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Новые поступления в фонд зала документов международных организаций

ACEAH – движущая сила региональной интеграции в Азии : монография / И. И. Шувалов [и др.] ; отв. ред. Т. Я. Хабриева ; Ин-т законодательства и сравн. правоведения при Правительстве Рос. Федерации. – М. : Инфра-М, 2016. – 250 с.
Шифр НББ: 1//644235(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 339.923-АСЕАН

Книга знакомит читателя с изменяющимся под воздействием глобализации характером интеграционных процессов в Азии. Проведен анализ факторов, способствующих и препятствующих взаимодействию стран АСЕАН и внерегиональных партнеров этого объединения.
Исследование содержит характеристику динамических процессов экономической интеграции в рамках диалогового партнерства «Россия – АСЕАН» и особенностей сотрудничества в различных сферах правового регулирования. Раскрываются механизмы, оказывающие влияние на формирование общерегиональной зоны свободной торговли для государств-участников АСЕАН, сформулированы рекомендации по приоритетным направлениям интеграционных тенденций в Азии.
Особое внимание уделено специфике регулирования инвестиций в странах Юго-Восточной Азии, гармонизации законодательства стран АСЕАН в области безопасности, налогообложения, образования, перспективам сотрудничества и правовым механизмам, обеспечивающим реализацию разработанных государствами-членами АСЕАН программ дальнейшего взаимодействия.
Для научных работников, представителей органов государственной власти, а также для всех, кто интересуется динамикой интеграционных процессов в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе.


Директивы и Регламенты Европейского союза Нового и Глобального подхода и гармонизированные европейские стандарты : каталог : (по состоянию на 12 апр. 2017 г.) / Гос. ком. по стандартизации Респ. Беларусь, Белорус. гос. ин-т стандартизации и сертификации. – Минск : Госстандарт : БелГИСС, 2017. – VIII, 330 с.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//653162К(039)

Каталог содержит информацию о Директивах и Регламентах Европейского союза Нового и Глобального подхода, предусматривающих СЕ-маркировку продукции, и гармонизированных с Директивами и Регламентами ЕС европейских стандартах по состоянию на 12 апреля 2017 года.
Каталог подготовлен по информации Официальных журналов ЕС (серия С) с использо¬ванием информационно-поисковой системы «Стандарт» на основе информации библиографических баз данных Национального фонда технических нормативных правовых актов Республики Беларусь.


Кошелев, В. С. Европейская интеграция в документах и материалах : учеб. пособие / В. С. Кошелев, Т. В. Самосюк. – Минск : РИВШ, 2017. – 249 с.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//661521(039)

В учебном пособии рассматриваются исторические предпосылки европейской интеграции. Содержатся документы, раскрывающие процессы формирования Европейского союза, материалы, посвященные особенностям исторического развития стран Восточной Европы, проблемам их взаимодействия с Евросоюзом и условиям, которые привели к самому значимому расширению ЕС за счет бывших стран социалистического блока. Раскрываются вопросы формирования политики безопасности и обороны Европейского союза с учетом современных проблем, связанных с миграционным кризисом. В пособии синтезированы наиболее значимые концепции предыдущих исследований и предложен оригинальный взгляд на ключевые вопросы темы.
Предназначено для студентов, магистрантов, аспирантов, а также широкого круга читателей.


Социальная Европа: проблемы молодежи в Европе в сравнительном контексте : сб. ст. / М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Нац. исслед. Том. гос. ун-т ; ред. и сост. Л. В. Дериглазова. – Томск : Изд-во Том. ун-та, 2015. – 159 с.
Шифр НББ: 1//643299(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 316–Социология

Сборник представляет взгляд на молодежь как особую социальную страту в Европе. В работе представлены данные о положении молодежи, включая демографические данные, информацию об образовательном уровне, уровне жизни и занятости, и политика правительств в отношении молодежи в сравнительном контексте. Основной объем рабо¬ты представляют исследовательские работы студентов, выполненных в рамках магистерского курса «Социальная Европа и социальная политика ЕС» под руководством профессора Томского государственного университета Л. В. Дериглазовой.
Для студентов, преподавателей и специалистов, занимающихся проблемами молодежи и для всех, интересующихся проблемами положения молодежи и способами их решения в Европе.


The Baltic Assembly – yesterday, today, tomorrow : twenty years of Balt. coop. / auth. of hist. background: M. Laizāne-Jurkāne ; text ed.: A. Ozoliņš, A. Lūce. – Rīga : Baltijas Asambleja, 2011. – 95 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//629484(039)

Twenty years have elapsed since 1991, when the Baltic States, often referred to as the Baltic Sisters, with their determination and strength managed to free themselves from the shackles of the Soviet Union and decided to form a joint inter-parliamentary organisation – the Baltic Assembly. This decision was based on the proximity of the Baltic States, their shared history, common identity and people's desire to build a better future by exchanging experience, cooperating and communicating with each other.
The photographs included in this book reflect the most significant of the development of the Baltic States.

