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International Monetary Fund: yesterday, today, tomorrow

1. Алескеров, Ф. Т. Мультиагентная модель динамики влияния стран-участниц МВФ / Ф. Т. Алескеров, В. А. Калягин, К. Б. Погорельский. – М. : ГУ ВШЭ, 2007. – 80 с.
NLB call number: 1//185270(039)

2. Астапович, А. З. Реформа международной финансовой системы / А. З. Астапович [и др.] ; Бюро экон. анализа. – М. : ТЕИС, 2001. – 207, [1] с.
NLB call number: 1ОК240480

3. Гилман, М. Дефолт, которого могло не быть : пер. с англ. / М. Гилман. – М. : Время, 2009. – 477, [1] с.
NLB call number: 1//321052(039)*1//321053(039)

4. Горбунов, С. В. Международный валютный фонд: противоречия капиталистического валютного регулирования / С. В. Горбунов. – М. : Междунар. отношения, 1988. – 174, [2] с.
NLB call number: 235702

5. Инструкция о порядке проведения встреч и работы с представителями Международного валютного фонда в Министерстве финансов Республики Беларусь : утв. 01.04.2004. – Минск : ИВЦ Минфина, 2004. – 54 с.
NLB call number: 1БА351155*1БА351156

6. Кузнецов, В. С. Международный валютный фонд и мирохозяйственные связи / В. С.Кузнецов ; Моск. гос. ин-т междунар. отношений (ун-т). – М. : РОССПЭН, 2001. – 430, [1] с.
NLB call number: 1ОК248185*1ОК249429

7. Курилин, Н. П. Международный валютный фонд / Н. П. Курилин. – М. : Финансы, 1967. – 54 с.
NLB call number: АНД549855*АУД309542

8. Левина, Л. А. Правовое положение Международного валютного фонда и Всемирного банка / Л. А. Левина. – М. : Легат, 1996. – 147 с.
NLB call number: 1ОК97124*1ОК97125

9. Молчанова, И. М. Международный валютный фонд и перемены в странах Восточной и Юго-Восточной Европы / И. М. Молчанова. – М., 1991. – 47 с.
NLB call number: 425622

10. Мосин, И. Н. Международный валютный фонд / И. Н. Мосин, под ред. проф. Г. С. Лопатина ; Ин-т междунар. отношений. – М. : Междунар. отношения, 1964. – 240 с.
NLB call number: АН462343*АР227307*АУ204493

11. Платонова, И. Н. Перестройка мировой валютной системы и позиция России / И. Н. Платонова, А. Г. Наговицин, В. М. Коротченя ; отв. ред. И. Н. Платонова ; Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т экономики. – М. : URSS : Либроком, 2009. – 235 с.
NLB call number: 1//321625(039)*1//288660(039)

12. Преобразования: достижения и предстоящие задачи / Междунар. валют. фонд. – Вашингтон : Междунар. валют. фонд, 1999. – 29 c.
NLB call number: 18ИН2690К

13. Смыслов, Д. В. Международный валютный фонд: современные тенденции и наши интересы / Д. В. Смыслов. – М. : Финансы и статистика, 1993. – 223 с.
NLB call number: 1ОК31728*1ОК31729

14. Abebe Aemro Selassie Designing monetary and fiscal policy in low-income countries / Abebe Aemro Selassie [et al.] ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2006. – vii, 49 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН21597

15. Annual report on exchange arrangements and exchange restrictions, 2001 / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2001. – xii, 1053 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН5283К

16. Annual report on exchange arrangements and exchange restrictions, 2003 / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2003. – xii, 1097 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН11647К

17. Annual report, 2000: Making the global economy work for all / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2000. – ix, 23 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН2093К

18. Ariyoshi, А. Capital controls: Country experiences with their use and liberalization / A. Ariyoshi [et al.] ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2000. – ix, 123 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН1346К

