 workdays) bibliographic description 0,50 0,50
specifying elements of bibliographic description bibliographic record 0,50 0,50
specifying elements of bibliographic description (from 1 to 50 within 2 workdays) bibliographic record 0,70 0,70
Proсessing of written factographic inquiry one object
3,00 3,00
Compiling of inquiry on renaming settlements, geographical names one name 5,60 5,60
Document indexing one document 3,50
Media monitoring on a given topic:

search of full text information in databases without text formatting one article 1,10 1,10
search of full text information in databases including text formatting in a foreign language one article 1,70 1,70
search of full text information in databases without text formatting in a foreign language one article 1,50 1,50
search of full text information in databases including text formatting in a foreign language one article 1,50 1,50
page views of newspapers from the library collection one file 5,00 5,00
page views of newspapers from the library collection one issue 0,30 0,30
page views of magazines from the library collection one issue 0,70 0,70
page views of books one document 2,50 2,50
Data saving from a library public computer to a storage carrier or the user's email:

up to 1 Mb one file 0,50 0,50
1–10 Mb one file 1,00 1,00
10–30 Mb one file 2,00 2,00
30–100 Mb one file 3,00 3,00
100–300 Mb one file 4,00 4,00
300–500 Mb one file 5,00 5,00
500–1000 Mb one file 6,00 6,00
Copying parts of music pieces from the library's collections: 1 minute 0,24 0,24
Duplication of a pre-recorded media
User’s VHS Video digital remastering (MPEG 2) 30 min 7,50 7,50
User’s audiotape digital remastering (MP 3) 30 min 7,60
User’s gramophone plates digital remastering (MP 3) 30 min 7,70
The documents from the library collections to be provided for the digital, photo, film, television and video shooting by the user's equipment in the premises of the NLB:

early-printed editions, 15th–16th century document 19,00 22,80
early-printed editions, 17th–18th century document 9,20 11,04
rare editions, from 19th century to 1917 document 4,90 5,88
rare editions, from 1918 to 1945 document 4,00 4,80
rare editions, from 1946 to present day document 3,30 3,96
manuscripts, 16th century
document 25,00 30,00
manuscripts, 17th–18th century document 15,00 18,00
manuscripts, 19th–20th century document 7,80 9,36
archival documents, 17th–18h century document 5,50 6,60
archival documents, 19th–20th century. document 3,20 3,84
non-replicated engravings and lithographs, disregarding the date of publication engraving/lithograph 3,90 4,68
replicated engravings, from 19th century to 1917 engraving 2,40 2,88
replicated engravings, from 1918 to present day engraving 1,85 2,22
albums, before 1917 album 2,70 3,24
albums, from 1918 to present day albums 1,90 2,28
postcards, reproductions, posters, announcements before 1917 1 document 2,40 2,88
postcards, reproductions, posters, announcements between 1918–1945. 1 document 1,85 2,22
postcards, reproductions, posters, announcements from 1946 to the present day 1 document 1,85 2,22
newspapers 1 document 1,40 1,68
Issuing the documents based on an individual loan to the users who have a scientific degree 1 document / 24 hours 0,90
Order processing for collective library borrowers:

search and order of documents from the stock holder department to collective library borrowers based in Minsk document
lending documents from the library stock to collective library borrowers 1 document / 24 hours
Scanning pieces of documents without character recognition, PDF (materilas from the library's collections):

