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The tireless worker of literature

The tireless worker of literature
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From 15 June to 31 July, the book exhibition “The tireless worker of literature” timed to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Lazaruk runs in the Belarusian literature reading room (205).

The Belarusian literary critic, educator and academician of the National Academy of Sciences Mikhail Lazaruk (1926–2000) made a significant contribution to the study of the major problems of literature, theory and methodology of teaching literature. He wrote more than 220 scientific works including monographs, literary-critical articles, books, research aids.

Mikhail Lazaruk is the author of monographs on the history of Belarusian literature Станаўленне беларускай паэмы (The becoming of the Belarusian poem) (1968), Беларуская паэма ў другой палове ХІХ – пач. ХХ ст. (The Belarusian poem in the late ХІХ – early ХХ centuries) (1970) which represent the first study of the development of Belarusian poetic epic during more than a century.

The offered exhibition presents numerous scientific works by Mikhail Lazaruk including his last book Навучанне і выхаванне творчасцю (Teaching creativity) (1994) giving a new look at the problems of literary education at school and boosting interest in new methods in the teaching of literature.

Under the direction of Mikhail Lazaruk, the concept of reforming the literary education was developed to become the basis for new programs and textbooks on Belarusian literature to the school with 12 years of training. The exhibition includes educational editions prepared by Mikhail Lazaruk himself and in collaboration with T.V. Loginova, V.V. Ivashin, P.I. Leonova, I.N. Slesareva.

A separate section of the exhibition is devoted to the editorial work which occupied an important place in the activities of Mikhail Lazaruk.

The last part of the exhibition presents the publications in encyclopedias, journals and anthologies of criticism revealing the life and work of the literary critic and teacher. The materials of the republican memorial Scientific Conference Акадэмік М.А. Лазарук і праблемы літаратурнай адукацыі ў Беларусі (Academician Mikhail Lazaruk and the problems of literary education in Belarus) (2003) will be also of interest to visitors.

Contact: (+375 17) 293 27 16.
