The section presents encyclopedias and encyclopedic dictionaries, biographical and bio-bibliographical publications in the collection of the National Library of Belarus, which contain biographical information about the generals and military leaders of the First World War, born on Belarusian soil.
1Н//294033К(048)*1Н//294035К(021)*1Н//294038К(024)*1Н//294034К(025)*1Н//279229К(039)*1Н//294031К(039)*1Н//294036К(054) Ваенная энцыклапедыя Беларусі = Военная энциклопедия Беларуси / [складальнікі: В. Ц. Осіпаў і інш. ; рэдкалегія: Л. У. Языковіч (галоўны рэдактар) і інш.]. – Мінск : Беларуская Энцыклапедыя, 2010. – 1132 с. “The Military Encyclopedia of Belarus” is the first military encyclopedia issued in Belarus. The publication contains information on military science and military history, equipment and weapons, problems of military construction, and military geography. It also includes information about our countrymen who fought for their homeland. |
1Н//483092К(021)*1Н//483094К(024)*1Н//483091К(025)*1Н//476279К(039)*1Н//476282К(039)*1Н//483090К(039) Бондаренко, В. В. Полководцы и военачальники Первой мировой войны – уроженцы Беларуси / Вячеслав Бондаренко. – Минск : Звязда, 2014. – 119 с. The book is about the fate of military leaders and commanders of the First World War, generals born in Belarus, whose names were almost forgotten. In the preface, the author writes about how difficult it was for him to find traces of these people in history. Truly, “sometimes there are no names left from the heroes of the old days”... |
1ОК396527 Волков, Е. В. Белые генералы Восточного фронта Гражданской войны : биографический справочник / Е. В.Волков, Н. Д.Егоров, И. В.Купцов. – Москва : Русский путь, 2003. – 236 с. The handbook contains the most complete list of biographies of generals and admirals who served in counter-revolutionary units in Eastern Russia (605 people): in Volga region, the Ural, in Siberia and the Far East. Information about the natives of Belarus is also presented. |
1ОК289912*1ОК289913*1АР303612(АБ) Рутыч, Н. Н. Биографический справочник высших чинов Добровольческой армии и Вооруженных сил Юга России : материалы к истории Белого движения / Николай Рутыч. – Москва : АСТ и др., 2002. – 381 с. The book contains unique information that sheds light on the life and fate of representatives of the top leadership of the Volunteer armies of Southern Russia, not only at the fronts of the Civil War, but also in emigration. The publication includes photographs, some of which are published for the first time. |
1//494010(039)*1//494013(039) Генералы Великой войны : [сборник / составление, редакция, примечания и комментарии: Р. Г. Гагкуев]. – Москва : Белые воины [и др.], 2014. – 654 с. – (Военно-историческая серия «Белые воины»). The book of the White Warriors series (the ninth) is about four outstanding Russian generals of the Great (First World) War (1914–1918): commanders Gurko, Dukhonin, Kaledin and Rennenkampf . The first part of the book contains a bibliographical essay about General Vasily Gurko and documents, including the service record of one of the most successful generals of the Second World War, born in Belarus. |
1//262748К(039)*1//262749К(039) Волков, С. В. Генералитет Российской империи : энциклопедический словарь генералов и адмиралов от Петра I до Николая ІІ : [в 2 т.] / С. В. Волков ; [под общей редакцией В. А. Благово, С. А. Сапожникова]. – Москва : Центрполиграф, 2010. Т. 2 : Л – Я. – 830 с. The publication is a complete alphabetical list (with brief biographical information) of the Russian generals, from the creation of a regular army at the turn of the 17th–18th centuries (on the eve of the Northern War) to 1917 inclusive. The second volume includes 7874 names and 1001 portraits of the representatives of the highest command staff of the Russian army and navy, who created and defended the Russian Empire, where you can also find the natives of Belarus. |
1//551264(024)*1//605585(025)*1//517341(039)*1//517342(039) Залесский, К. А. Первая мировая война : энциклопедия : в 2 ч. / К. А. Залесский ; Российский институт стратегических исследований. – Москва : ФИВ, 2014 – .Ч. 2 : Русская действующая армия. – 762 с. – (Книжная серия РИСИ). The second part of the encyclopedia is about the Russian army. The book contains more than 300 biographies of the greatest military leaders of the First World War: the ranks of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander, commanders-in-chief, chiefs of staff, inspectors of front artillery, armies and fleets, corps commanders, most of the division chiefs and others. The book contains information about immigrants from Belarus, our compatriots who fought in the Russian army. |
1ОК460998*1//411019(039) Военный орден святого великомученика и Победоносца Георгия : именные списки 1769–1920 : биобиблиографический справочник / Федеральное архивное агентство, Российский государственный военно-исторический архив ; ответственный составитель В.М.Шабанов. – Москва : Русскій міръ, 2004. – 922 с. The Order of St. George the Great Martyr and Victorious was the highest award of the Russian Empire, which was rewarded for impeccable military service and outstanding feats on the battlefield. This encyclopedic edition includes the most complete lists of the recipients of the Order of St. George and the St. George Weapons for the entire period of the awards’ existence. The lists of recipients, who were awarded between 1769 and 1914, are reproduced from the publications of the 19th – early XX centuries, which is a bibliographical rarity. Similar lists have not been previously published. The lists also include commanders and military leaders born in Belarus. |
1//596672(039)*1//596671(039) Кавалеры Императорского ордена Святого Александра Невского, 1725–1917 : биобиблиографический словарь : [в 3 т. / авторы-составители: В. П. Пономарев, В. М. Шабанов]. – Москва : Русскій Міръ, 2009. – Т. 3. – 1049 с. – (Энциклопедии «Русского Мiра»). The Order of St. Alexander Nevsky was conceived by Emperor Peter the Great, but the first award took place in the reign of Empress Catherine the First in 1725. The Order had one degree and the motto “For Works and Fatherland” and became a common award for military and state officials, awarded to Russian and foreign citizens. The reference book (in 3 volumes) contains 3,674 articles about Russian and foreign figures who were awarded one of the highest honors of the Russian Empire. |