black and white scanning (up to 300 dpi) page А4 0,60 0,60
black and white scanning (up to 300 dpi) page А3 0,70 0,70
black and white scanning (300 –600 dpi) page А4 0,74 0,74
black and white scanning (300–600 dpi) page А3 0,83 0,83
color scanning (up to 300 dpi) page А4 1,29 1,29
color scanning (up to 300 dpi) page А3 1,38 1,38
color scanning (300–600 dpi) page А4 1,56 1,56
color scanning (300–600 dpi) page А3 1,84 1,84
large-format scanning page А2 1,55 1,55
large-format scanning page А1, A0 1,82 1,82
printed editions,15th–16th century page А4, А3, A2 1,50 1,50
printed editions, 15th–16th century. page А1, А0 1,52 1,52
printed editions, 17th–18th century page А4, А3, А2 1,50 1,50
printed editions, 17th–18th century page А1, А0 1,72 1,72
rare editions, from 19th century to present day page А4, А3, А2 1,50 1,50
rare editions, from 19th century to present day page А1, А0 1,76 1,76
manuscripts, 16th century page А4, А3, А2 1,50 1,50
manuscripts, 16th century page А1, А0 1,75 1,75
manuscripts, 17th–18th century page А4, А3, А2 1,50 1,50
manuscripts, 17th–18th century page А1, А0 1,67 1,67
manuscripts, 19th–20th century page А4, А3, А2 1,50 1,50
manuscripts, 19th–20th century page А1, А0 1,71 1,71
archival documents, 17th–18th century page А4, А3 1,50 1,50
archival documents, 19th–20th century page А4, А3 1,55 1,55
newspapers, before 1946 (300–600 dpi) page А4, А3, А2 1,50 1,50
microfiche frame 1,05 1,05
Photocoping of document's pieces from the library's collections:

black and white simplex printing page А4 0,27 0,27
black and white simplex printing page А3 0,38 0,38
black and white duplex printing page А4 0,44 0,44
black and white duplex printing page А3 0,68 0,68
color simplex printing page А4 2,44 2,44
color simplex printing page А3 2,83 2,83
Printing from the “User’s notebook” from the automated librarian workstation

black and white simplex printing page А4 0,37 0,37
black and white simplex printing page А3 0,47 0,47
black and white duplex printing page А4 0,44 0,44
black and white duplex printing page А3 0,59 0,59
color simplex printing page А4 2,66 2,66
color simplex printing page А3 3,08 3,08
color duplex printing page А4 3,36 3,36
color duplex printing page А3 4,09 4,09
Other library information services

Examination of books and manuscripts (if the book and manuscript are not purchased by the library):

bibliographical opinion on manuscripts of 16th–17th century document 32,00 32,00
bibliographical opinion on manuscripts of 18th–19th century document 21,80 21,80
bibliographical opinion on manuscripts of the beginning of 20th century document 14,00 14,00
bibliographical opinion on archival documents of 17th–18th century document 19,10 19,10
bibliographical opinion on archival documents of 19th–20th century document 13,75 13,75
bibliographical opinion on early printed or rare publications before 1921: 16th–17th century document 19,30 19,30
bibliographical opinion on early printed or rare publications before 1921: 18th century – 1830 document 14,00 14,00
bibliographical opinion on early printed or rare publications before 1921: 1831–1921 document 13,60 13,60
Other cultural services

Children’s room 5

a stay for children aged 3–10 years, whose parents are users of the library 1 child/30 minutes 3,50
a stay for children aged 3–10 years, whose parents are users of the library (with 30% discount for children from large families) 10 1 child/30 minutes 2,45
Museum class for a group up to 15 persons 1 person/60 minutes 4,60 4,60
Museum class and quest for a group up to 15 persons 1 person/60 minutes 4,60 4,60
Excursions for children “Birthday in the Library”, for a group up to 10 persons, photography and video shooting allowed 1 group/60 minutes 80,00 80,00
Sightseeing excursions including a visit to the Book Museum, for an on-the-fly group up to 15 persons, photography and video shooting allowed 1 person/45 minutes 3,50 3,50
Sightseeing excursions including a visit to the Book Museum, for an on-the-fly group up to 15 persons, photography and video shooting allowed 3 1 person/45 minutes 2,28 2,28
Sightseeing excursions including a visit to the Book Museum, for a group up to 15 persons, photography and video shooting allowed 1 group /45 minutes 45,00 45,00
Sightseeing excursions including a visit to the Book Museum, for a group up to 15 persons, photography and video shooting allowed3 1 group/45 minutes 29,30 29,30
Excursions in foreign languages 1 group/45 minutes 70,00 70,00
Sightseeing excursions including a visit to the Book Museum and the Observation deck, for an on-the-fly group up to 15 people, photography and video shooting allowed

1 person/60 minutes

4,50 4,50
 Sightseeing excursion  for individuals including a visit to the Book Museum and Observation deck, photography and video shooting allowed

