United Europe: 60 years of integration
Бессарабов, В. Г.
Европейский суд по правам человека : учеб.-практ. пособие / В. Г. Бессарабов. - М. : Юрлитинформ, 2003. - 246, [1] с. - (Библиотека международного права).
Биштыга, А.
Европейский Суд по правам человека / А. Биштыга. - Мн. : ООО "Тесей", 2000. - 239 с.
Горшкова, С. А.
Стандарты Совета Европы по правам человека и российское законодательство / С.А. Горшкова. - М. : НИМП; СПб. : ООО "Культур. инициатива", 2001. - 348, [2] с.
Де Сальвиа, М.
Европейская конвенция по правам человека = European convention on human rights / Микеле де Сальвиа. - Санкт-Петербург : Юридический центр пресс (Р. Асланов), 2004. - 265 с. - (Судебная практика).
"Европейская конвенция о правах человека": теоретические проблемы и практика реализации в современной России : сб. ст. / С.-Петерб. гос. ун-т. - СПб. : Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2002. - 172, [1] с.
Европейская конвенция о правах человека и Европейская социальная хартия: право и практика : пер. с англ. / Донна Гомьен, Дэвид Харрис, Лео Зваак. - М. : Изд-во Моск. независимого ин-та междунар. права, 1998. - 598 с.
Европейская социальная хартия : справочник : пер. с фр. - М. : Междунар. отношения, 2000. - 263 с.
Европейское право в области прав человека : практика и коммент. : пер. с англ. / М. Дженис, Р. Кэй, Э. Брэдли. - М. : Права человека; Будапешт : Ин-т по конституц. и законодат. политике, 1997. - 607 с.
Курдюков, Д. Г.
Индивидуальная жалоба в контексте Европейской конвенции о защите прав человека и основных свобод 1950 г. = Individual application in the context of the European convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms 1950 / Д. Курдюков. - Воронеж : Воронеж. гос. ун-т, 2001. - 190, [1] с.
Карташкин, В. А.
Как подать жалобу в Европейский Суд по правам человека : коммент. к правилам обращения в органы Совета Европы по защите прав человека / Комис. по правам человека при Президенте Рос. Федерации. - М. : Норма : Инфра-М, 1998. - 90, [1] с.
Лобов, М. Б.
Вопросы применения Европейской конвенции по правам человека: Гарантии имуществ. прав. Защита прав беженцев. Контроль за исполнением решений Европ. Суда : сб. докл. / М. Б. Лобов. - М. : Валент, 2001. - 111, [1] с.
Пересмотренная Европейская социальная хартия в действии / Совет Европы, Бюро информации Совета Европы в Молдове, Лига по защите прав человека в Молдове. - Кишинэу : Бюро информации Совета Европы в Молдове : Лига по защите прав человека в Молдове, 2001. - 128 с.
Права человека: постоянная задача Совета Европы : пер. с англ. - М. : Права человека, 1996. - 127, [1] с.
Совет Европы.
Путеводитель по Европейской Конвенции о защите прав человека / [сост.]: Д. Гомиен. - Страсбург : Совет Европы, 1994.
Совет Европы.
Совет Европы : 800 миллионов европейцев. - Страсбург, 2003.
Туманов, В. А.
Европейский суд по правам человека : очерк орг. и деятельности / В.А. Туманов. - М. : Норма, 2001. - 295 с.
Швиммер, В.
Мечты о Европе: Европа с XIX в. до рубежа третьего тысячелетия : пер. с нем. / В. Швиммер. - М. : Олма-пресс, 2003. - 382, [1] с.
Council of Europe.
Activities of the Council of Europe : 1999 report. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2001.
Council of Europe.
Balancing act: twenty-one strategic dilemmas in cultural policy / by F.Matarasso, C.Landry. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999. - (Culture ; N. 4)
Council of Europe.
The Bern Convention on Nature Conservation / ed.: The Environment Conservation and Management Div. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1996.
Council of Europe.
Bullying in schools : European teachers’ seminar, Bled, Slovenia, 16-19 Apr. 1998 / Council for Cultural Co-operation. In-Service Training Programme for Educational Staff. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999. - (Education).
Council of Europe.
The challenges of a greater Europe : the Council of Europe and democratic security. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1996.
Council of Europe.
