MainServicesSocial and cultural servicesExhibitionsBook exhibitionsExhibitions 2008September




September 1 - 30
"A living beauty of thoughts": to the 70th anniversary of Anatoly Grechanikov, a poet (1938 - 1991)
September 4 - 24
“Between the present and eternity”: to the 60th anniversary of Lyudmila Shleg, a composer


August 1- October 15
September 1 - 30
"Children are our future": materials of periodicals published in the last years (to the Day of Knowledge)
August 18 - September 14
"Human traffic: a new slavery in the global world": to the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition (August 23)
August 6 - September 21
The Youth of the XXI-th Century: Values, Positions, Guiding Lines”: to the the International Youth Day (August 12)
Avant hall,second floor, room 207
August 28 - October 13
"The world in a scroll": art of China (from the NLB’s collection of graphic materials)
September 22 – October 19
“The modern tourism: strategies of development”: to the World Day of Tourism (September 27)
Avant hall,second floor, room 207
September 15 – October 1
September 7
"He had no equal in Europe: I.H. Kolodeev book collection”: a guest exhibition timed to the XV-th Day of Belarusian written language
Borisov Central District Library
September 12 – October 31


"The modern library science: theory and practice" to the Library Day (September, 15)


Third floor, circular passage
August 20 - October 6
"The higher education in the Republic of Belarus”: to the Day of Knowledge (September1) Second floor, circular passage
July 23 – September 31

"Peace. Holiday. Glory": to the XXIX-th Olympic games in Beijing

Third floor, circular passage
September 5– 30
Atrium, second floor
September 9 - October 22
“Word and Image” Second floor, circular passage (near the gallery "Rakurs")
September 1 - 30
“From a Letter to a Word”: exhibition of incunabula and rare books

Museum of a Book