 1 group/60 minutes

Sightseeing excursion including a visit to the Book Museum and Observation deck, for a group up to 15 persons, photography and video shooting allowed 1 group/60 minutes 60,00 60,00
excursions in foreign languages 1 group/60 minutes 85,00 85,00
Thematic excursion to the Observation deck “Minsk on Your Palm” for a group up to 15 people, photography and video shooting allowed 1 group/45 minutes 55,00 55,00
excursions in foreign languages 1 group/45 minutes 75,00 75,00
Thematic excursions to the Observation deck “Minsk on Your Palm” for an on-the-fly group up to 15 persons, photography and video shooting allowed 1 person/45 minutes 4,00 4,00
 Thematic excursions to the Observation deck “Minsk on Your Palm” for individuals, photography and video shooting allowed 1 person/45 minutes 10,00 10,00
Educational excursions The Outstanding People of the Motherland for an on-the-fly group up to 15 persons, photography and video shooting allowed 1group/60 minutes 56,00 56,00
Educational excursions The Outstanding People of the Motherland for an on-the-fly group up to 15 persons, photography and video shooting allowed 3 1 group/60 minutes 36,40 36,40
Educational excursions The Outstanding People of the Motherland for an on-the-fly group up to 15 persons, including the visit to the Observation Deck, photography and video shooting allowed 1 person/60 minutes 4,20 4,20
Virtual educational excursion The Outstanding People of the Motherland (off-premise) 1 group/60 minutes 3,50 3,50
Virtual educational excursion The Outstanding People of the Motherland” (off-premise) using the services of the National Library transport 1 group/60 minutes 5,00 5,00
Sightseeng excursion "The Secrets of the Diamond of Knowledge"
for a group up to 10 persons, photography and video shooting allowed
1 group / 60 minutes



 for an on-the-fly group up to 10 persons, photography and video shooting allowed
1 person / 60 minutes



Interactive quest tour to the building of the National Library, for an on-the-fly group up to 15 persons, photography and video shooting allowed. 1 person/60 minutes 4,50 4,50
Interactive quest tour to the building of the National Library, for a group up to 15 persons, photography and video shooting allowed. 1 group/60 minutes 60,00 60,00
Sightseeing excursions including a visit to the Round Hall for a group up to 15 persons, photography and video shooting allowed 1 group/60 minutes 120,00 120,00
excursions in foreign languages 1 group/60 minutes 170,00 170,00
Sightseeing excursions including a visit to the Round Hall and Observation deck for an on-the-fly group up to 15 persons, photography and video shooting allowed 1 person/60 minutes 9,50 9,50
Interactive tours "Animated Books" for a group up to 10 persons, photography and video shooting allowed 1 group/60 minutes 80, 00 80, 00
Interactive tours  "Animated Books": a 35% discount for a family ticket, photography and video shooting allowed 13 1 group/60 minutes 52,00
A visit to the Observation Deck:
A visit to the Observation Deck 1 person/60 min 10,00 10,00
A visit to the Observation Deck 6 1 person/60 min
5,00 5,00
A visit to the Observation Deck 1 1 person/60 min
8,50 8,50
 A visit to the Observation Deck 10

 1 person/60 min

 8,50 8,50
for holders of the guest cards Graf Cafe Coffee Bar 7 1 person/60 min
for holders of the guest cards Graf Cafe Coffee Bar 8 1 person/60 min
A visit to the Observation Deck with a single-use mask to be provided
1 person/60 min
10,50 10,50
A visit to the Observation Deck with a single-use mask to be provided 6 1 person/60 min 5,50 5,50
 A visit to the Observation Deck during the fireworks37  1 person/60 min
 15,00 15,00
Other services

