MainServicesSocial and cultural servicesExhibitionsBook exhibitionsExhibitions 2015Exhibitions "Writers\' Anniversaries in 2015"Guy de Maupassant

Guy de Maupassant

Henry-René-Albert-Guy de Maupassant (1850–1893) is the celebrated French writer and the unsurpassed master of short story. His writing had become world-known during the author’s lifetime. Verses, brilliant publicism, uncountable short stories, novels, plays are filled with sensuality, an exquisite psychological supervision and the analysis of an eternal riddle which name is "passion".

The anniversary exposition presents collected works by the great French writer including his best works which are part of the “golden fund” of world literature and universal culture. Various Moscow and St.-Petersburg editions by Guy de Maupassant in many volumes are on display: The Complete Set of Works in 12 volumes (1938), The Set of Works in 6 volumes (1992), Selected Works in 2 volumes (1964).

The exhibition presents some volumes of Guy de Maupassant’s Collected Works published after his death by known Panteleev Brothers’ printing house in St.-Petersburg, 1894.

Books in French Clair de Lune (1884), Nouvelles choisies (1940), Le paraplue (1934), Boule de Suif (1902) and others will be appreciated by amateurs of the writer’s works.

Surprising facts and unknown details are collected in the most interesting novel-biography Guy de Maupassant (2005) written by known master of prose Henri Troyat who has managed to portray the characteristic features of the great Frenchman.

Books by Russian researchers of Guy de Maupassant’s writing – Y.I. Danilin, T.L. Vulfovich, V.S. Lozovecki, O.V. Florovskaja – are also on display.