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Functionality of ZNANIUM electronic services and tools

Functionality of ZNANIUM electronic services and tools
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On May 15, the National Library of Belarus hosted a seminar on "Functionality of ZNANIUM electronic services and tools".

Alexander Babuk, Deputy Director General of the National Library of Belarus, made a welcoming speech to the participants of the seminar.

The ZNANIUM electronic library system is a modern educational resource that contains the full texts of textbooks, textbooks for higher and secondary special education; monographs, dictionaries and reference books, special periodicals on humanities and natural sciences, economics, law, medicine, religion, pedagogy, etc.

The speaker of the seminar was Alexey Yemanov, Head of the Development Department of ZNANIUM LLC.

An overview of the ZNANIUM EBS was presented to the audience. Alexey Yemanov demonstrated in practice the possibilities and features of working with EBS: the participants got acquainted with the basic elements of navigation and search services of the resource, studied in detail the reader and its tools for effective work.

Special attention was paid to the modules of the ZNANIUM EBS, among which text analytics is a joint development of INFRA–M and the Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which allows you to search indexed resources, including open access, analyze scientific publications, create a keyword cloud, and search for incorrect borrowings.

The meeting was held in a mixed format: more than 55 library specialists from all regions of Belarus were able to join both online and in person.

We remind you that access to the ZNANIUM EBS is open to all registered users of the National Library of Belarus.

We invite you to our reading rooms!

The material was provided by the Corporate Interaction Department.


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