19. Aziz Ali Mohammed Burden Sharing at the IMF / Aziz Ali Mohammed ; UN, Conf. on Trade and Development, Harvard Univ. Center for Intern. Development. – New York : UN ; Geneva, 2003. – ix, 11 p.
NLB call number: 9ИН2398

20. Aziz Ali Mohammed The future role of the International Monetary Fund / Aziz Ali Mohammed ; UN, Conf. on Trade and Development ; Center for Intern. Development Harvard Univ. – New York ; Geneva : UN, 2001. – ix, 12 p.
NLB call number: 9ИН910

21. Borensztein, E. Sovereign debt structure for crisis prevention / E. Borensztein [et al.] / Intern. Monetary Fund; United Nations. – Washington : IMF, 2004. – vii, 62 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН16345К

22. Brunner, A. Germany’s theree-pillar banking system: Cross-country perspectives in Europe / A. Brunner ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2004. – v, 46 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН14072К

23. Buira, A. An analysis of IMF conditionality / A. Buira ; UN, Conf. on Trade and Development, Center for Intern. Development Harvard Univ. – New York : UN ; Geneva, 2003. – ix, 23 p.
NLB call number: 9ИН2353

24. The design of IMF-Supported programs / A. Ghosh [et al.] ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2005. – v, 153 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН18595К

25. Fasano, U. Monetary union among member countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council / U. Fasano ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2003. – x, 62 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН11540К

26. Financial soundness indicators : Analytical aspects and country practices / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2002. – viii, 111 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН6967К

27. Ghosh, A. IMF-supported programs in capital account crises / A. Ghosh [et al.] ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2002. – vii, 94 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН6627К

28. Gilman, M. G. Official financing : Recent developments and selected issues / M. G. Gilman, Jian-Ye Wang ; Intern. Monetary Fund ; Policy Development and Rev. Department. – Washington : IMF, 2003. – vii, 90 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН18045К

29. Global financial stability report: containing systemic risks and restoring financial soundness, April 2008 / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2008. – XVI, 192 p.
NLB call number: 1И//100390К(039)

30. Global financial stability report: market developments and issues, April 2007 / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2007. – X, 197 p.
NLB call number: 1И//30148К(039)

31. Global financial stability report: market development and issues, September 2002 / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2002. – vii, 65 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН8704К

32. Global financial stability report, September 2003: Market developments and issues / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2003. – vii, 176 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН15327К

33. Gulde, A.-M. Financial stability in dollarized economies / A.-M. Gulde [et al.]. ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2004. – v, 29 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН14075К

34. Gupta, S. Social issues in IMF-supported programs / S. Gupta [et al.] / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2000. – vi, 33 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН1348К

35. Daseking, С. Lessons from the crisis in Argentina / C. Daseking [et al.] ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2004. – v, 55 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН16624К

36. Hoelscher, D. Managing systemic banking crises / D. Hoelscher, M. Quintyn ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2003. – v, 65 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН11645К

37. Johnson, O. E. G. Country ownership of reform programmes and the implications for conditionality / O. E. G. Johnson ; UN, Conf. on Trade and Development. – New York : UN ; Geneva, 2005. – ix, 21 p.
NLB call number: 9ИН3349

38. Kalter, E. Chile: Institutions and policies underpinning stability and growth / E. Kalter, St. Phillips, M. Espinosa-Vega [et al.] ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2004. – vii, 87 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН14073К

39. Lorenzo, F. IMF policies for financial crises prevention in emerging markets / F. Lorenzo, N. Noya ; UN, Conf. on Trade and Development. – New York ; Geneva : UN, 2006. – IX, 20 p.
NLB call number: 1И//12220К(039)

40. Mathieson, D. J. International capital markets: Developments, prospects, and key policy issues / D. J. Mathieson, G. J. Schinasi ; UN, Conf. on Trade and Development. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2000. – xiii, 216 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН2055К

41. Mathieson, D. J. International capital markets: Developments, prospects, and key policy issues / D. J. Mathieson, G. J. Schinasi ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2001. – x, 232 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН4606К