Scanning of a library user's documents without character recognition, PDF: 9

black and white scanning (up to 300 dpi) page А4 0,80 0,80
black and white scanning (up to 300 dpi) page А3 0,90 0,90
black and white scanning (300–600 dpi) page А4 0,95 0,95
black and white scanning (300–600 dpi) page А3 1,10 1,10
color scanning (up to 300 dpi) page А4 1,70 1,70
color scanning (up to 300 dpi) page А3 1,85 1,85
color scanning (300–600 dpi) page А4 2,00 2,00
color scanning (300–600 dpi) page A3 2,40 2,40
color scanning (300 dpi) page А0 2,00
gray gradients (300 dpi) page А0 1,70 1,70
color scanning (300 dpi) page А1 1,96 1,96
gray gradients (300 dpi) page А1 1,66 1,66
color scanning (300 dpi) page А2 1,80 1,80
gray gradients (300 dpi) page А2 1,55 1,55
Scanning documents of a library user without character recognition on a sheetfed scanner: pdf format, 300 dpi

1–10 pages A4 page
11–100 pages A4 page
101–500 pages A4 page
501–1000 pages A4 page
more than 1000 pages A4 page
Scanning of library user documents without character recognition (jpg and tiff format ) of the colour image:
jpg-format: 300 dpi А0 1,44 1,44
jpg-format: 600 dpi А0 2,28 2,28
jpg-format: 300 dpi А1 1,32 1,32
jpg-format: 600 dpi А1 1,92 1,92
tiff-format: 300 dpi А0 1,92 1,92
tiff-format: 600 dpi А0 5,64 5,64
tiff-format: 300 dpi А1 1,73 1,73
tiff-format: 600 dpi А1 3,96 3,96
Printing from a user's electronic carrier 9

black and white simplex printing page А4 0,50 0,50
black and white simplex printing page А3 0,60 0,60
black and white duplex printing page А4 0,70 0,70
black and white duplex printing page А3 0,90 0,90
color simplex printing page А4 3,10 3,10
color simplex printing page А3 3,50 3,50
color duplex printing page А4 3,80 3,80
color duplex printing page А3 4,60 4,60
Photocopying documents by a library's user 9

black and white simplex printing page А4 0,35 0,35
black and white simplex printing page А3 0,50 0,50
black and white duplex printing page А4 0,55 0,55
black and white duplex printing page А3 0,90 0,90
color simplex printing page А4 3,20 3,20
color simplex printing page А3 3,60 3,60
Digitized publications from the library order 0,50 0,50
Checking papers for plagiarisms (citations)

Checking papers for plagiarisms (citations) using the information system Antiplagiat Expert 1 document 7,50 7,50
Checking papers for plagiarisms (citations) using the information system Plagiat Control 1 document 8,00 8,00
Science citation: citation analysis for authors and organizations

citation analysis for an author 1 order 2,00 2,40
citation analysis for an organization 1 order 5,00 5,00
Cataloging of the customer's documents:

with the creation of the original bibliographic record 1 document 7,00 7,00
with import and modification of bibliographic records 1 document 3,40 3,40
Binding machine "Metalbind": 9

painted metal binding spine, hard cover, up to 300 sheets item А4 26,00 26,00
painted metal binding spine, hard cover (business) up to 300 sheets item А4 24,00 24,00
painted metal binding spine, hard cover, up to 300 sheets item А4 (album) 16,00 16,00
painted metal binding spine, hard cover, up to 300 sheets item А5 15,00 15,00
metal binding spine, hard cover, up to 300 sheets item А4 17,00 17,00
metal binding spine, hard cover (business), up to 300 sheets item А4 18,00 18,00
metal binding spine, soft cover, up to 300 sheets item А4 13,00 13,00
metal binding spine, no cover, up to 300 sheets item А4 9,00 9,00
new binding, without changing the channel item А4, А4 (album), А5 4,50 4,50
new binding including changing the channel, painted spine, up to 300 sheets item А4 13,00 13,00
new binding including changing the channel, painted spine, up to 300 sheets item А4 (album), А5 11,50 11,50
new binding including changing the channel, up to 300 sheets (channel size 304 mm) item А4 10,00 10,00
new binding including changing the channel, up to 300 sheets (channel size 297 mm) item А4 10,00 10,00
soft cover C-BIND up to 120 sheets item А4 14,00 14,00
hard cover C-BIND up to 180 sheets item А4 24,00 24,00
Plastic spring binding 9

