Новые поступления в фонд зала документов международных организаций
Гусман Гомес, Ф. Эквадор – Беларусь: курс на стратегическое партнерство (2007–2016 гг.) : Ecuador – Belarús: camino hacia la cooperación estratègica (2007–2016) / Ф. Гусман Гомес, А. А. Челядинский. – Минск : Право и экономика, 2017. – 289 с.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//640329(039)
В книге раскрываются основные характеристики Республики Эквадор как страны и государства, анализируются этапы становления и развития эквадорско-белорусских отношений в 2007–2016 гг.
Предназначена для научных работников, специалистов министерств, ведомств и субъектов хозяйствования, а также преподавателей, аспирантов, магистрантов и бакалавров высших учебных заведений.
Князькин, С. А. Жалоба в Европейский Суд по правам человека: новый формуляр и образец заполнения / С. А. Князькин. – М. : Норма : Инфра-М, 2017. – 64 с.
Шифр НББ: 1//644180(039)
Автор профессионально рассказывает о новом формуляре подачи жалобы в Европейский Суд по правам человека, действующем с 1 января 2014 г. Читатель узнает, как заполнять новый формуляр, какие рекомендации и инструкции даны Европейским Судом по его заполнению. Образец заполнения позволит даже неопытным юристам подготовить жалобу в Европейский Суд по новым международным стандартам. Рекомендации, изложенные в книге, не являются официальными рекомендациями Европейского Суда по правам человека.
Для широкого круга лиц, интересующихся вопросами подготовки жалобы в Европейский Суд: адвокатов, юристов практиков, простых граждан – всех, кого волнуют вопросы защиты прав человека в Европейском Суде.
Левшенко, Ф. В. Как поехать учиться в Европу : рук. для студентов и выпускников / Ф. В. Левшенко – М. : Омега-Л, 2016. – 155 с.
Шифр НББ: 1//641610(039)
Данное пособие поможет читателю проникнуть в мир университетов Европы. Автор детально описывает методы поступления и критерии отбора студентов. На страницах приведено множество примеров, разобраны распространенные ошибки и даны подсказки к различным хитростям и уловкам – что, несомненно, облегчит подачу заявки и увеличит шансы быть избранным для обучения.
В книге вы найдете информацию о бытовых вопросах и особенностях учебы в международном сообществе. Познакомитесь с понятием «культурный шок» и получите рекомендации, как сделать минимальной тоску по дому. В завершение кратко озвучены перспективы и горизонты, которые открываются после получения «заветной корочки».
Ожигина, В. В. Международная экономическая интеграция : учеб. пособие / В. В. Ожигина, О. Н. Шкутько, Е. Н. Петрушкевич ; под ред. В. В. Ожигиной. – Минск : Белорус. гос. экон. ун-т, 2017. – 431 с.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//652204(039)
Рассматриваются особенности международной экономической интеграции стран с развитой, развивающейся и транзитивной экономикой. Характеризуются региональные, субрегиональные и межрегиональные интеграционные объединения и соглашения, созданные с участием стран Европы, Северной и Латинской Америки, Карибского бассейна, Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона, Африки, Западной Азии, СНГ (включая ЕАЭС, Союзное Государство Беларуси и России). Освещаются нормы Всемирной торговой организации по регулированию региональных торговых соглашений, анализируются экономические отношения Республики Беларусь со странами интеграционных объединений.
Подготовлено в рамках гранта Президента Республики Беларусь на разработку и внедрение учебно-методического комплекса по учебной дисциплине «Международная экономическая интеграция».
Для студентов, слушателей системы переподготовки, магистрантов и аспирантов.
Смбатян, А. С. Толкование и применение правил Всемирной торговой организации : монография / А. С. Смбатян. – М. : Инфра-м, 2017. – 447 с.
Шифр НББ: 1//642815(039)*1//642817(039)
В книге рассматриваются институциональная и нормативная система ВТО, юридическая природа обязательств членов этой международной организации, толкование правил ВТО, принципы разрешения нормативных конфликтов, причины возникновения и особенности урегулирования международных торговых споров, недискриминация, основания освобождения от ответственности, основы режимов международной торговли товарами и услугами, демпинг, субсидии, специальные защитные, санитарные и фитосанитарные меры, технические барьеры, связанные с торговлей инвестиционные меры, торговые аспекты прав интеллектуальной собственности.
Для юристов, специалистов в области внешнеэкономической деятельности, сотрудников органов государственной власти, студентов и их преподавателей, а также всех тех, кто интересуется вопросами толкования и применения международного права в актуальных условиях его развития.
Шимова, О. С. Устойчивое развитие : учебник / О. С. Шимова. – Минск : Белорус. гос. экон. ун-т, 2017. – 395 с.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//652203(039)
В учебнике изложены теоретические основы формирования современной модели мирового развития; раскрыты предпосылки создания и сущность концепции устойчивого развития; проанализированы научно-методические подходы к выработке критериев и показателей для измерения степени устойчивости социо-эколого-экономических систем; проанализированы итоги и решения международных саммитов, заложивших основы новой цивилизационной модели; изложены основные положения национальных стратегий устойчивого социально-экономического развития Республики Беларусь; дана оценка некоторых итогов их реализации.
Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений экономического и экологического профиля, а также специалистов в области эколого-экономического и социально-экономического прогнозирования.
Albert, М. A theory of world politics / M. Albert. – Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016. – XIII, 254 p. – (Cambridge studies in international relations ; 141).
Шифр НББ: 1И//643431(039)
УДК: 327
In this book, Mathias Albert develops an ambitious theoretical framework that describes world politics as a specific social system set within the wider political system of world society. Albert's analysis of the historical evolution and contemporary form of world politics takes the theory of social differentiation as its starting point. World politics is a specific, relatively recent form of politics, and Albert shows how the development of a distinct system of world politics first began during the long nineteenth century. The book goes on to identify the different forms of social differentiation that underlie the variety of contemporary forms of organising political authority in world politics. Employing sociological and historical perspectives, A Theory of World Politics also reflects critically on its relation to accounts of world politics in the field of International Relations and will appeal to a wide readership in a range of fields.
Amar-Dahl, T. Zionist Israel and the question of Palestine : Jewish statehood and the history of the Middle East conflict / T. Amar-Dahl. – Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2017. – 199 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//644454(039)
After half a century of occupation and tremendous costs of the conflict, Israel is still struggling with the idea of a Palestinian state in what is often perceived as the Biblical Eretz Israel. Mapping Zionism, enemy images, peace and war policies, as well as democracy within the Jewish State, the present study offers original insights into Israel’s role in this conflict. By analyzing Israeli history, politics and security-oriented political culture as it has been evolving from 1948 on, this book reveals the ideological and political structures of a Zionist-oriented state and society. In doing so, it uncovers the abyss between the Zionist vision of Eretz Israel on the one hand and the aspiration to achieve normalization, peace and security on the other. In view of this conflict-laden bi-national reality, the Palestinian question is identified as the Achilles' heel of Jewish statehood in the Land of Israel. Thus, Zionist Israel and the Question of Palestine provides a fresh, innovative, critical and yet accessible perspective on one of the most controversial issues in contemporary history.
Daddow, O. International relations theory / O. Daddow. – 3rd ed. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE, 2017. – IX, 325 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//645458(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 327 - Международные отношения. Всемирная политика. Внешняя политика
With chapters on all the major theories of international relations, accompanied by contemporary examples from popular culture, film and literature, this Third Edition is the ideal introduction to the key perspectives in the field.
Key features: 30% new content, with all chapters revised and updated; useful learning features including further reading, “questions to ponder”, “common pitfalls” and “taking it further” boxes, to help you extend your thinking beyond the classroom; invaluable chapters on getting the best out of your knowledge of International Relations Theory in essays and exams, including real life examples of best practice.
Green capitalism? : business and the environment in the twentieth century / edited by H. Berghoff and A. Rome. – Philadelphia : Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, 2017. – XI, 298 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//644508(039)
At a time when the human impact on the environment is more devastating than ever, business initiatives frame the quest to “green” capitalism as the key to humanity's long-term survival. Indeed, even before the rise of the environmental movement in the 1970s, businesses sometimes had reasons to protect parts of nature, limit their production of wastes, and support broader environmental reforms. In the last thirty years, especially, many businesses have worked hard to reduce their direct and indirect environmental footprint. But are these efforts exceptional, or can capitalism truly be environmentally conscious?
Green Capitalism? offers a critical, historically informed perspective on building a more sustainable economy. Written by scholars of business history and environmental history, the essays in this volume consider the nature of capitalism through historical overviews of twentieth-century businesses and a wide range of focused case studies.
Korosteleva, E. The European Union and its Eastern neighbours : towards a more ambitious partnership? / E. Korosteleva. – London ; New York : Routledge, 2012. – XIX, 188 p. – (BASEES/Routledge series on Russian and East European studies ; 78).
Шифр НББ: 1И//648834(039)
This book explores the EU's relations with its eastern neighbours. Based on extensive original research – including surveys, focus groups, a study of school essays and in-depth interviews with key people in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia and in Brussels – it assesses why the EU's initiatives have received limited legitimacy in the neighbourhood.
The European Neighbourhood Policy of 2004 and the subsequent Eastern Partnership of 2009 heralded a new form of relations with the EU's neighbours – partnership based on joint ownership and shared values -which would complement if not entirely replace the EU's traditional governance framework used for enlargement. These initiatives have, however, received a mixed response from the EU's eastern neighbours. The book shows how the key elements of partnership have been driven mainly by the EU, rather than jointly, and examines the idea and application of external governance, and how this has been over-prescriptive and confusing.
