Legal information reading room
General information
The 2nd floor, room 207b
The reading room serves all users of the Library by delivering documents from the deposit collection on request.
The deposit collection contains more than 30 thousand documents in Belarusian, Russian and foreign languages:
- books (constitutions, codes, laws and comments to them, government regulations, encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, etc.);
- official periodicals of government bodies, ministries and departments, judicial authorities of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, the CIS member countries and foreign states as well as the USSR, the RSFSR and the BSSR.
Electronic information resources
The reading room provides access to electronic information resources as follow:
- The information resources of the National Library of Belarus:
The reading room provides access to the legal databases as follow:
- electronic database of National Center of Legal Information “Etalon” ("Эталон");
- reference legal system “ConsultantPlus” ("КонсультантПлюс") and the online service of ready-made legal solutions ilex;
- information retrieval system “Svetoch-Info” ("Светоч-Инфо"), as of 2009;
- reference-information system “YUSIAS” ("ЮСИАС"), as of 2014;
- reference system "Expert" ("Эксперт");
- analytical legal system “Business-Info" ("Бизнес-Инфо");
- reference legal system “Government Regulations of Ukraine" ("Нормативные акты Украины"), as of 2010;
- information retrieval system "Codex" including the electronic system of reference information "Regulations and Standards of Russia" ("Нормы, правила, стандарты России"), as of 2007;
- information retrieval system “Legislation of the CIS Member States Online” ("Законодательство стран СНГ Он-лайн");.
- electronic database "Practice of Economic Courts in Belarus" ("Судебная практика хозяйственных судов Республики Беларусь").
The reading room provides access to licensed electronic information resources.
Optional opportunities:
Additional services:
- photocopying of fragments of printed editions;
- copying of information from databases onto users’ data media;
- print of electronic information;
- scanning of fragments of documents from the deposit collection, advance booking is required.
The opening hours of the reading room correspond to the opening hours of the Library.
Terms of Use
Bibliographer on duty
Tel.: (+375 17) 293 27 28 (internal number: 77 28)
Head of section:
Tel.: (+375 17) 293 27 32 (internal number: 77 32)
Head of the Official Documents Service Department
Tel.: (+375 17) 293 28 68 (internal number: 78 68).