Activities in the field of popularization of national and world book culture, as well as Belarusian and foreign fine arts; allows the promotion of domestic culture in our country and abroad.
The department's specialists take part in the implementation of national and international events, prepare various exhibition projects and expositions, organize presentations of publications, literary and cultural and educational evenings, creative meetings; handover ceremonies of book collections from different countries.
The exhibition space of the National Library of Belarus is a complex of 11 exposition locations with an area of over 4,000 sq. Observation deck (22nd floor):
1st floor:
2nd floor:
3rd floor:
22nd floor:
Multifunctional Exhibition Complex
Structure and staff
Head of the department: Irina Vasilkovich
Теl.: (+375 17) 293 28 23 (internal number: 78 23)
Room 323
1. Book exhibition section
Head of the section: Svetlana Kozhemiako
Теl.: (+375 17) 293 29 80 (internal numbers: 79 80, 78 86)
Room 355
2. Art exhibition section
Head of the section: Victoria Kharitonova
Теl.: (+375 17) 293 28 33 (internal number 78 33)
Room 114
3. Exhibits safekeeping and maintenance section
Head of the section: Denis Voronko
Tel.: (+375 17) 293 28 32 (internal number: 78 32)
Room 114