Victor Yaznevich was born in 1957 in Grodno and lives in Minsk. In 1979 he graduated from Belarusian State University (the faculty of applied mathematics) and took a Candidate of Technical Sciences degree.
At university he took a great interest in Stanislaw Lem’s works and started his book collection. In 1999 he started, in his spare time, to translate into Russian Stanislaw Lem’s articles about computers and information technologies, and afterwards his philosophic, literary and publicistic works and short stories as well. Victor Yaznevich has translated S. Lem’s works from Polish into Belarusian and from Russian into Polish (Lem knew Russian well and cooperated with Russian journals “Новый мир” (“New World”), “Техника молодежи” (“Technologies for Youth”) and others, and wrote over 30 articles and gave more than 70 interviews in the Russian language).
Victor Yaznevich’s translations have been edited by the publishing house АСТ (Moscow): “Молох” (2005, “Тайна китайской комнаты”, “Мегабитовая бомба”, “Мгновение”, статьи и рассказы/”Moloch” 2005, “The Mystery Of The Chinese Room”, “Megabyte Bomb”, “The Instance”, articles and short stories), “Так говорил… Лем” (2006, сборник интервью/”So Spoke…Lem”, 2006, collected interviews), “Мой взгляд на литературу” (2009, “Мой взгляд на литературу”, “Sex Wars”, статьи и рассказ/”My View Of Literature”, 2009, ”My View Of Literature”, “Sex Wars”, articles and the short story), “Хрустальный шар” (2011, сборник ранних рассказов, готовится к печати/”Cristal Ball”, 2011, collected early stories, to be published), and also appeared in journals “Компьютера” (“Copmuterra”), “Химия и жизнь” (“Chemistry and Life”), “Знание – сила” (“Knowledge is Force”), “Станиславский” (“Stanislavsky”), “Новый мир” (“New World”), “Реальность фантастики” (“The Reality of Fantasy”), “Przegląd Filozoficzno-Literacki”, “Film” and many newspapers. Victor Yaznevich has published more than 30 articles about Stanioslaw Lem in Belarus, Poland, Ukraine and Bulgaria.
His collection actually includes more than 700 books of and about Stanislaw Lem in 27 languages published in 35 countries, and also most part of the writer’s articles and interviews (around 1,5 thousand) and other materials. His virtual book collection is presented on the website
Victor Yaznevich has a blog on Livejournal (lj user lemolog) and answers all the questions concerning Stanislaw Lem’s life and works.