binding without a cover spine, up to 50 sheets (d 6, 8, 10, 12) item А4 2,50 2,50
binding without a cover spine, up to 120 sheets (d 14,16,18) item А4 3,00 3,00
binding without a cover spine, up to 220 sheets (d 20, 25) item А4 3,50 3,50
binding without a cover spine, up to 400 sheets(d 38, 45, 51) item А4 4,60 4,60
binding with a cover, up to 50 sheets (d 6, 8, 10, 12) item А4 3,60 3,60
binding with a cover, up to 120 sheets (d 14, 16, 18) item А4 3,90 3,90
binding with a cover, up to 220 sheets (d 20, 25) item А4 5,00 5,00
binding with a cover, up to 400 sheets(d 38, 45, 51) item А4 6,00 6,00
Lamination of documents: 9

laminate, up to А5 (100 micron) item up to А5 2,50 2,50
laminate А5 (125 micron) item А5 3,00 3,00
laminate А4 (100 micron) item А4 3,20 3,20
laminate А4 (150 micron) item А4 4,00 4,00
laminate А3 (150 micron) item А3 4,70 4,70
Book repair and restoration: the softening of leather bindings 14 up to A4 43,50 43,50
Book repair and restoration: disinfection of individual isolated sheets of paper documents with straightening of the sheet
Book repair and restoration: disinfection of individual isolated sheets of paper documents with straightening of the sheet sheet size up to A4 21,00 21,00
Book repair and restoration: disinfection of individual isolated sheets of paper documents with straightening of the sheet sheet size up to A4-A3 27,00 27,00
Book repair and restoration: binding of books, archival files, diplomas, dissertations with undamaged sheets with the production of a cardboard binding cover covered with lederine without additional reinforcement of the block:
with a spine thickness up to 20 mm 15 up to A4 64,20 64,20
with a spine thickness between 20–40 mm 16 up to A4 72,00 72,00
Book repair and restoration: block stitching binding of newspapers (not requiring repair) in a binder with the cardboard cover and a spine made of vinyl paper:
with a spine thickness up to 50 mm 17 up to 43,5*62 cm 99,00 99,00
Book repair and restoration: strengthening sheet breaks with restoration tape
strengthening sheet breaks with restoration tape A4–A3 page 21,00 21,00
strengthening sheet breaks with restoration tape A5–A4 page 18,60 18,60
strengthening sheet breaks with restoration tape up to A5 page 15,90 15,90
replacing staples in notebooks A4 notebook 4,20 4,20
the binding of a notebook with a bracket A4 notebook 7,50 7,50
attaching a sheet to the spine field with double-sided adhesive tape up to 6 mm wide A4 size sheet 7,50 7,50
one-sided reinforcement of the sheet gap from 4 to 8 cm with restoration tape page 12,00 12,00
strengthening the paper sheet by one-sided duplication on transparent restoration paper 9g / m2 without making up for losses A4 size page 102,00 102,00
Book repair and restoration: binding and inserting books with intact spine sheets
binding insertion of books with undamaged spine sheets in the original paper cover with calico coating of the spine and duplication of the paper binding cover on transparent restoration paper: the thickness of the spine of the book is up to 20 mm18 page of up to A4 size 130,50 130,50
binding insertion of books with undamaged spine sheets in the original paper cover with calico coating of the spine and duplication of the paper binding cover on the flyleaf: the thickness of the spine of the book is up to 20 mm 19 page of up to A4 size 84,60 84,60
binding insertion of books with undamaged spine sheets in the original paper cover with calico coating of the spine: spine thickness up to 20 mm 20 page of up to A4 size 61,80 61,80
binding of books with undamaged blocks in the original cardboard binding cover with making a new calico spine, replacing the flyleaf and strengthening the block: spine thickness up to 40 mm21 page of up to A4 size 76,80 76,80
binding of books with an intact block in the original binding cover with replacement of the flyleaf and strengthening of the block: spine thickness up to 40 mm22 page of up to A4 size 48,00 48,00
binding of books with an intact block with the production of a cardboard binding cover covered with lederine, replacing the flyleaf and strengthening the block: spine thickness up to 40 mm23 page of up to A4 size 72,00 72,00
binding insertion of books with undamaged spine sheets in a soft cover made of lederine: spine thickness up to 20 mm 24 page of up to A4 size 48,00 48,00
Book repair and restoration: pasting a sheet
embedding a sheet of photocopy 25 page of up to A4 size 9,30 9,30
pasting a sheet with restoration of its root margin: spine thickness up to 20 mm 26