The challenges of the information and communication technologies facing history teaching : [the part of the project "Learning and teaching about the history of Europe in the 20th century"] : gen. rep. [at the] symp. 25-27 March 1999, Andorra la Vella (Andorra) / Rep. : J.Tardif. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999. - (Education).
Council of Europe.
Children and adolescents : protection within the European Social Charter / study prep. by the Directorate of Human Rights on the basis of the case law of the Comm. of Independent Experts. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1996. - (Social Charter monographs) (Human rights).
Council of Europe.
Children and work in Europe / rep. prep. by a study group 1994-95 programme of co-ordinated research in the employment field. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1996. - (Labour and society).
Council of Europe.
A coherent policy for the rehabilitation of disabled people : resolution AP (84) 3 adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 17 September 1984 at the 375th meeting of the Ministers’Deputies) : a model rehabilitation programme for national authorities: [in the framework of the Partial Agreement in the Social and Public Health Field]. - Strasbourg, 1984.
Council of Europe.
Collection of resolutions adopted by the Committee of Ministers in application of Articles 32 and 54 of the European Convention on Human Rights : supplement 1996 / Directorate of Human Rights. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1997.
Vol. 3 : September - November 1996. - 1998. - 268 p.
Council of Europe.
Communication in the modern languages classroom : Project No. 12 "Learning and teaching modern languages for communication" / J. Sheils. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1993. - (Modern languages).
Council of Europe.
Communicative language testing / Council for Co-operation. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1995. - (Modern languages).
Council of Europe.
The competences of supreme courts : Second meeting of presidents of supreme courts of Central and Eastern European countries, 22-25 Oct. 1996, Parnu (Estonia) / Nat. Court of the Rep. of Estonia. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1998.
Council of Europe.
Crime and criminal justice in Europe / auth. : C. Nuttall, K. Aromaa, T. Peters et al. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000.
Council of Europe.
The conscience of Europe / Ed. : J. Coleman. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999.
Council of Europe.
Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats and explanatory report. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1996. - (Treaties and reports).
Council of Europe.
Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education in the European region and explanatory report = Convention sur la reconnaissance des qualifications relatives a l’enseignement superieur dans la region europeenne et rapport explicatif : Lisbon, 11.IV.1997 / UNESCO. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1998.
Council of Europe.
The Council of Europe and child welfare. The need for a European convention on children’s rights / Pascale Boucaud. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1994. - (Human rights files).
Council of Europe.
Cultural policies in Europe : method and practice of evaluation / [Auth.] : M. d’Angelo, P. Vesperini. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999. - (Training series).
Council of Europe.
Cultural policies in Europe: Regions and cultural decentralisation / M. d’Angelo, P. Vesperini. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000. - (Training series).
Council of Europe.
Cultural policy : a short guide / Simon Mundy. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000.
Council of Europe.
Culture and the media : collected texts. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1998. - (Conventions of the Council of Europe).
Council of Europe.
A decade that made history : the Council of Europe, 1989-1999 / D. Huber. - Strasbourg : The Council of Europe Publ., 1999.
Council of Europe
Development and testing of an exit from treatment form for clients in drug abuse treatment. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000. - (Drugs and addiction).
Council of Europe.
Difference and cultures in Europe / Council for Cultural Co-op. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1995. - (Education and culture ) ( Democracy, human rights, minorities ).
Council of Europe.
Dirty money: the evolution of money laundering countermeasures / [auth.] : William C. Gilmore. - 2nd ed., rev., expan. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999.
Council of Europe.
Diversity and cohesion : new challenges for the integration of immigrants and minorities / prepared by Jan Niessen. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000.
Council of Europe.
Employment, vocational guidance and training in the European Social Charter : study drawn up on the basis of the case law of the Europ. Comm. of Social Rights. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999. - (Social Charter monographs) (Human rights).
Council of Europe.
Equality between women and men in the European Social Charter / Study comp. on the basis of the case law of the Comm. of Independent Experts. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999. - (Social Charter monographs) (Human rights).
Council of Europe.
European Clubs / [Auth.] : Margarita Belard. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1993. - (Secondary education).
Council of Europe.
Europe: common cultures, a common future? = Europe: communaute de cultures, communaute de destin : Round Table at Stockholm, 12-13 February 1990. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1995.
Council of Europe.
European Convention on Human rights : collected texts. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1995. - (European issues).
Council of Europe.
European Social Charter : collected texts. - 2nd ed. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000.
