MainAbout the LibraryPublishing production of the Library Electronic editions of the LibraryElectronic editions, 2006–2008Новая літаратура па культуры і мастацтву Беларусі. 2006 год. / New literature on culture and art of Belarus. 2006: bibliography

Новая літаратура па культуры і мастацтву Беларусі. 2006 год. / New literature on culture and art of Belarus. 2006: bibliography

Соmpilers: А.К. Bondarenko and others

СD-ROM (in Belarusian and Russian languages, 4 quarter issues per year) contains information on new publications dedicated to the theory, history, and modern state of culture and art of Belarus (books, monographs, collected scientific papers, dissertations, authors’ abstracts of dissertations, and articles).

Object field: culture, cultural policy, international cooperation, social and cultural activity, folk art and individual creative work, library science and bibliography, museum study, protection of historical and cultural monuments, theory of art and art study, esthetical education, fine arts, theatre, cinema, variety art, circus, choreography etc.

The edition is designed for librarians, scientists, practitioners, and everyone who is interested in the modern Belarusian culture and art.

Size 10 Мb. 60 copies.
Sale price (VAT inclusive):  Br 18 002
Retail price:  Br 19 800

The edition is available at the booth located on the first floor next to the central entrance or by subscription.