The book exhibition timed the 125th birth anniversary of Boris Pasternak, a poet, writer and translator, includes about 100 documents, among which there are the complete set of works, collections of stories, single editions of novels, poems, lyrics, biographical and literary critical essays about Boris Pasternak’s life and writing.
The exposition features the book of Boris Pasternak’s lyrics My Sister Life (Leningrad, 1931) written in summer, 1917, which made the author one of the most celebrated literati of the epoch.
Boris Pasternak had always tried to reach the essence in all, scooping a creative power from early childhood. He brought his literary talent to ingenious heights, both in prose and poetry and translations.
The offered exhibition presents books of Boris Pasternak’s poetry and prose published in his lifetime (1930s–1940s) which manifest his versatile talent: Two Books, Over the Barriers, The Second Birth, a collection of prose Airways, an autobiographical story The Writ of Protection etc.
The book Boris Pasternak about the writer’s difficult fate is written by his son Evgeni Pasternak on the basis of the richest archival collections – documents, letters, memoirs of his contemporaries. Two biographical books by Boris Pasternak Biography in Letters and The Lifetime Affection are on display as well.
The exhibition features as well The Complete Set of Works by Boris Pasternak in five volumes and The Complete Set of Poetry and Prose in one volume.
Also we offer to visitors’ attention the edition Boris Pasternak. Writing: the Chronicle of Life and Creativity. Verses and Poems. Translations. Doctor Zhivago (Moscow, 1998) which presents the major works of Boris Pasternak, both poetry and prose, in a single volume.
The novel Doctor Zhivago, for which the author was awarded the Nobel prize in 1958, is Boris Pasternak’s most outstanding and worldly known book. The exposition presents editions of the novel of different years. Doctor Zhivago was transited into Belarusian and included into a book The Selected Works of Nobel Laureates which is also on display.
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