General information
1st floor, room 105
The general reading room provides services to students of institutions of general secondary, vocational, secondary specialized, higher education, specialists with secondary, special secondary and higher education including bachelors, undergraduates, graduate students, candidates for a degree.
The reading room delivers documents from the main library stock and provides access to the deposit collection and electronic information resources.
The deposit collection
The deposit collection includes about 2 thousand references and encyclopedic publications on all fields of knowledge. Documents are available to all readers.
Access to electronic resources
Special equipment:
The opening hours of the reading room correspond to the opening hours of the Library.
Assistant librarian
Tel.: (+375 17) 293 27 01 (internal number: 77 01)
Head of general service section
Tel.: (+375 17) 293 27 01 (internal number: 77 01)
Head of the Library service department
Tel.: (+375 17) 293 27 03 (internal number: 77 03)