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Новые поступления в фонд зала документов международных организаций

Международное техническое руководство по сексуальному образованию : сост. на основе фактов и науч. данных / ООН, Объед. программа по ВИЧ/СПИДу [и др.]. – Изд. 2-е, пересм. – Париж : ЮНЕСКО, 2018. – 163 с.
Шифр НББ: 1И//805691К(039)

Первое издание настоящего руководства было опубликовано в 2009 году в качестве основанного на фактах и научных данных ресурса для школ, преподавателей и специалистов по образованию в области здоровья. Второе издание, обновленное с учетом произошедших с тех времен перемен, призвано более адекватно ответить на сегодняшние потребности молодежи и помочь в этом специалистам-практикам и системе образования в целом. В новой редакции сексуальное образование рассматривается с позиции уважения прав человека и гендерного равенства и помогает предоставлять необходимую информацию в условиях упорядоченного учебного процесса в позитивном, жизнеутверждающем ключе и с учетом наилучших интересов молодежи.


Цели образования в интересах устойчивого развития : задачи обучения / Орг. Объед. Наций по вопр. образования, науки и культуры. – Париж : ЮНЕСКО, 2017. – VI, 65 с.
Шифр НББ: 1И//805692К(039)

Образование в целях устойчивого развития способствует формированию у обучаемых навыков принятия обоснованных решений и ответственного отношения к вопросам защиты окружающей среды, обеспечения экономической жизнеспособности и справедливых основ существования общества в интересах нынешнего и будущих поколений.

В настоящем издании сформулированы конкретные задачи обучения, темы и практические задания по каждой из Целей в области устойчивого развития (ЦУР), а также описывается образовательный процесс на разных этапах: от разработки учебных курсов до формулирования национальных стратегий. Цель публикации – помочь директивным органам, специалистам и преподавателям в деле разработки стратегий, программ и курсов обучения, направленных на достижение ЦУР.


Culture for the 2030 Agenda / UNESCO. – Paris : UNESCO, 2018. – 45 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//809608(039)

With the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the international community recognized the role of culture as a driver, acknowledging the power of culture for creating decent work and economic growth, reducing inequalities, protecting the environment, promoting gender equality and building peaceful and inclusive societies.

This brochure demonstrates the vast scope of culture’s contribution to sustainable development and shares best practices and showcase examples of UNESCO activities.


Inclusion et education: tous, sans exception : rapp. mondial de suivi sur l'education, 2020 / UNESCO. – Paris : UNESCO, 2020. – XVIII, 455 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//805680К(039)

Conformement a son mandat, le Rapport GEM 2020 evalue les progres accomplis dans la realisation de l'objectif de developpement durable 4 (ODD 4) sur l'education et ses dix cibles, ainsi que d'autres cibles educatives connexes dans le programme des ODD. Le Rapport traite egalement de l'inclusion dans l'education, en portant une attention particuliere a tous ceux et celles qui sont exclus de l'education, en raison de leurs antecedents ou de leurs capacites.

Ce rapport appelle tous les acteurs de l'education a elargir leur comprehension de l'education inclusive pour inclure tous les apprenants, quels que soient leur identite, leur origine ou leurs capacites; a croire que chaque personne est unique, a un potentiel et doit etre respectee; et a placer la diversite au c?ur des systemes educatifs, plutot que de la considerer comme un probleme.


Teaching and learning: achieving quality for all / UNESCO. – Paris : UNESCO, 2014. – X, 462 p. – (EFA global monitoring report ; 2013–2014).
Шифр НББ: 1И//805714К(039)

The 2013/4 Education for All Global Monitoring Report shows why education is pivotal for development in a rapidly changing world. It explains how investing wisely in teachers, and other reforms aimed at strengthening equitable learning, transform the long-term prospects of people and societies.

Teaching and Learning: Achieving Quality for All describes how policy-makers can support and sustain a quality education system for all children, regardless of background, by providing the best teachers. It presents the latest evidence from around the world of the power of education to help improve health and nutrition, reduce poverty, boost economic growth and protect the environment.


UNESCO Associated Schools Network : guide for nat. coordinators / UNESCO. – Paris : UNESCO, 2018. – 27 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//809577К(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 327.7 – ЮНЕСКО

This document describes in detail the history of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network, its mission, goals, management, membership, and other information. It serves as a guide for National Coordinators who represent the link between the schools in their country, their National Commission and other national authorities, and the International Coordinator at UNESCO.


UNESCO moving forward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development / UNESCO. – Paris : UNESCO, 2017. – 19 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//809606(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 327.7 – ЮНЕСКО

The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, sets forth a bold new framework for development cooperation over the next 15 years. These Goals represent the most universal, ambitious and comprehensive agenda ever seen, to leave no one behind. The 2030 Agenda aspires to ensure prosperity and well-being for all women and men, while protecting our planet and strengthening the foundations for peace.