Belarus: external pressure, internal change / auth.: V. N. Shimov [et al.] ; edited by H.-G. Heinrich, L. Lobova. – Frankfurt am Main [etc.] : Peter Lang, 2009. – 394 p.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//645227(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 323–Внутренняя политика

This volume is a synopsis of various perspectives as well as a trans-boundary and interdisciplinary analysis of the Belarusian model. It is the result of a dialogue among authors who, for various reasons, take a supportive or critical approach towards the present regime. Their views are supplemented by contributions written by authors from neighboring countries. The findings support the thesis that Belarusian society, economy and the political system have begun to adapt to the new challenges the country faces. This study marks an important step forward in the analysis of the intractable Belarusian model and helps to identify its unique and ephemeral features.


Carbon credits from peatland rewetting : climate biodiversity – land use : science, policy, implementation and recommendations of a pilot project in Belarus / edited by F. Tanneberger, W. Wichtmann. – Stuttgart : Schweizerbart Science Publ,, 2011. – XII, 223 p.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//645197К(039)

This book presents the results of an implementation project entitled “Restoring peatlands and applying concepts for sustainable management in Belarus – climate change mitigation with economic and biodiversity benefits” – a large-scale nationwide experiment in peatland rewetting. The goal of the project was to test – with the help of the project partners – whether it is possible to rewet Belarusian peatlands and achieve economic and ecological benefits from this activity.
The book is written for scientists and decision makers, as well as for climate change politicians and peatland site managers.


Contractual knowledge : one hundred years of legal experimentation in global markets / edited by G. Mallard, J. Sgard. – Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016. – XIX, 403 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//650082(039)

The book extends the scholarship of law and globalization in two important directions. First, it provides a unique genealogy of global economic governance by explaining the transition from English law to one where global exchanges are primarily governed by international, multilateral, and finally, transnational legal orders. Second, rather than focusing exclusively on macro-political organizations, like the League of Nations or the International Monetary Fund, the book examines elements of contracts, including how and by whom they were designed and exactly who (experts, courts, arbitrators, and international organizations) interpreted, upheld, and established the legal validity of these contracts. By exploring such micro-level aspects of market exchanges, this collection unveils the contractual knowledge that led to the globalization of markets over the last century.


Dauvergne, C. The new politics of immigration and the end of settler societies / C. Dauvergne. – New York : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016. – XII, 288 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//652365(039)

Over the past decade, a global convergence in migration policies has emerged, and with it a new, mean-spirited politics of immigration. It is now evident that the idea of a settler society, previously an important landmark in understanding migration, is a thing of the past. What are the consequences of this shift for how we imagine immigration? And for how we regulate it?
This book analyzes the dramatic shift away from the settler society paradigm in light of the crisis of asylum, the fear of Islamic fundamentalism, and the demise of multiculturalisrn. What emerges is a radically original take on the new global politics of immigration that can explain policy paralysis in the face of rising death tolls, failing human rights arguments, and persistent state desires to treat migration as an economic calculus.


Diez, T. Key concepts in international relations / T. Diez, I. Bode, A. F. da Costa. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE, 2011. – IX, 268 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//644219(039)
УДК: 327

International relations is a vibrant field of significant growth and change. This book guides students through the complexities of the major theories of international relations and the debates that surround them, the core theoretical concepts, and the key contemporary issues.
Clear and highly readable, Key Concepts in International Relations is an essential guide for students on politics and international relations courses.


Eastern Partnership : a new opportunity for the neighbours? / edited by E. Korosteleva. – London ; New York : Routledge, 2013. – VII, 188 p.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//649315(039)

This volume offers a collective assessment of the development and impact of the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership Initiative on its eastern neighbours – Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova in particular, with Russia’s added perspective. Founded on extensive empirical and conceptual research, the volume uniquely bridges the perspectives of all parties across the EU’s eastern border, in an attempt to understand advantages and problems related to the effective implementation of the EU policies in the eastern region. The undertaken research points to the prevalence of the top-down and conditional governance approach in EU treatment of the outsiders, which is not only Eurocentric and prescriptive in nature, but also falls short of the declared partnership principles. Without the understanding of partners’ internal dilemmas and needs, which could only be achieved through the equivalence and reciprocity of partnership, the EU would struggle to make the policy effective and legitimate in the region, and to buttress its reputation as a ‘credible force for good’ on the international arena.


