Niezaležnasci Ave, 116, 220114, Minsk, Belarus On map
Phone: (+375 17) 368 37 37 Fax: (+375 17) 368 97 06 E-mail:
Phone numbers for excursion recording: (+37517) 293 29 66, (+37517) 293 28 53
Opening hours:
On each last Monday of a monththere is a clean-up day
You can find more info about the opening hours here
Public transport:
underground: Uskhod Station
trolleybus: № 1, 41, 42
bus: № 25, 27, 34, 64, 77, 80, 87с, 91, 95, 113а, 113с, 145с
You can get full lists of literature, presented at book exhibitions, in the relevant reading rooms in the Library. It’s possible to use these lists at any user’s workplace.
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