The illuminated Bible
The exhibition is part of the exposition “The Gate to book treasures”. Unique editions of the ХVІ–XХI centuries are on display.
The devotee of librarianship
The exhibition timed to the 130th birth anniversary of Evgeniy Khlebtsevich presents archival documents from the stocks of the National Library of Belarus.
The letter-initial
The exposition represents manuscripts of the 16th–19th centuries and the Old Believers editions of the first half of the 15th century, all they demonstrate a variety of styles and techniques of handwritten decoration of capital letters.
The One Book Exhibition
An exhibition timed to the International Museum Day is dedicated to one of the most known chronicles of the 16th century.
The Ostrog Bible
The exhibition timed to the Day of the Orthodox Book and the 450th anniversary of the Apostle by Ivan Fedorov presents the outstanding monument of Slavic writing of the 16th century.
Man who loves his country
The exhibition timed to the 200th anniversary from the date from the birth of the Belarusian archaeologist, historian, ethnographer, specialist in local lore and museums Eustachy Tyszkiewicz.
Printed in the Mamonich House
The exhibition is dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the foundation of the Mamonichs’ printing-works, one of the biggest printing centers of the 16th – early 17th centuries. It became the second – after Francisk Skorina’s printing house – publishing centre opened in Vilno, the capital of the grand Duchy of Lithuania.
The Kobzar
The exhibition timed to the 200th birth anniversary of Taras Shevchenko presents rare editions from the collections of the National Library of Belarus.
The library in time and space
The most part of the exhibition was dedicated to old-printed books of the 15th–18th centuries with engravings depicting library premises and portraits of scribes of different historical epochs.
Belarusian etching
The exhibition within the framework of the art project "Art-Line" is timed to the 500th anniversary of the art of etching.
The Polotsk Gospel
The exhibition represents a facsimile of the Polotsk Gospel of the end of the 12th century and the beginning of the 13th century.
"I was destined to be..."
The exhibition was dedicated to the 300th birth anniversary of French philosopher and enlightener Denis Diderot (1713–1784).
The Great Art Of Artillery
The exposition presents the three first editions of the eminent treatise by Kazimir Semenovich The Great Art Of Artillery.