Денежно-кредитная политика государств-членов ЕАЭС: текущее состояние и перспективы координации : совмест. докл. Евраз. экон. комис. и Евраз. банка развития / М. В. Демиденко [и др.] ; Евраз. экон. комис, Евраз. банк развития, Центр интеграц. исслед. – М. : ЕЭК ; СПб. : ЦИИ ЕАБР, 2017. – 143 с.
NLB call number: 1Н//609427К(039)
В докладе рассматривается международный опыт реализации механизмов координации в денежно-кредитной сфере. Также исследуются различия в режимах денежно-кредитной политики в государствах – членах Евразийского экономического союза, проводится анализ трансмиссионных механизмов монетарной политики и экономической конвергенции, выделяются основные препятствия на пути к координации денежно-кредитной политики государств – членов ЕАЭС.
Шепенко, Р. А. Введение в право ВТО : курс антидемпингового регулирования : учеб. пособие / Р. А. Шепенко. – 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М. : Проспект, 2016. – 207 с.
NLB call number: 1//600295(039)
В настоящей работе на основе нормативного, судебного и академического материала рассмотрены системные вопросы применения антидемпинговых мер в целях устранения ущерба национальной промышленности, обусловленного демпинговым импортом товаров.
Представляет интерес для преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов юридических и экономических факультетов, а также практикующих специалистов и всех тех, кто интересуется государственным регулированием внешнеторговой деятельности.
Adler-Nissen, R. Opting out of the European Union : diplomacy, sovereignty and Europ. integration / R. Adler-Nissen. – Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2015. – XI, 253 p.
NLB call number: 1И//584258(039)
European integration continues to deepen despite major crises and attempts to take back sovereignty. A growing number of member states are reacting to a more constraining EU by negotiating opt-outs. This book provides the first in-depth account of how opt-outs work in practice. It examines the most controversial cases of differentiated integration: the British and Danish opt-outs from Economic and Monetary Union and European policies on borders, asylum, migration, internal security and justice. Drawing on over one hundred interviews with national representatives and EU officials, the author demonstrates how representatives manage the stigma of opting out, allowing them to influence even politically sensitive areas covered by their opt-outs. Developing a practice approach to European integration, the book shows how everyday negotiations transform national interests into European ideals. It is usually assumed that states opt out to preserve sovereignty, but Adler-Nissen argues that national opt-outs may actually reinforce the integration process.
Annual and long term public finances in Central and Eastern European countries = Годовое и многолетнее планирование в публичных финансах стран Центральной и Восточной Европы / edited by E. Ruśkowski [et al.]. – Białystok : Temida 2, 2013. – 708 p.
NLB call number: 1Н//610838(039)
Настоящая работа является монографией на тему изменений принципа одногодичности бюджета (и публичных финансов) в избранных странах Центральной и Восточной Европы. У каждой из стран, подвергнутых изучению – собственная, особая история формирования данного принципа. Основной исследовательский вопрос указанного научного проекта сводится к изучению, насколько за последние двадцать лет, на практике, удалось преодолеть конфликт между принципом годового бюджета и многолетним финансовым планированием, а также найти ответ, является ли – видимая невооруженным глазом за последние годы тенденция развития многолетнего финансового планирования – устойчивым явлением или же очередным экспериментом либо «модой» в рамках поиска более рациональных методов управления.
Livi-Bacci, M. A short history of migration / M. Livi-Bacci ; translated by C. Ipsen. – Cambridge ; Malden : Polity, 2012. – X, 157 p.
NLB call number: 1И//470660(039)
This short book provides a succinct and masterly overview of the history of migration, from the earliest movements of human beings out of Africa into Asia and Europe to the present day, exploring along the way those factors that contribute to the successes and failures of migratory groups. Separate chapters deal with the migration flows between Europe and the rest of the world in the 19th and 20th centuries and with the turbulent and complex migratory history of the Americas. Livi Bacci shows that, over the centuries, migration has been a fundamental human prerogative and has been an essential element in economic development and the achievement of improved standards of living. The impact of state policies has been mixed, however, as states have each established their own rules of entry and departure – rules that today accentuate the differences between the interests of the sending countries, the receiving countries, and the migrants themselves. Lacking international agreement on migration rules owing to the refusal of states to surrender any of their sovereignty in this regard, the positive role that migration has always played in social development is at risk.