The United Nations : in 8 vol. / edited by S. Daws, N. Samarasinghe. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE ref., 2015. – Vol. 1 : Origins and evolution. – LXXXIII, 310 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//810799(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 327.7ООН-Организация Объединенных Наций

The first volume of The United Nations opens with the text on the UN Charter, the foundation document of the organisation, and the Statute of the International Court of Justice, followed by contributions that chart the UN’s origins.

This volume documents the history of the United Nations against the backdrop of changing world events. Speeches and articles by international political figures have been selected to provide a snapshot of the political zeitgeist of each of the UN’s decades of existence. The remaining articles in Volume I take the UN’s “temperature” at key points in its history, providing a wide range of perspectives on its performance, challenges and opportunities.


The United Nations : in 8 vol. / edited by S. Daws, N. Samarasinghe. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE ref., 2015. – Vol. 2 : Principal organs. – VI, 395 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//810801(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 327.7ООН-Организация Объединенных Наций

Volume II of The United Nations provides a visual representation of the UN system’s complex structure, with the main focus on its six principal organs: the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Secretariat, the International Court of Justice and the Trusteeship Council.

The United Nations : in 8 vol. / edited by S. Daws, N. Samarasinghe. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE ref., 2015. – Vol. 3 : Roles and relationships. – VI, 391 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//810804(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 327.7ООН-Организация Объединенных Наций

Volume III of The United Nations explores the different roles of the UN system – as a whole and in part – and how they are perceived, including the organisation’s overall contribution towards shaping the “international community”. It also considers the interests of, and relationships between, the UN’s diverse constituent actors: from states to regional organisations, NGOs to businesses.


The United Nations : in 8 vol. / edited by S. Daws, N. Samarasinghe. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE ref., 2015. – Vol. 4 : A UN for the 21st century. – VI, 420 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//810807(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 327.7ООН-Организация Объединенных Наций

Volume IV of The United Nations turns to the future development of the organisation. It features articles that review previous reform efforts, as well as contributions that document or propose recommendations aimed at strengthening the UN or adapting it in the face of external changes.


The United Nations : in 8 vol. / edited by S. Daws, N. Samarasinghe. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE ref., 2015. – Vol. 5 : Conflict and crisis. – VI, 389 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//810808(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 327.7ООН-Организация Объединенных Наций

Volume V of The United Nations focuses on the UN’s role in maintaining international peace and security, with articles on conflict prevention, peacekeeping, peacebuilding, civilian protection and disarmament, with related issues also featured in the other volumes, such as responsibility to protect (Volume VI), post-conflict development (Volume VII) and conflict drivers such as climate change (Volume VIII).


The United Nations : in 8 vol. / edited by S. Daws, N. Samarasinghe. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE ref., 2015. – Vol. 6 : Rights and justice. – VI, 361 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//810813(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 327.7ООН-Организация Объединенных Наций

Volume VI of The United Nations covers the UN and human rights, from the broad standard-setting functions of the organisation to its most challenging, and often controversial, task: action to prevent mass atrocities. This area of work, perhaps more than any other, sees the UN grapple with fundamental questions of legitimacy, universality and sovereignty.


The United Nations : in 8 vol. / edited by S. Daws, N. Samarasinghe. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE ref., 2015. – Vol. 7 : Poverty and development. – VI, 400 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//810819(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 327.7ООН-Организация Объединенных Наций

Volume VII of The United Nations contains articles on the UN’s development work, which has evolved from a narrow focus on poverty reduction and economic growth to greater integration with humanitarian, conflict, human rights and political frameworks, setting out the major development themes of each decade since 1945.


The United Nations : in 8 vol. / edited by S. Daws, N. Samarasinghe. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE ref., 2015. – Vol. 8 : Environment and climate change. – VI, 386 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//810824(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 327.7ООН-Организация Объединенных Наций

Volume VIII of The United Nations addresses the UN’s work in the areas of environmental protection, climate change and sustainable development. The UN Charter does not specifically mention the environment, but issues with environmental element soon become part of the organisation’s agenda, through the work of the UN’s funds, programmes and agencies, and through international treaties, such as the 1950 International Convention for the Protection of Birds.


World social science report, 2013 : changing global environments / UNESCO, Intern. Social Science Council. – Paris : UNESCO : OECD, 2013. – 610 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//805711К(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 316–Социология

Global environmental changes are intricately linked to other social, political and economic crises, from poverty and inequality to social discontent. Society must now find ways to simultaneously protect the planet’s bounty and safeguard social equity and well-being for all. In this urgent quest, social science knowledge is indispensable for understanding the causes and consequences of global environmental change and finding effective solutions for a sustainable future.

In this World Social Science Report, 150 authors from all over the world offer insights that help us understand the challenges before us. The report issues a call to action to the international social science community to collaborate more effectively with each other, with colleagues from other fields of science, and with the users of research to deliver solutions-oriented knowledge on today’s most pressing environmental problems.


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