The European Social Charter and the employment relation / edited by N. Bruun [et al.] ; Europ. Trade Union Inst. – Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publ., 2017. – XIV, 536 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//649951(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 349.2–Трудовое право

This collection addresses the potential of the European Social Charter to promote and safeguard social rights in Europe. Drawing on the expertise of the ETUI Transnational Trade Union Rights expert network from across Europe, it provides a comprehensive commentary on these fundamental rights. Taking a two part approach, it offers an in-depth legal analysis of the European Social Charter as a new social constitution for Europe, investigating first the potential of the general legal frame in which the Charter is embedded. In the second phase a series of social rights which are related to the employment relation are examined in particular in light of the jurisprudence of the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR), to demonstrate the crucial but difficult role of the Charter's supervisory bodies to secure the respect and promotion of social rights and national level, bearing in mind the reciprocal influence of other international social rights instruments. This examination is timely, given the pressure exerted on those rights during the recent period of economic crisis. Furthermore, in the light of the predominantly economic vision of Europe, such analysis is crucial.
The collection is aimed at stimulating academic scrutiny and raising awareness amongst practitioners and trade unions about this important and equally necessary anchor of the social dimension of Europe in legal and political practice.


The human face of the European Union : are EU law and policy humane enough? / edited by N. Ferreira, D. Kostakopoulou ; ass. ed.: J. Bradshaw, S. Gola. – Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016. – XI, 434 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//650030(039)

This collection asks a direct but complex question: is the EU humane enough? The implementation of EU law and policy and its balance between economic and social values continues to provoke debate. Providing fresh insight, Nuno Ferreira and Dora Kostakopoulou present a novel analytical framework, centred on the notion of humaneness, for assessing EU law and policy. This innovative approach leads to recommendations for policy change towards a more humanistic philosophy for the EU. Broad in its scope, this remarkable volume draws together interdisciplinary perspectives from contributors who examine key EU law and policy fields, including economic integration, asylum, free movement, citizenship, development and security. This book is essential reading for scholars, students and policy-makers seeking new ways of exploring the economic versus social values debate in EU law.


Leach, P. Taking a case to the European Court of Human Rights / P. Leach. – 4th ed. – New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 2017. – XCIV, 699 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//649377(039)

This book is a guide to the law, practice and procedure of the European Court of Human Rights. The book gives step-by-step guidance on the process of litigating cases before the European Court, covering areas such as lodging the initial application, legal aid and costs, interim measures, case prioritisation, friendly settlements and unilateral declarations, third party interventions, pilot judgments and Grand Chamber referrals. It includes practical advice about drafting pleadings and conducting oral hearings. There is a focus on questions of redress and it incorporates the latest developments in the practice of the Committee of Ministers in supervising the implementation of European Court judgments.
This edition takes in a series of developments in the Court's practice and procedure since 2010.
An expanded article-by-article commentary on the substantive law of the European Convention on Human Rights has been updated to February 2017. New issues covered by the recent case-law include cases of extraordinary or secret rendition, restrictions on in vitro fertilisation and surrogacy, cases arising from medical mistreatment, the spate of 'missing babies' in Serbia, the treatment of migrants travelling by sea (including collective expulsions) and structural deficiencies in asylum procedures.


Lybeck, J. A. The future of financial regulation : who should pay for the failure of Amer. and Europ. banks? / J. A. Lybeck. – Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016. – XXXVI, 560 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//655098(039)

A number of changes have been made to the supervision and regulation of banks as a result of the recent financial meltdown. Some are for the better, such as the Basel III rules for increasing the quality and quantity of capital in banks, but legal changes on both sides of the Atlantic now make it much more difficult to resolve failing banks by means of taxpayer funded bail-outs and could hinder bank resolution in future financial crises. In this book, Johan A. Lybeck uses case studies from Europe and the United States to examine and grade a number of bank resolutions in the last financial crisis and establish which were successful, which failed, and why. Using in-depth analysis of recent legislation, he explains how a bank resolution can be successful, and emphasizes the need for taxpayer-funded bail-outs to create a viable banking system that will promote economic and financial stability.


Mansfield, E. D. The political economy of international trade / E. D. Mansfield. – Singapore [etc.] : World Sci. 2015. – XXXI, 354 p. – (World scientific studies in international economics ; 46).
Шифр НББ: 1И//649383(039)

This volume includes many of Edward D. Mansfield's contributions to research on the political economy of trade. Among the topics addressed are the effects of power relations and international economic institutions on trade flows, the influence of domestic politics on trade policy, the factors that shape the mass public's attitudes toward trade, and the determinants of the formation and expansion of international trade agreements.
The book is an essential reference for scholars and graduate students interested in the international political economy.


