The German writer and composer Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann (1776–1822) is not for nothing called "a universal personality in art". He is not only an outstanding writer, but also author of the first romantic opera, conductor, music critic, theatrical set designer, musician, graphic artist and lawyer. Hoffmann’s literary heritage is as diverse as his talents.
The anniversary book exhibition "Master of intrigue and fantasy" has about 80 publications, including the collected works, selected works, novels, short stories, tales, essays, critical essays, literature about the life and work of the writer.
The exhibited works are presented by editions of different years in Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, German and Polish.
Complete Works in two volumes (2011); Collected Works in six volumes (1991-1997); Serapion Brothers. Works in 2 volumes (the book, first published in full in 1994 in the Russian translation, which also included the stories, almost unknown to Russian readers); Selected Works (1962 and 1989); collections: The Nutcracker and the Mouse King. Princess Brambilla (2008), The Nutcracker and Other Stories (2001), The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr. Novels. Tales (2007), Novels (of various years of publication), Tales (1991), the book translated into Belarusian Kurdupel Zaches ... et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Tales, novels (2008); individual works: novels The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr (2008), The Devil’s Elixirs (2007), Lord of the Fleas (1937), the fairy tale Little Zaches, nicknamed Zinnober (2002), The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (1992) are among the books on display.
The publications, telling about work, life and world view of Hoffmann are of particular interest.
Gabrielle Wittkop-Ménardeau made an attempt, based on the writer’s diaries, correspondence and diaries about him, to reflect objectively the life of the great German romanticist of the XIX century, whose name is often surrounded by speculation and mystification in her book Hoffmann himself testifying about himself and his life (1999). In the course of the narration, the author reveals a poetic universe of Hoffmann, the world of bizarre and strange creatures. The appendix contains a new translation of Don Juan and best known only to a narrow circle of specialists the screenplay of A. Tarkovsky "Gofmaniana".
The unique anthology The Russian Circle of Hoffmann (2009) on the subject of artistic acquisition of the heritage of the writer, containing materials on Russian gofmaniana of the XIX-XXI centuries.
The exhibition will be interesting to a wide audience.
The exhibition is located on the 3rd floor of the circular corridor, and will run from January 5 to March 29, 2016.
Phones: (+375 17) 293 23 86, 293 29 80.
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