This concise history of migration by one of the world’s leading demographers will be an indispensable text for students and for anyone interested in understanding how the movement of people has shaped the modern world.
Pension reform in Southeastern Europe : linking to labor and financial market reform / ed.: R. Holzmann, L. MacKellar, J. Repanšek ; World Bank ; Center of Excellence in Finance, Ljubljana. – Washington : The World Bank, 2009. – XXVIII, 381 p.
NLB call number: 1И//551581(039)
Around the world, pension reform remains at the center of public debate. Its social, fiscal, and macroeconomic implications confront policy makers, practitioners, and academia with challenging questions. Pension systems in aging societies – in need of reform and further stressed by the pressures of globalization – require parallel reforms of the labor market and effective lifelong learning, not only to promote working longer, but to ensure that people can actually do so. At the same time, the working population should be motivated to contribute to pension schemes and prepare for old age. Diversifying the spectrum of risks in a multipillar pension scheme with mandated and voluntary, funded and unfunded, pillars should allow more flexibility in individual retirement decisions and help address reduced public generosity. But diversifying risk on a major scale requires a well developed financial market and calls for reform.
At the initiative of the Center of Excellence in Finance, a conference “International Forum on Pension Reform: Exploring the Link to Labor and Financial Market Reforms” was held in Slovenia, June 7–9, 2007. High officials from ministries of finance, labor, social affairs, and central banks presented their country statements on pension, labor, and financial sector reforms. Invited experts explored various reform needs of pension systems and of labor and financial markets. Pension Reform in Southeastern Europe gathers that important discourse in one place.
Politicising Europe : integration and mass politics / edited by S. Hutter, E. Grande, H. Kriesi. – Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016. – XVII, 340 p.
NLB call number: 1И//585652(039)
Politicising Europe presents the most comprehensive contribution to empirical research on politicisation to date. The study is innovative in both conceptual and empirical terms. Conceptually, the contributors develop and apply a new index and typology of politicisation. Empirically, the volume presents a huge amount of original data, tracing politicisation in a comparative perspective over more than forty years. Focusing on six European countries (Austria, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK) from the 1970s to the current euro crisis, the book examines conflicts over Europe in election campaigns, street protests, and public debates on every major step in the integration process. It shows that European integration has indeed become politicized. However, the patterns and developments differ markedly across countries and arenas, and many of the key hypotheses on the driving forces of change need to be revisited in view of new findings.
Tuori, K. The Eurozone crisis : a constitutional analysis / Kaarlo Tuori, Klaus Tuori. – Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014. – XIII, 285 p.
NLB call number: 1И//590955(039)
Topical and timely, this book offers an economically informed constitutional analysis on European responses to the crisis. It discusses the longer-term proposals on the table including rescue measures and stability mechanisms, as well as the tightening of European economic governance. The authors see the European constitution as a multidimensional and multi-temporal process of constitutionalisation. They examine how the crisis has catapulted the economic constitution back to the ’pacemaker’ position from where it determines developments in the political and social dimensions. However, now the key role is not played by the constitution of ’microeconomics’, focusing on free movement and competition law, but the constitution of ’macroeconomics’, introduced in Maastricht.
Wagstaff, A. The Millennium Development Goals for health : rising to the challenges / A. Wagstaff, M. Claeson ; World Bank. – Washington : The World Bank, 2004. – XV, 186 p.
NLB call number: 1И//551634К(039)
The extent of premature death and ill health in the developing world is staggering. In 2000 almost 11 million children died before their fifth birthday, an estimated 140 million children under five are underweight, 3 million died from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis claimed another 2 million lives, and 515,000 women died during pregnancy or child birth in 1995, almost all of them in the developing world. Death and ill health on such a scale are matters of concern in their own right. They are also a brake on economic development. These concerns led the international community to put health at the center of the Millennium Development Goals when adopting them at the Millennium Summit in September 2000. This report focuses on the health and nutrition Millennium Development Goals agreed to by over 180 governments. It assesses progress to date and prospects of achieving the goals. The report identifies what developing country governments can do to accelerate the pace of progress while ensuring that benefits accrue to the poorest and most disadvantaged households. It also pulls together the lessons of development assistance and country initiatives and innovations to improve the effectiveness of aid, based on a number of country case studies.