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Exhibition dedicated to the anniversary of the Kuteinsky Epiphany Monastery has opened in the Book Museum
The X International Congress "Library as a Cultural Phenomenon" began its work, join us in person and online

X International Congress "Library as a cultural phenomenon": Day one

X International Congress "Library as a cultural phenomenon": Day one
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On October 19, the grand opening of the X International Congress "Library as a cultural phenomenon" took place at the National Library.

The congress dedicated to the Year of Peace and Creation was opened by Vadzim Hihin, Director General of the National Library of Belarus. The welcoming speech was sent by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Roman Golovchenko, who wished the forum participants fruitful work and meaningful professional communication.


Greetings were delivered by Deputy Minister of Culture of the Republic of Belarus Sergey Sarakach, Deputy Minister of Information of the Republic of Belarus Igor Buzovsky, Director General of the Russian State Library, President of the non-profit partnership Library Assembly of Eurasia Vadim Duda, Director General of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library Yuri Nosov, Director of the Fundamental Library of the Belarusian State University, Chairman of the Council of the public association "Belarusian Library Association" Vladimir Kulazhenko, director of the Jinan City Library Wang Hai.

For ten years, the Congress has been an authoritative discussion platform in Belarus for discussing problems and trends in the library community. At the plenary session, heads and authoritative specialists of the largest libraries, archives, museums, publishing houses, leading research organizations and educational institutions, manufacturers of software, hardware, information products and industrial equipment for libraries discuss the national identity and international cooperation of libraries, cultural diplomacy as a chance for peace in the conditions of geopolitical confrontation, the influence of external factors for the acquisition of libraries and the organization of services.


The program of the first day included breakout sessions, an exhibition of publishing products, electronic information resources and services, round tables "Digital transformation of library activity" and "Shaping trends: innovative activities of regional libraries".


Within the framework of the congress, the opening of the exhibition "Book Treasures of the Kuteinsky Monastery", dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Holy Epiphany Kuteinsky Monastery, took place.

Tomorrow, on October 20, the breakout sessions "Project initiatives and socio-cultural practices of cultural and educational institutions" and "Scientific and organizational support of library activities" will be held.

Connect to the broadcast of the X International Congress "Library as a cultural phenomenon" on the Youtube channel or the forum website.

The event was organized by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus and the National Library of Belarus with the support of the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS member States and the Belarusian Library Association.

The material was provided by the Public Relations Department.


June 3–9, 1944. 13 weeks before Liberation

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Reading newspaper lines with your heart. To the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders

Belarus unconquered

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