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Makhrov, Petr

Makhrov, Petr

20 Петр Семенович Махров.jpg Petr Makhrov (1876–1964) was a lieutenant general. He graduated from Minsk gymnasium, Infantry Cadet School in Vilno (1897), and Nikolaev Academy of the General Staff (1907). During the Russo-Japanese War, he volunteered as a cadet in the 3rd Manchurian army. After graduating from the academy, he served as an assistant to the senior adjutant of the headquarters of Vilna military district, and was appointed senior adjutant of the headquarters of the 13th Infantry Division in Sevastopol (1912). At the beginning of the First World War, Makhrov temporarily led the 34th division (1914), and then he was appointed as a senior aide in the 8th army of General Brusilov (1914). In 1917, he was appointed commander of the 13th Siberian Rifle Regiment that proved itself in the battles near Riga (August 1917). Later he was promoted to major general and took office as quartermaster general of the 12th army (1917), finished serving at the German front as commander-in-chief of the Southwestern front under the command of General Stogov. He received sick leave and went to Poltava in 1918.

Order of St. Vladimir, 4 degrees with Swords and Bow (1915);
St. George’s Weapons (1915).


  1. Махров, П. С. Военная тайна и военная цензура. – Варшава, 1909;
  2. Махров, П. С. Специальность Генерального штаба и его служебная практика.– Москва, 1911;
  3. Махров, П. С. Балканская война 1912 г. – Севастополь, 1913;
  4. Махров, П. С. Применение воздухоплавательных аппаратов на войне. – Севастополь, 1914;
  5. Махров, П. С. Кто и почему мог похитить генерала Кутепова и генерала Миллера? – Париж, 1937;
  6. Махров, П. С. Что нам делать? – Париж, 1938;
  7. Махров, П. С. Историческая памятка о Виленском военном училище. – Париж, 1959.
  8. Махров, П. С. В Белой армии генерала Деникина. Записки начальника штаба главнокомандующего Вооруженными силами Юга России. – СПб.: «Logos», 1994. – 300 с.

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Махров, П. С. Балканская война 1912–13 года : (Общий очерк от начала войны до прерыва мирных переговоров). – Севастополь : Севастопольск. военно-фехтовально-гимнастич. о-во, 1913. – 152 с.

The lifetime work of Makhrov about the First Balkan War (1912–1913)

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Махров, П. С. В Белой армии генерала Деникина : зап. нач. штаба Главнокомандующего Вооруж. Силами Юга России / Вступ. ст., биогр. справ. Н.Рутыча. – СПб. : Логос, 1994. – 301 с. – (Историческая серия. XIX-XX век).

The Notes of Lieutenant-General Makhrov, the last chief of staff of the Armed Forces in Southern Russia, are about the Civil War in Russia (early 1919 – April 1920). In the memoirs, the author gives detailed characteristics of many prominent generals of the White armies. The publication also includes a report by Makhrov, commander-in-chief of the All-Soviet Union, in which the reasons for the defeats of the White armies are revealed, and a program to continue the struggle is presented.