Council of Europe.
European Social Charter : collected texts. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1997.
Council of Europe.
European Social Charter : short guide. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000.
Council of Europe.
European cultural routes / pref. : Raymond Weber. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1998. - (Culture ).
Council of Europe.
European Convention on the General Equivalence of Periods of University Study, 6.XI.1990, Rome = Convention europeenne sur l’equivalence generale des periodes d’etudes universitaires, 6.XI.1990, Rome. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1991. - (European treaty series).
Council of Europe.
The European Convention on Human rights and property rights / [ Auth.] : Laurent Sermet. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1998. - (Human rights files).
Council of Europe.
Europe’s population and labour market beyond, 2000 / Directorate of Social Affairs and Health ; Ed.: A. Punch, D. L. Pearce. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ.
Vol. 1 : An assessment of trends and policy issues. - 2000. - 130 p.
Council of Europe.
Forty years of cultural co-operation at the Council of Europe, 1954-94 / [Auth.] : E. Grosjean. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1997.
Council of Europe.
Forward planning : The function of cultural heritage in a changing Europe: Experts’ contributions. - [Strasbourg] : Council of Europe Publ.
Council of Europe.
Fundamental social rights : Case law of the European Social Charter / L. Samuel. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1997.
Council of Europe.
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities : Collected texts. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999. - (Treaties and reports ).
Council of Europe.
From work in the family and home to an occupational acitvity / Rep. prep. by a study group 1992-93 programme of co-ordinated research in the social field. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1996. - (Employment and society).
Council of Europe.
Guidance on the development of legislation and administration systems in the field of cultural heritage / Prep.: Legislative Support Task Force, Techn. Co-op. a. Consultancy Programme, Cultural Heritage Dep., Directorate of Culture and Cultural Heritage, Directorate Gen. IV: Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Environment. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000. - (Cultural heritage).
Council of Europe.
Guidelines for the protection of the architectural heritage = Directives sur la protection du patrimoine architectural. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000.
Council of Europe.
Guidelines for the protection of the archaeological heritage = Directives sur la protection du patrimoine archeologique. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000.
Council of Europe.
Guidelines for the protection of the movable heritage = Directives sur la protection du patrimoine mobilier. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000.
Council of Europe.
Handbook on environmental education in a totally urban setting / Graham Carter. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1979.
Council of Europe.
Human rights and the police / [ Auth. ] : J.Alderson. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1992. - (Human rights ).
Council of Europe.
Human rights in international law : Basic texts. - 2nd ed. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000.
Council of Europe.
Human rights in international law : Basic texts. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1992. - (European issues ).
Council of Europe.
Internal migration and regional population dynamics in Europe: a synthesis / Philip Rees, Marek Kupiszewski. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999. - (Population studies).
Council of Europe.
In our hands : The effectiveness of human rights protection 50 years after the Universal Declaration : Proceedings [of the] European regional colloquy organised by the Council of Europe as a contribution to the commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1998 review of the implementation of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, Strasbourg, 2-4 September 1998. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1998. - (Proceedings ).
Council of Europe.
International co-operation in criminal matters : [Conventions of the Council of Europe] : Collected texts. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1997. - (Conventions of the Council of Europe).
Council of Europe.
International law : [Conventions of the Council of Europe] : Collected texts. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999. - (Conventions of the Council of Europe).
Council of Europe.
Intercultural learning for human rights : Seminar, held on Klagenfurt, Austria, 28-30 Oct. 1991. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1992. - (Human rights).
Council of Europe.
International legal protection of cultural property : Proc. of the 13th Colloquy on European Law, 20-22 Sept. 1983, Delphi. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1984. - (Legal affairs).
Council of Europe.
Judicial organization in Europe. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000.
Council of Europe.
The judge and international law : Multilalateral meeting, Bucharest, 28-30 Nov. 1995. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1998.
Council of Europe.
Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights : Reference charts / [Prep.]: Donna Gomien. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1995.
Council of Europe.
Language across the curriculum: network processing and material production in an international context / Ed.: Ewa Kolodziejska, Stuart Simpson. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000.
Council of Europe.
Language learning and working competences / Council for Cultural Co-operation. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000. - (Education).
Council of Europe.
Law and practice of the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter / [Auth.] : D. Gomien, D. Harris, L. Zwaak. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1996.
Council of Europe.
