The Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theatre (Vitebsk)
It was opened in Vitebsk on November 21, 1926 under the name of the Second Belarusian State Theater. In 1944 it was named after Yakub Kolas, in 1977 it received the academic status, since 2001 it has become the Yakub Kolas National Academic Drama Theatre.
1966 – 40th anniversary of the founding
Празднование годовщин великих людей и событий : резолюция 12 C/5.241 // Акты Генеральной конференции, двенадцатая сессия, Париж, 1962 г. : в 2 т. / Орг. Объед. Наций по вопр. образования, науки и культуры. – Париж, 1963–1964. – Т. 1 : Резолюции. – 1963. – С. 66.
Anniversaries of great personalities and events (1965–1966) : UNESCO/MC/50 / UNESCO. – Paris, 1964. – 9 p.