Аль Али Насер. Защита прав и свобод человека в арабских странах / Аль Али Насер. – М. : КноРус, 2015. – 191 с.
Шифр НББ: 1//541687(039)*1//541688(039)
В настоящей монографии из серии «Ligitimitate legem et ordinem» («Законность и правопорядок») рассматриваются проблемы защиты прав человека в арабских странах. Актуальность работы заключается в том, что она исследует отражение прав человека в конституциях арабских стран и защиту прав человека на региональном уровне. Автор акцентирует внимание на том, что права человека, закрепленные в международном праве, являясь универсальными, неделимыми, взаимозависимыми и взаимосвязанными, учитывают национальную и региональную специфику, а также различные исторические, культурные и религиозные особенности.
Для специалистов и научных работников в области международной защиты прав и свобод человека.
Евразийскому проекту – 20 лет / Евраз. экон. ком. – Минск : Евраз. экон. ком., 2014. – 371 с.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//551830К(039)
Данное издание посвящено 20-летию Евразийского интеграционного проекта – Евразийскому союзу. В полном объеме отражается история создания, пути его становления и развития, реализованные проекты и перспективы развития.
Индекс экономической политики в сфере МСП. Страны Восточного партнерства: оценка соответствия принципам Европейского акта о малом бизнесе : доклад / А. Л. Гарсия [и др.]. – [Б. м. : б. и, 2016?]. – 408 с.
Шифр НББ: 1//553153К(039)
Данная публикация является вторым докладом такого типа: первый был опубликован в 2012 году. Настоящее издание 2016 года посвящено оценке успехов, достигнутых странами Восточного партнерства после 2012 года. В нем используется современная методика выявления сильных и слабых сторон соответствующих мер экономической политики, осуществляется сопоставительный анализ стран и направлений государственной политики, а также измеряется степень соответствия принципам Европейского акта о малом бизнесе. Этот анализ дополняют рекомендации по экономической политике в отдельных странах, а также специальный план мероприятий, призванных устранить проблемы, которые не удалось решить после первого раунда оценки. Данная публикация стала результатом совместной работы, проведенной ОЭСР, Европейской комиссией (Главным управлением внутреннего рынка, промышленности, предпринимательства и МСП), Европейским фондом образования и Европейским банком реконструкции и развития в тесном сотрудничестве с руководством шести стран ВП и при консультационной поддержке экспертов, представителей заинтересованных сторон и МСП.
Руководство МСКА по толкованию Нью-Йоркской конвенции 1958 г. : пособие для судей / Междунар. совет по коммерч. арбитражу. – М. ; Берлин : Инфотропик Медиа, 2012. – 137 с.
Шифр НББ: 1//537127(039)
Это Руководство было составлено с целью предложить вниманию судей, обращающихся к нормам Конвенции, ее основные принципы и подходы в отношении вопросов ее сферы действия, толкования и применения. Издание задумано как краткое Руководство, написанное понятным языком и служащее, при необходимости, дорожной картой для более глубокого изучения этой проблематики, если в нем возникает необходимость. Руководство создано с целью дать ответы на отдельные вопросы, которые могут возникнуть на любой стадии применения Конвенции, нежели как универсальный фундаментальный труд. Руководство адресовано судьям, которые являются составной частью рабочего механизма Конвенции.
Closa, C. The politics of ratification of EU treaties / C. Closa. – London ; New York : Routledge, 2013. – XIX, 209 p.
NLB call number: 1И//541880(039)
Since its inception, the European Union (EU) has revised its foundational treat¬ies several times, resulting in national ratification processes involving different actors, with varying success. This book focuses on the politics of ratification of EU Treaties and reviews the processes of ratification of EU primary legislation. The Politics of Ratification of EU Treaties will be of interest to students and researchers of European Studies, European Union studies, European Union Law and European Union Politics.
Criminal appeals handbook / D. Jones [et al.]. – Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury Professional, 2015. – XXVI, 313 p.
NLB call number: 1И//540512(039)
Criminal Appeals Handbook provides practical assistance to legal representatives of clients who are seeking to challenge convictions or sentences in the Court of Appeal and beyond. This book will also be of interest to those convicted and their families by assisting them to understand the process, their rights and their options.
This book brings together and restates the law that has been set out elsewhere in various cases, textbooks, guidelines and practice directions, in a practical, comprehensive and user-friendly style.
Education for All, 2000–2015: achievements and challenges / UNESCO. – Paris : UNESCO, 2015. – XV, 499 p.
NLB call number: 1И//530774К(039)
The 2015 Global Monitoring Report – Education for All 2000-2015: Achievements and Challenges – provides a complete assessment of progress since 2000 towards the target date for reaching the Dakar Framework’s goals. It takes stock of whether the world achieved the EFA goals and stakeholders upheld their commitments. It explains possible determinants of the pace of progress. Finally, it identifies key lessons for shaping the post-2015 global education agenda.
