The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (Minsk)
Higher scientific self–governing institution of Belarus, which сarries out and coordinates fundamental and exploratory research in the main areas of natural, technical and social sciences.
It’s founded on the basis of the Institute of Belarusian Culture (Inbelkult, 1922–1928) and was opened on January 1, 1929.
It was Belarusian Academy of Sciences until 1936, Academy of Sciences of the BSSR in 1936–1991, Academy of Sciences of Belarus in 1991–1997, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus since May 1997.
1982 – the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yakub Kolas (Academician)
1982 – the 100th anniversary of the birth of Yanka Kupala (Academician)
1972 – the 90th anniversary of the birth of Yakub Kolas (Academician)
1972 – the 90th anniversary of the birth of Yanka Kupala (Academician)
1971 – the 75th anniversary of the birth of Kondrat Krapiva (Academician)
1968 – the 40th anniversary of the birth of the founding of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
1967 – the 90th anniversary of the birth of Nikolay Nikolsky (Academician, Director of the Institute of History)
1967 – the 90th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Pertsev (Academician, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Social Sciences)
1967 – the 90th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Prilezhayev (Academician, Director of the Institute of Chemistry)
1966 – the 70th anniversary of the birth of Kondrat Krapiva (Academician)
1965 – the 60th anniversary of the birth of Petrus Brovka (Academician)
Anniversaries of great personalities and important historical events, 1981–1982 : OPI-80/WS/6 / UNESCO. – Paris, 1980. – 29 p.
1971, 1972
Празднование годовщин великих людей и событий : резолюция 15 C/4.351 // Акты Генеральной конференции, шестнадцатая сессия, Париж, 1968 г. : в 4 т. / Орг. Объед. Наций по вопр. образования, науки и культуры. – Париж : ЮНЕСКО, 1969–1970. – Т. 1 : Резолюции. – 1969. – С. 71.
Anniversaries of great personalities and events (1971–1972) : COM/MD/16 / UNESCO. – Paris, 1970. – 10 p.
1967, 1968
Празднование годовщин великих людей и событий : резолюция 13 C/4.2251 // Акты Генеральной конференции, тринадцатая сессия, Париж, 1964 г. : [в 2 т.] / Орг. Объед. Наций по вопр. образования, науки и культуры. – Париж : ЮНЕСКО, 1965–1966. – [Т. 1] : Резолюции. – 1965. – С. 80.
Anniversaries of great personalities and events (1967–1968) : UNESCO/MC/54 / UNESCO. – Paris, 1982. – 25 p.
Празднование годовщин великих людей и событий : резолюция 12 C/5.241 // Акты Генеральной конференции, двенадцатая сессия, Париж, 1962 г. : в 2 т. / Орг. Объед. Наций по вопр. образования, науки и культуры. – Париж, 1963–1964. – Т. 1 : Резолюции. – 1963. – С. 66.
Anniversaries of great personalities and events (1965–1966) : UNESCO/MC/50 / UNESCO. – Paris, 1964. – 9 p.