Poon, J. International trade : the basics / J. Poon, D. L. Rigby. – London ; New York : Routledge, 2017. – XI, 197 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//645865(039)

Trade impacts on the lives of all global citizens, influencing the range of commodities available for consumption and where those commodities are produced. Driven increasingly by market exchange, trade shapes the nature of work and how the costs and benefits of that work are distributed around the world. Economic growth and development are closely associated with the flows of goods and services between countries. The book offers an accessible and engaging introduction to contemporary debates on international trade, inviting readers to explore the connections between national political economies within a globally integrated world.
Featuring case studies and social media links that help to illustrate key concepts, this book is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand how trade varies between regions, affects relationships between countries and influences a country's social, political and economic life.


The public law of gender : from the local to the global / edited by K. Rubenstein, K. G. Young. – Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016. – XXII, 606 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//650095(039)

With the worldwide sweep of gender-neutral, gender-equal or gender-sensitive public laws, in international treaties, national constitutions and statutes, it is timely to document the raft of legal reform and to analyse its effectiveness critically. In demarcating the academic study of the public law of gender, this book brings leading lawyers, political scientists, historians and philosophers together to examine law's structuring of politics, governing and gender in a new global frame. Of interest to constitutional and statutory designers, advocates, adjudicators and scholars, the contributions explore how concepts such as equality, accountability, representation, participation and rights depend on, challenge or enlist gendered roles and/or categories. These enquiries suggest that the new public law of gender must confront the lapses in enforcement, sincerity and coverage that are common in both national and international law and governance and critically and pluralistically recast the public/private distinction in family, community, religion, customary and market domains.


Rácz, A. The EU and Belarus engaged – no wedding in sight / A. Rácz ; Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. – Frankfurt am Main : PRIF, 2010. – II, 42 p.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//645185К(039)

The war in Georgia in August 2008 marked a watershed in the EU-Belarus relationship. The earlier EU policy of isolation and sanctions on the post-Soviet region changed to become a policy of engagement. For the EU, cooperation in foreign trade, investments, visa issues, etc. are subject to the condition of fostering respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. Belarus, for its part, does not consider the relationship with the EU to be of prime importance. It is more of a political tool to counter-balance the influence of Russia and to improve the country's economic development. In his report, András Rácz analyzes the intensity of EU-Belarus cooperation today, studies conspicuous improvements in human rights and fundamental freedoms, and makes recommendations on how to shape relations in the future.


Rossi, L. Public access to documents in the EU / L. Rossi, P. Vinagre e Silva. – Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publ, 2017. – XXXVIII, 340 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//650181(039)

All litigants before the General Court of the EU (GC), the Court of Justice of the EU (ECJ) or indeed before any EU body or agency will need to have full access to documents held by the European Union. Though the legislation regulating the field, Regulation 1049/2001, has been in force for some time, it is a complex field for all would be litigants. In this book the authors, both experienced practitioners in the area, clearly set out the documentation, access requirements and processes. They include a helpful glossary of terms, tables and appendices setting out the relevant legislation. This will be the seminal text for all practitioners who need to access documentation held by the EU.


The Routledge international handbook of criminology and human rights / edited by L. Weber, E. Fishwick, M. Marmo. – London ; New York : Routledge, 2017. – XXV, 591 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//650209(039)

The book brings together a diverse body of work from around the globe and across a wide range of criminological topics and perspectives, united by its critical application of human rights law and principles. This collection explores the interdisciplinary reach of criminology and is the first of its kind to link criminology and human rights.


Svyatets, E. Energy security and cooperation in Eurasia : power, profits and politics / E. Svyatets. – London ; New York : Routledge, 2016. – VII, 204 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//649313(039)

Why are bilateral relations, especially in the area of energy security, so different in the cases of U.S.-Russia, U.S.-Azerbaijan, and Russia-Germany energy deals? Why do some states find common ground despite differences, while others, with all the seemingly favourable conditions, are sinking into animosity?
Energy Security and Cooperation in Eurasia explores varying outcomes of energy cooperation, defined as diplomatic relations, bilateral trade, and investment in oil and natural gas. The book looks at economic potential, geopolitical rivalry, and domestic interest groups in the cases of U.S.-Russia, U.S.-Azerbaijan, and Russia-Germany energy ties. It looks at major projects in each case (Sakhalin and Arctic oil and gas production, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan and Nord Stream pipelines) and activities of international oil companies. The book also provides a detailed analysis of the situation in Ukraine since 2014 and Russia's annexation of Crimea, and their effect on European energy security. This book utilizes an innovative approach of exploring the dyads of states (bilateral relations) along the economic, geopolitical, and domestic lobbying dimensions.
This book is a valuable resource for graduate and undergraduate students, academics, and researchers in the areas of security, political economy, comparative politics, and post-Soviet studies, as well as for the general public.


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