Legal protection against sex discrimination : Recommendation No. R (85) 2 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 5 Feb. 1985 and explanatory memorandum. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1995. - (Legal issues).
Council of Europe.
Linguistic diversity for democratic citizenship in Europe : Towards a framework for language education policies : Proceedings [of the Conference], 10-12 May 1999, Innsbruck (Austria) / Education Comm., Council for Cultural Co-op. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000. - (Education) (Proceedings).
Council of Europe.
Management of Europe’s natural heritage: Twenty-five years of activity / Environment Protection and Management Div. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1987.
Council of Europe.
Modern language learning and teaching in Central and Eastern Europe: which diversification and how can it be achieved? : Proceedings of the second colloquy of the European Centre for Modern Languages, Graz (Austria), 13-15 February 1997 / Europ. Centre for Modern Lang. in co-op. with Directorate-Gen. XXII of the Europ. Commiss. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1998.
Council of Europe.
"Networking culture": The role of European cultural networks / by G. Pehn. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999.
Council of Europe.
New technologies in language learning and teaching / Ed. : A.-K. Korsvold, B. Ruschoff. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1997. - (Education ) ( Modern languages ).
Council of Europe.
Objectives for foreign language learning : Project No. 12 "Learning and teaching modern languages for communication / J.A. van Ek ; Council of Cultural Co-op. - (Modern languages)/
Vol. 2 : Levels. - 1996. - 77 p.
Council of Europe.
Pregnancy and drug misuse update 2000 : Proceedings [of the] Seminar, Strasbourg, 29-30 May 2000 / Co-op. Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group). - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000. - (Drugs and addiction).
Council of Europe.
Programme of action against corruption / Adopted by the Comm. of Min. Multidisciplinary Group on Corruption (GMC). - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1997.
Council of Europe.
The protection of minorities : Collected texts / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Press, 1994. - (Science and technique of democracy).
Council of Europe.
Reflections on language needs in the school / Louis Porcher. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1996. - (Modern languages).
Council of Europe.
Rehabilitation and integration of people with disabilities: policy and legislation : report / Committee on the Rehabilitation and Integration of People with disabilities (Partial Agreement). - 6th ed. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publishing, 2002. - (Integration of people with disabilities).
Council of Europe.
Resolution AP (95) 3 on a charter on the vocational assessment of people with disabilities and glossary. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1997. - (Integration of people with disabilities).
Council of Europe.
The rights of the child : A European perspective. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1996.
Council of Europe.
Road traffic and drugs : [Proc. of the] Seminar, Strasbourg, 19-21 Apr. 1999 / Co-op. Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group). - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999.
Council of Europe.
Short guide to the European Convention on Human rights / Donna Gomien. - 2nd ed. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1998.
Council of Europe.
Social protection in the European Social Charter : Study comp. on the basis of the case law of the Europ. Comm. of Social Rights. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999. - (Social Charter monographs) (Human rights).
Council of Europe.
Statute of the Council of Europe = Statut du Conseil de l’Europe : London, 5.5.1949. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1995. - (European treaty series).
Council of Europe.
Tourism and environment in European countries / Prep.: A.Ellul. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1996. - (Nature and environment).
Council of Europe.
Tourism and environment in European countries / Prep.: A.Ellul. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000. - 48 p. - (Nature and environment).
Council of Europe.
Tourism and environment : the natural, cultural and socio-economic challenges of sustainable tourism : Proc. of the colloquy organized by the Council of Europe (Directorate of Environment and Local Authorities) and the Min. of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Rep. of Latvia, Riga (Latvia), 9-11 Sept. 1999. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000. - (Environmental encounters).
Council of Europe.
Tourism and integrated planning policy : Proceedings of the Limassol Seminar, Cyprus, Sept. 1989. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1996. - (Studies and texts).
Council of Europe.
Treaty-making in the Council of Europe / Auth.: J. Polakiewicz. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1999.
Council of Europe.
Vocational training projects: Towards equal opportunities for immigrants: Practical guidelines. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1996. - (Community relations).
Council of Europe.
Voices of Europe, 1949-96 : A selection of speeches delivered before the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe / Ed. co-ordination : S. Jeleff. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 1997.
Council of Europe.
Vulnerable youth: perspectives on vulnerability in education, employment and leisure in Europe : Intern. expert rep. / B. Stalder, A. Azzopardi. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe Publ., 2000. - (European Youth Trends 2000).