The corporate database contains factual information graduates that hold doctor’s/candidate’s degrees and academic ranks, researches and professors – authors of scientific publications. The database includes information on the form of their names in Russian, Belarusian, other languages, their pseudonyms, cryptonyms, clerical names.
Text information is supplemented with photographs and links to personal websites of scientists.
The database comprises factographic information on persons who contributed to scientific, cultural and spiritual development of Belarus; historical and cultural monuments, and also the crucial events in Belarusian economy, policy, culture etc.
The database includes dates of birth and death, place of birth, profession, awards, titles and military ranks of a person, all revealed variants of their name in Belarusian, Russian and foreign languages, pennames, cryptonymes, ecclesiastical or mundane names.
The database also includes information on institutions, organizations, industries, buildings and nature reserves.
Text information is supplemented with illustrations and links to Internet resources.
Belarusian and Foreign Libraries
The database contains reference information on Belarusian libraries, the major libraries of the CIS member-states and the Baltic States, and foreign national libraries.
The database includes information on electronic information resources available in Belarusian libraries.
National Library of Belarus in Mass Media
The database contains electronic copies of articles from national and foreign periodicals, online newspapers and Internet resources about the activities of the National Library of Belarus both in general and in specific fields such as international cooperation, cultural events etc.
The Belarusian Book of the XIV-XVIII Centuries
The database contains full text copies of the documents from the funds of the National Library of Belarus that were published in the XIV-XVIII centuries and are related to Belarus based on the territory of their publication, their language, their authors and their contents.