MainServicesVirtual ServisiesA virtual center on activities of international organizations Book exhibitionsThematic book exhibitionsSchedule of exhibitions 2024

Exhibitions 2024


Thematic book exhibition for International Holocaust Remembrance Day (January 27)

"Holocaust: Without the Right to Oblivion"

(January 12 – February 13)

Thematic book exhibition for World Wetlands Day (February 2)

"Wetlands: current state and use"

(January 18 – February 16)


Thematic book exhibition for World Sustainable Tourism Day (February 17)

"Tourism of the future"

(February 15 – March 18)

Thematic book exhibition for International Mother Language Day (February 21)

“Love and know your native language”

(February 19 – March 31)


Thematic book exhibition for World Water Day (March 22)

“Water is a wonderful gift of nature”

(March 20 – April 21)


Thematic book exhibition for World Health Day (April 7)

"Lifestyle - health"

(April 2 – May 6)

Thematic book exhibition for International Intellectual Property Day (April 26)

"Intellectual Property: the 21st Century"

(April 23 – May 28)


Thematic book exhibition UNESCO and Belarus: 70 years of successful cooperation for the 70th anniversary of the Republic of Belarus joining UNESCO (May 12)

(May 8 – June 18)

Thematic book exhibition for World No Tobacco Day (May 31)

Health or a cigarette – you choose!

(May 30 – June 30)


Thematic book exhibition for the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (June 26)

Don't take tomorrow away from yourself!

(June 20 - July 30)


Thematic book exhibition for World Population Day, the 75th anniversary of the founding of UNFPA and the 30th anniversary of cooperation between the Republic of Belarus and UNFPA (July 11)

Modernity and future of the Earth's population

(July 2 – August 5)


Thematic book exhibition for International Youth Day (August 12)

“Youth and the world: towards solving global problems”

(August 1 – September 9)

Thematic book exhibition for the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions of 1949 (August 12)

“Legal protection of war victims"

(August 7 – September 29)


Thematic book exhibition for the International Day of Peace (September 21)

"We need Peace!"

(September 11 – October 14)



Thematic book exhibition for the International Day of Older Persons (October 1)

The age of autumn is wonderful

(October 1 – November 12)

Thematic book exhibition for United Nations Day (October 24)

“Peace, dignity and equality for a healthy planet”

(October 16 – November 20)


Thematic book exhibition for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (November 25)

"Women. World. Safety"

(November 14 – December 4)

Thematic book exhibition for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3)

“Equal members of society”

(November 22 – December 22)


Thematic book exhibition for International Anti-Corruption Day (December 9)

Corruption. Concept, reasons, counteraction

(December 6 – January 13)

Thematic book exhibition for the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) December 30 “UNCTAD - 60 years of development and cooperation”

(December 24 – January 21)