Prabhakar, A. C. The current global recession : a theoretical and empirical investigation into developed and BRICS economies / A. C. Prabhakar. – Bingley : Emerald, 2017. – XXIII, 430 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//645412(039)
This generation's economic crisis has truly global reach, with repercussions reverberating throughout nations and across societies. Prabhakar investigates the world-wide depression, using empirical understanding and new data sets on indicator and policy variables. He focuses on: the overall causes of this crisis and the failures of mainstream economics; analyzes the rising tide of poverty and social inequality resulting from the depression; examines the relationship between the economic crisis and economic systems; studies the evolution of the global monetary system and history of central banking; and delves into BRICS with a particular focus on China and India, as well as Europe and the United States. This applicable work should be used to understand and study the true global reach of this crisis, and the effect on economic policy and society as a whole.
Schuerkens, U. Social changes in a global world / U. Schuerkens. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE, 2017. – XIII, 255 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//645469(039)
УДК: 316.42
Renowned author Ulrike Schuerkens presents an in-depth exploration of social transformations and developments. Combining an international approach with up-to-date research, the book has dedicated chapters on contemporary topics including technology, new media, war and terror, political culture and inequality. It includes an analysis of societal structures – inequality, globalization, transnationalism. The book contains learning features including: discussion questions, annotated further reading, chapter summaries and pointers to online resources to assist with study.
The impact of the ECHR on democratic change in Central and Eastern Europe : judicial perspectives / edited by I. Motoc and I. Ziemele. – Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016. – XXVIII, 529 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//644764(039)
High hopes were placed in the ability of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the European Court of Human Rights to help realise fundamental freedoms and civil and political rights in the postcommunist countries. This book explores the effects of the Strasbourg human rights system on the domestic law, politics, and reality of the new mem¬ber states. With contributions by past and present judges of the European Court of Human Rights and assorted constitutional courts, this book provides an insider view of the relationship between Central and Eastern European states and the ECHR, and examines the fundamental role played by the ECHR in the process of democratisation, particularly the areas of the right to liberty, the right to property, freedom of expression, and minor¬ities' rights.
The legislative history of the International Criminal Court : in 2 vol. / edited by M. Cherif Bassiouni and W. A. Schabas. – 2nd rev. and expanded ed. – Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2016. – Vol. 1. – XXXVI, 616 p. – (International criminal law series ; vol. 9).
Шифр НББ: 1И//644792(039)
This unique work is an article-by-article drafting history of the ICC Statute containing all versions of every article in the Statute as it evolved from 1994 to 1998. It also integrates in the Statute's provisions the “Elements of the Crimes” and the “Rules of Procedure and Evidence” adopted by the Preparatory Commission (1998–2000) and the Regulations of the Court adopted by the plenary of judges. A description of the ICC mechanisms and institutions precedes this article-by-article legislative history. Other relevant documents are also included, such as those concerning the privileges and immunities and financial regulations of the Court, as well as its relationship with the United Nations. It also offers an insightful first-hand account of the drafting process both prior to and during the Rome Diplomatic Conference, along with a detailed historical survey of the efforts to establish the ICC.
Government officials, judges, practitioners, and scholars seeking to interpret and understand the ICC Statute will find this publication unmatched for completeness and ease of use.
Volume 1 starts with a historic chronology of events on international criminal justice, starting in 1268 up the ICC.
The legislative history of the International Criminal Court : in 2 vol. / edited by M. Cherif Bassiouni and W. A. Schabas. – 2nd rev. and expanded ed. – Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2016. – Vol. 2. – IX, 959 p. – (International criminal law series ; vol. 9).
Шифр НББ: 1И//644796(039)
This unique work is an article-by-article drafting history of the ICC Statute containing all versions of every article in the Statute as it evolved from 1994 to 1998. It also integrates in the Statute's provisions the “Elements of the Crimes” and the “Rules of Procedure and Evidence” adopted by the Preparatory Commission (1998–2000) and the Regulations of the Court adopted by the plenary of judges. A description of the ICC mechanisms and institutions precedes this article-by-article legislative history. Other relevant documents are also included, such as those concerning the privileges and immunities and financial regulations of the Court, as well as its relationship with the United Nations. It also offers an insightful first-hand account of the drafting process both prior to and during the Rome Diplomatic Conference, along with a detailed historical survey of the efforts to establish the ICC.
Government officials, judges, practitioners, and scholars seeking to interpret and understand the ICC Statute will find this publication unmatched for completeness and ease of use. Volume 2 is a chronological legislative history of all relevant material from 1994 to 2004, concerning each article of the Statute.
The SAGE handbook of tourism studies / edited by T. Jamal and M. Robinson. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE, 2012. – XIX, 716 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//644261(039)
Tourism studies developed as a sub-branch of older disciplines in the social sciences, such as anthropology, sociology and economics, and newer applied fields of study in hospitality management, civil rights and transport studies.
This Handbook is a sign of the maturity of the field. It provides an essential resource for teachers and students to determine the roots, key issues and agenda of tourism studies
Ranging from local to global issues, and from questions of management to the ethical dilemmas of tourism, this is a comprehensive, critically informed, constructively organized overview of the field. It draws together an inter-disciplinary group of contributors who are among the most celebrated names in the field and will be quickly recognized as a landmark in the new and expanding field of tourism studies.