MainAbout the LibraryStructure of the LibraryIdeology, socio-cultural and publishing activitiesPublishing Department

Publishing Department

General information
The Publishing Department was founded on July 1, 1961. It was in charge of publishing “The Chronicles of Belarusian Press” and the monthly bibliographic bulletin “New Books of Belarus”. Besides, the department published materials of scientific-practical library seminars, manuals and various bibliographies.
In 1964 functions of the Publishing Department were entrusted to Belarusian Book Chamber which was part of the Library.
In 1977 in view of establishment of the BSSR State Book Chamber the Publishing Department became an independent department of the Library.
The department’s activity had considerably extended: it publishes materials of international scientific library conferences and analytic surveys on cultural devilment of the country. In the 1990th the Publishing Department became the first Library’s department to apply automated industrial processes.
In September 2005 the Editing Department and the Publishing Department of the National Library of Belarus were merged into one department – the Publishing Department .


The department carries out editing and publishing of scientific bibliography, information and methodological materials on library science, bibliography, book science and allied sciences.
The purpose of the creation and operation of the Editorial Section of Periodicals and Continued Editions is the issue "Library Light" magazine according to the requirements agreed by the editorial board. To achieve this goal, the Editorial Section collects information, makes strategic and current planning of the magazine, prepares information materials, and carries out the full cycle of pre-press preparation of the magazine.

  • publishing activity;
  • planning;
  • literary, art and technical editing;
  • translation of documents from the Russian language to the Belarusian language and vice versa;
  • redaction of printed and electronic editions;
  • printing works;
  • customer management.
Structure and staff
Head of the department: Viktoria Kalistratova 
Tel.: (+375 17) 293 28 10 (ext. 78 10), fax: (+375 17) 368 97 23
Room 075
1. Editing section
Head of the section: Aksana Sharpila
Теl.: (+375 17) 293 28 21 (internal number 78 21)
Room: 077
2. Redaction section
Head of the section: Denis Makarevich
Теl.: (+375 17) 293 28 11 (internal number 78 11)
Room: 076
3. Digital print section
Head of the section: Vitali Grabun
Теl.: (+375 17) 293 27 60 (internal number 77 60)
Room: 069
4. Publishing section
Head of the section: Uliana Prohorchik
Теl.: (+375 17) 293 28 13 (internal number 78 13)
Room: 066
5. Multimedia resources development section
Head of the section: Andrey Grishel
Теl.: (+375 17) 293 28 05 (internal number: 78 05)
Room: 058

6. Editorial section of periodicals and continued editions 
Chief Editor: Lyudmila Kiryukhina
Tel.: (+375 17) 368 97 75 (internal number 79 96)

Leading editor: Natalia Lyutsko
Tel.: (+375 17) 368 97 75 (internal number 79 96)