Education in the European Union: post-2003 member states / ed. by T. Corner. – London [etc.] : Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. – XIII, 273 p.
NLB call number: 1И//540488(039)
The volume provides a comprehensive reference resource for education in the countries that joined the European Union between the signing of the Treaty of Nice to the present time: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Many of these countries have previously been under the influence of the Soviet Union and are moving through transitional phases towards more western models. The chapters in this volume, written by regional experts, examine the educational heritage of these countries and how these education systems evolved in response to changing national needs, European agreements including the Treaty of Nice and The Bologna Process, and international evaluations such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The chapters on Cyprus and Malta show the very special circumstances of these two Mediterranean islands and the international influences that have underpinned their developments in education.
Education in the European Union : pre-2003 member states / edited by T. Corner. – London [etc.] : Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. – XIV, 329 p.
NLB call number: 1И//540478(039)
Exploring the development of educational provision and contemporary issues, this book covers the countries that made up the European Union from its foundation to the signing of the Treaty of Nice: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and The Netherlands. The chapters, written by regional experts, offer a review of contemporary national and regional educational structures and policies, research innovation and trends, as well as covering selected issues and problems including the effects of educational reform and systemic changes within the school and university systems, minority languages, and intercultural changes for indigenous and new immigrant populations.
Education in the United Kingdom / edited by C. Brock. – London [etc.] : Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. – XV, 374 p.
NLB call number: 1И//540464(039)
Education in the United Kingdom is a comprehensive critical reference guide to education in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, The Isle of Man, The Channel Islands, Gibraltar, The Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Anguilla and The British Overseas Territories. Although generically similar in education structures, the various components of the United Kingdom have separate systems, with some very distinctive differences. The chapters, written by regional experts, offer a review of contemporary national and regional educational structures and policies, research innovation and trends. Some of the themes covered include issues relating to the partition of Ireland, differences between maintained and independent schooling, language issues and radical alternatives in teacher education. Including a comparative introduction to the issues facing education in the region as a whole and guides to available online datasets, this book is an essential reference for researchers, scholars, international agencies and policy-makers.
MDG report, 2014 : assessing progress in Africa toward the Millennium Development Goals : analysis of the Common Afr. Position on the post-2015 Development Agenda / UN Econ. Commiss. for Africa [et al.]. – Addis Ababa : UN, 2014. – XVIII, 140 p.
NLB call number: 1И//530771К(039)
Performance on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) has varied by country and region; some regions are closer to meeting the targets, while others such as Africa are not as close. But Africa has accelerated progress on the MDGs despite unfavourable initial conditions, being the region with the lowest starting point. Thirty-four out of 54 countries that are classified as Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are in the African region, representing a disproportionate share of low-income countries (LICs). It is therefore inappropriate to assess the continent’s performance on the same basis as the more advanced regions; when assessments take into account the initial conditions of the continent, it emerges that the pace of progress on the MDGs in Africa has accelerated since 2003. Indeed, an assessment of performance based on effort reveals that eight of the top ten best performers (i.e. those experiencing the most rapid acceleration) are in Southern, East, Central and West Africa. Burkina Faso ranked the highest in MDG acceleration. Furthermore, progress was more rapid in LDCs than in non-LDCs.
Pension reform : iss. and prospects for non-financial defined contribution (NDC) schemes / UN, World Bank, edited by R. Holzmann, E. Palmer. – Washington : The World Bank, 2006. – XIV, 671 p.
NLB call number: 1И//539268(039)
More and more countries are reforming their pension systems by adopting an NDC system, and there is much to learn from these policy experiments. The volume assembles contributions from some of the leading scholars in the field, addressing the key issues involved in the design and practical implementation of an NDC system.
The protest handbook / T. Wainwright [et al.]. – Haywards Heath : Bloomsbury Professional, 2012. – XXVI, 439 p.
NLB call number: 1И//540511(039)
As the only handbook exclusively covering this area of criminal law The Protest Handbook draws together all relevant provisions into one handy volume. As such it provides easy-to-access guidance on the law and tactical considerations that arise when representing protesters. Bringing together areas of both civil and criminal law, this unique new title ensures relevant authorities are complete and cross referenced thus making them easy to find, research and digest. The most current guide to protest law available covers this list of legislation and case law and more: Public Order Act 1986; Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994; Police Reform and Social Responsibilities Act 2011, ss141-149; R v Jones and others (2007) 1 AC 136; R (LaPorte) v Chief Constable of Gloucestershire (2007) 2 AC 105; European Convention on Human Rights; Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984; Police Reform Act 2002; Police (Conduct) Regulations 2008; Police (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2004; Austin and others v UK. Contents: Powers, Rights and Procedure; Criminal Court Procedural Issues; Common Offences and Defences; Occupations; Holding the Police to account; Annexes.