MainAbout the LibraryPublishing production of the Library Electronic editions of the LibraryElectronic editions 2012–2014Electronic editions, 2012Беларускі плакат ваеннага часу / Belarusian Poster of the Wartime

Беларускі плакат ваеннага часу / Belarusian Poster of the Wartime


Project owner – T.V. Drobyshevskaya

The stocks of the National Library of Belarus comprise about 300 posters published in 1941–1945.

The collection on CD-ROM includes political posters, posters-newspapers, photo-newspapers, slogans, popular prints, orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Decrees of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet. This is posters dedicated to not only the Great Patriotic War but also the everyday life of the Soviet people before and after the war.

The edition is designed for general reader.

Size: 1 Gb.

Sale price (VAT inclusive): Br 25 000.