page of up to A4 size 19,20 19,20
Book repair and restoration: binding and inserting books with intact spine sheets
binding insertion of books with undamaged sheets with the production of a cardboard binding cover covered with lederine, replacing the flyleaf and strengthening the block: spine thickness up to 20 mm27
page of up to A4 size 82,50 82,50
binding insertion of books with undamaged sheets with the production of a cardboard binding cover covered with lederine, replacing the flyleaf and strengthening the block: spine thickness from 20 mm up to 40mm 28
page of up to A4 size 87,00 87,00
binding insertion of books with undamaged sheets in the original cardboard binding cover with replacing the flyleaf and strengthening the block: spine thickness up to 20 mm 29 
page of up to A4 size 56,40 56,40
binding insertion of books with undamaged sheets in the original cardboard binding cover with replacing the flyleaf and strengthening the block:  spine thickness from 20 mm up to 40mm  30 
page of up to A4 size 66,00 66,00
binding insertion of books with undamaged sheets in the original cardboard binding cover with making a new calico spine, with replacing the flyleaf and strengthening the block: spine thickness up to 20 mm 31 
page of up to A4 size 90,00 90,00
binding insertion of books with undamaged sheets in the original cardboard binding cover with making a new calico spine, with replacing the flyleaf and strengthening the block: spine thickness from 20 mm up to 40 mm32 page of up to A4 size 96,00 96,00
Book repair and restoration: binding of undamaged sheets of a document with the production of a cardboard binding cover with making a new calico spine covered with lederine without additional reinforcement of the block: spine thickness up to 20 mm 33,35 
page of up to A4 size 60,60 60,60
Book repair and restoration:

 binding of undamaged sheets of a document with the production of a cardboard binding cover with making a new calico spine covered with lederine without additional reinforcement of the block: spine thickness up to 20 mm 34,36 
page of up to A4 size 69,00

Printing an artistic photo shoot:

Printing an artistic photo shoot:
page of up to A4 size

an additional print of an artistic photo shoot
page of up to A4 size
the print of an art photo shoot
page of up to A5 size
an additional print of an art photo shoot
page of up to A5 size
recording an artistic photo shoot on the client's digital media piece
Public awareness, leisure, insightful and other socio-cultural events
Cultural and Public Awareness Program “Territory of Talents” in the conference hall (hosting and performing) 1 person/place for 2 hours 7,00 7,00
Cultural and Leisure Program “A Holiday is Always with you” in the conference hall (hosting and performing) 1 person/place for 2 hours 8,50 8,50
Cultural and Leisure Program “A Winter Fairy Tale” in the conference hall (hosting and performing) 1 person/place for 2 hours 18,00 18,00
Cultural and Leisure Program “Cognition. Inspiration. Creativity” in the conference hall (hosting and performing) 1 person/place for 2 hours 7,00 7,00
Organization and holding of the cultural and educational program "Musical evenings"

1 person/place for 2 hours



Visit to the Gallery and Exhibition Complex of the National Library of Belarus 1 person 2,50 2,50
Access to the library’s information resources for an individual work:

at the isolated enhanced comfort reader’s workplace equipped with a computer 30 minutes 0,50
Fitness center (services of the gym):

a visit before 3:00 p.m. (daily) 1 person / 2 hours
a visit to the gym before 3:00 p.m. by an 8-visits membership 1 person/2 hours/8 visits 55,00 55,00
a visit to the gym before 3:00 p.m., by a 12-visits membership
1 person/2 hours/12 visits
65,00 65,00
a visit after 3:00 p.m. (daily)
1 person / 2 hours 10,00
a visit to the gym after 3:00 p.m., by en 8-visits membership 1 person/2 hours/8 visits 63,00 63,00
a visit to the gym after 3:00 p.m., by a 12-visits membership 1 person/2 hours/12 visits 76,00 76,00
an "unlimited" 1 month membership to the gym 1 person / 2 hours 80,00 80,00
an "unlimited" 3 months membership to the gym 1 person / 2 hours 165,00 165,00
an "unlimited" 6 months membertship to the gym 1 person / 2 hours 290,00 290,00
personal training session in the gym with an instructor 1 person/ up to 1 hour 25,00 25,00
Sauna Services

