MainServicesVirtual ServisiesA virtual center on activities of international organizations Book exhibitionsVirtual exhibitions and projectsIntellectual Property: XXI century

Intellectual Property: XXI century

The Virtual Center for the Activities of International Organizations presents a virtual book exhibition “Intellectual Property: 21st Century” dedicated to International Intellectual Property Day.

This holiday focuses public attention on the importance of creativity and innovation in human everyday life, the economic and cultural development of societies. International Intellectual Property Day is an opportunity to join the global celebration and celebrate the world's most incredible inventors and creators, and learn how IP helps shape our world.

The day was established by the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in September 2000. The date April 26 was not chosen by chance. It was on this day in 1970 that the international convention under which World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) was established came into force .

WIPO is a specialized agency of the United Nations dedicated to policy, cooperation, services and information in the field of intellectual property. Currently, 193 states are members of the organization.

WIPO and its Member States commemorate International Intellectual Property Day each year through meetings, events and campaigns. Their goal is to achieve a better understanding among the general population of what constitutes intellectual property, to show how the system of its protection contributes to the development of many areas of progress - from art to innovative technologies.

Every year, Intellectual Property Day is dedicated to a specific topic. The theme for 2024 Day is “Intellectual Property and the SDGs: Innovation and Creativity for a Shared Future’. This is an opportunity to illustrate the central role that IP, Innovation and creativity play a role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for the benefit of every person.

The Republic of Belarus has an effective system of intellectual property protection. Our country is a party to many multilateral international treaties operating under the auspices of WIPO, as well as a number of multilateral international treaties concluded within the CIS in the field of protection of industrial property, copyright and related rights.

Since November 2010, the National Library of Belarus has become a library-depository for WIPO documents. The proposed virtual exhibition will introduce library readers to the activities of the organization and its documents, including materials on international legislation in the field of intellectual property (conventions, treaties, agreements), literature on copyright, patents and trademarks, annual reports and brief reviews of WIPO.

The virtual exhibition presents 80 documents from the library’s collections in Russian and English: books, brochures, booklets. For each document, a bibliographic description, annotation, a link to the full text of the document or a pdf file with a table of contents is provided.

The exhibition includes the following thematic sections:

  • Intellectual property: role and place in the development of modern society
  • International legal protection of intellectual property
  • Activities of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • Industrial property, patent law, trademarks
  • Copyright and related rights
  • Intellectual property and innovation development
  • Protection of intellectual property in the Republic of Belarus

The exhibition will be of interest to students, graduate students, teachers of law and economics faculties, business managers, employees of research and applied institutes, legal advisers and everyone interested in intellectual property issues.

Phone for information: (8 017) 293 27 34.

The virtual exhibition was prepared by the staff of the service department with official documents.