42. McGettigan, D. Current account and external sustainability in the Baltics, Russia, and other countries of the former Soviet Union / D. McGettigan ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2000. – v, 41 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН1349К

43. M. de Zamaroczy Economic policy in a highly dollarized economy: The case of Cambodia / M. de Zamaroczy, S. Sa ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2003. – v, 35 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН15319К

44. Meesook, К. Malaysia: from crisis to recovery / K. Meesook [et al.] / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2001. – vii, 101 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН1431К

45. Mohammed El Qorchi Informal funds transfer systems: An analysis of the informal Hawala system / Mohammed El Qorchi, Samuel Munzele Maimbo, J. F.Wilson ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2003. – ix, 53 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН11646К

46. Muehleisen, M. Fiscal policies and priorities for long-run sustainability / M. Muehleisen [et al.] – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2004. – vii, 56 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН11984К

47. Kapur, D. Beyond the IMF / D. Kapur, R. Webb ; UN, Conf. on Trade and Development . – New York ; Geneva : UN, 2007. – IX, 21 p.
NLB call number: 1И//30153К(039)

48. Potter, B. Setting up treasuries in the Baltics, Russia, and other countries of the former Soviet Union: An assessment of IMF technical assistance / B. Potter, J. Diamond ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2000. – v, 42 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН2454К

49. Prasad, E. S. Effects of financial globalization on developing countries: Some empirical evidence / E. S. Prasad [et al.] ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2003. – v, 35 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН11543К

50. Research activities of the International Monetary Fund, January 1991–December 1999 / Intern. Monetary Fund ; Interdep. Working Group on Fund Research. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2000. – 137 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН2936

51. Research papers for the Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-Four on International Monetary Affairs and Development. – New York : UN ; Geneva, 2005. – ix, 30 p.
NLB call number: 9ИН3846

52. Ross, D. C. Official financing for developing countries / D. C. Ross, R. T. Harmsen ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2001. – vii, 100 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН4605К

53. Rules-based fiscal policy in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain / T. Daban [et al.] ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2003. – v, 46 p. NLB call number: 18ИН15332К

54. Sanjeev, G. Rebuilding Fiscal Institutions in Postconflict Countries : G. Sanjeev [et al.]. – Washington, D.C. : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2005. – v, 36 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН19729К

55. Schipke, A. Capital markets and financial intermediation in the Baltics / A. Schipke ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2004. – v, 38 p.
NLB call number: 9ИН2582

56. Simpson, L. The role of the IMF in debt restructurings: lending into arrears, moral hazard and sustainability concerns / L. Simpson ; UN, Conf. on Trade and Development. – New York ; Geneva : UN, 2006. – IX, 28 p.
NLB call number: 9ИН4187

57. Tsibouris, G. C. Experience with Large Fiscal Adjustments / G. C. Tsibouris [et al.] ; Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2006. – v, 46 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН21231К

58. World economic outlook, April 2011: tensions from the two-speed recovery: unemployment, commodities, and capital flows. – Washington : IMF, 2011. – XVIII, 221 p.
NLB call number: 1И//291482К(039)

59. World economic outlook, April 2012: growth resuming, dangers remain / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2012. – XVII, 229 p.
NLB call number: 1И//354962К(039)

60. World economic outlook: Focus on transition economies / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : Intern. Monetary Fund, 2000. – ix, 282 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН6960К

61. World economic outlook, October 2012 : coping with high debt and sluggish growth / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2012. – XIX, 228 p.
NLB call number: 1И//377777К(039)

62. World economic outlook, Sept. 2004: The global demographic transition / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2004. – xii, 287 p.
NLB call number: 18ИН15793К

63. World economic outlook, September 2011 : slowing growth, rising risks / Intern. Monetary Fund. – Washington : IMF, 2011. – XVIII, 219 p.
NLB call number: 1И//319065К(039)