a visit to a sauna before 3:00 p.m. (Monday – Friday) a group up to 8 people/1 hour 20,00 24,00
a visit to a sauna after 3:00 p.m. (Monday – Friday) a group up to 8 people/1 hour 23,00 27,60
a visit to a sauna for a full day (Saturday – Sunday) a group up to 8 people/1 hour 24,00 28,80
An advertisement to be placed on a cover of the magazine “A Library Light” 1 см2 0,30
An advertisement to be placed on a page of the magazine “A Library Light” 1 см2 0,15
A graphical picture to be designed and placed at the outdoor light panel of the NLB building:
a logotype with a simple animation
1 logotype
a logotype with additional color effects and a simple animation 1 logotype
a logotype with additional color effects and a complex animation 1 logotype
A graphical picture to be modified and placed at the outdoor light panel of the NLB building:
a logotype with a simple animation
1 logotype
a logotype with additional color effects and a simple animation 1 logotype
a logotype with additional color effects and a complex animation 1 logotype
A graphical picture to be placed at:

the outdoor light panel of the NLB 1 minute
the outdoor light panel of the NLB 1 second
Advertisement text:

the outdoor light board of the National Library of Belarus 1 minute
the outdoor light board of the National Library of Belarus 1 second
A film crew to be accompanied in the interior design of the NLB
a photograph session 1 group/60 minutes 42,00 42,00
video shooting and cine shooting (not more than 10 persons) 1 group/60 minutes 77,00 77,00
video shooting and cine shooting (more than 10 persons) 1 group/60 minutes 152,00 152,00
Recognition of A1 text pages without checking and correcting the results (PDF):
1-10 pages 1 page
11-100 pages 1 page
101-500 pages 1 page
501-1000 pages 1 page
over 1000 pages 1 page
Recognition of pages of text in A2 format without checking and correcting the results (PDF):
1-10 pages
1 page
11-100 pages
1 page
101-500 pages
1 page
501-1000 pages
1 page
Over 1000 pages
1 page
Recognition of pages of text in A3 format without checking and correcting the results (PDF):
1-10 pages 1 page
11-100 pages 1 page
101-500 pages 1 page
501-1000 pages 1 page
Over 1000 pages 1 page
Recognition of A4 text pages without checking and correcting the results (PDF):
1-10 pages
1 page
11-100 pages
1 page
101-500 pages
1 page
501-1000 pages 1 page
Over 1000 pages 1 page

1 Service rate with 15% discount for holders of "The Visitor's Guest Card of the Republic of Belarus"

2 Service rate with 40% discount for employees of the National Library of Belarus

3 Service rate with 35% discount for pupils of general secondary, vocational and specialized secondary education institutions of the Republic of Belarus, full-time students of higher education institutions of the Republic of Belarus

4 Service rate with a discount of BYN 2,00 for employees of the National Library of Belarus

5 The Children’s room is available for 10 persons at a time.

6 Service rate with a discount of BYN 1,00 for pupils of institutions of general secondary, vocational and specialized secondary education of the Republic of Belarus, full-time students of institutions of higher education of the Republic of Belarus

7 Service rate with 60% discount for holders of the coffee bar "Graf Cafe" regular guest numbered plastic guest card

8 Service rate with 50% discount for holders of the coffee bar "Graf Cafe" banquet service regular guest numbered plastic guest card

9 The service is provided in the lobby before the turnstiles only

10 Service rate with 50 % discount for the employees of the National Library of Belarus

11 Service rate with 30% discount for large families if a certificate of a large family is presented

12 Service rate with a discount of BYN 1,00 for employees of the National Library of Belarus

13 Service rate inclusive of the 35 % discount for group of up to 6 people consisting of at least 1 adult and at least 2 children aged under 16 (Family Ticket)

14 Leather may darken after the softening

15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Using PVA dispersion

35,3Binding is made according to according to the Customer's layout

37 Service is provided without discounts. Free admission is for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and equivalent categories