The 190th birthday of Russian poet
N.А. Nekrasov (1821–1878)
Nikolay Nekrasov is a lyric poet, prose writer and dramatist, satirist and critic. His poetic works have been a new tendency in the development of Russian poetry and have ranked with great works of Pushkin and Lermontov. During thirty years Nekrasov was publishing the most progressive magazines of his time "Современник" (The Contemporary), but when it was closed he worked at the magazine “Отечественные записки”(Annals of the Fatherland). The most advanced writers beginning from Belinsky and Turgenev, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky to Chernyshevsky and Dobrolyubov, Saltykov-Shchedrin and Ostrovsky appeared in this magazine.
The exhibition is devoted to Nikolay Nekrasov and contains about 100 editions including poems, novels, collections of lyrics, collections of compositions, and also critical materials on works of other writers and literature about his life and works.
The exposition includes the full collection of works and letters in 15 volumes (1981–2000).
K. Chaevskaya’s book “I devoted a lyre to my people ...” is of great interest. This edition contains both selected lyrics and documentary materials which include evidences of poet’s contemporaries, his memories, correspondence, diaries, and also Nekrasov’s citations taken from his letters, autobiographies, critiques. There is also on display A. Golubev’s book “Николай Алексеевич Некрасов. Биография, критический обзор поэзии, собрание стихотворений, посвященных памяти поэта, свод статей о Н.А. Некрасове с 1840 года” (Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov. Biography, critical review of poetry, collection of poems devoted to poet’s memory, the archive of articles about Nekrasov since 1840). The book appeared in Saint-Petersburg in 1878.
M. Basina’s book “Литейный, 36” (Liteyny, 36) narrated about twenty years which Nekrasov has spent in Saint-Petersburg. In the house on Liteyny avenue he wrote many poems, there was an editorial office of the magazine “Современник” where Turgenev, Tolstoy, Goncharov, Grigorovich and other Russian writers constantly came.
The exposition also includes the collection “Венок Некрасову” (The wreath to Nekrasov) which contains poems devoted to Nekrasov and citations of well-known Russian writers about his works.
The exhibition is intended for all readers interested in life and works of the well-known Russian poet, prose writer and dramatist Nikolay Nekrasov.