1. These Regulations for user service of individual loan (hereinafter Regulations) are developed in conformity with the Code on Culture of the Republic of Belarus, law No 262-3 dtd. 17/05/2011 “On the author’s rights and associated rights”, User’s rule of the National library of Belarus, Instruction on recording and safekeeping the collections of the National library of Belarus, Information copying rules of the state-owned institution “National library of Belarus” and defines the service conditions between the users of the Individual Loan (the IL hereinafter) and the state-owned institution “National Library of Belarus” (hereinafter the Library).
2. The IL’s activities are aimed at satisfying of scientific, industrial and educational needs of users.
3. The readers of the Library registered and living in Minsk have the right to use the IL’s services.
3.1. The IL’s activities are provided for the following users:
candidates and doctors of sciences;
scientific degree seekers;
teachers of higher and secondary special educational institutions;
employees of research institutions, engaged in research works;
employees, who work in the Library for at least 3 months,
retired employees who has worked in the library for at least for 10 years.
4. As part of the IL service, services of issuing original documents from the Library’s deposits for temporary use, providing access to the Library's electronic resources, as well as additional services are provided: photocopying, scanning document fragments, exporting electronic information to different types of media.
5. The IL service is paid (except the access to the Library's electronic resources) according to the Price list of paid services rendered by the state institution "National Library of Belarus" (Price List hereinafter).*
6. User Service of the IL is carried out by the Library service department (hereinafter the department).
7. The IL’s operating hours:
Monday – Thursday: 10.00 am – 7.00 pm
Friday: 10.00 am – 6.00 pm
Saturday, Sunday: days off.
7.1. July 1st – August 31st (operating hours during a summer time period):
Monday – Thursday: 10.00 am – 6.00 pm
Friday: 10.00 am – 5.00 pm
Saturday, Sunday: days off.
8. The main basis for users registration is a diploma (copy) of the degree of candidate or doctor of science; for readers of the Library who do not have a scientific degree of a candidate or a doctor of sciences – a petition from the employer or educational institution with the justification of the purpose or a subject of a thesis, a reader’s ticket of the library.
9. While registering, a user needs to get acquainted with the Regulations and fill in the registration form.
10. The order of documents is made automatically from any user’s work desk of the Library though the Electronic catalog or the Library Internet-portal.
11. The order is processed within 30 minutes.
12. The booked (ordered) documents are located in the reading room of the department within 3 days from the date of the order. The unclaimed documents are sent back to the deposit.
13. The documents from the closed part of the deposit of the department are issued by the librarian on duty without a previous order at the user's verbal request.
14. The documents from the open part of the deposit can be used by a user independently, without disturbing the system of their placement on the shelves. The documents are issued upon the reader's ticket presentation at the issuing desk in the reading room of the department.
15. The issued documents are accompanied by a special pass, which must be presented to the security officer upon leaving the Library.
16. The period of use of documents is 30 days. The most demanded documents are issued for a shorter period (between three and ten days). **
17. The orders are not accepted 30 minutes before the reading room of the department has been closed.
18. The IL service does not apply to publications as follows:
19. The electronic resources of the Library are available from any user’s work desk.
20. The access to the Internet resources is provided for educational and research purposes only.
21. The access to the electronic resources is available through a reader’s ticket, which the reader needs to hand over to the librarian on duty at the IL issuing desk before the operation in internet has been started.
22. The user can use text editors "WordPad" and "Notepad" to process the electronic data. To avoid information loss it is advisable to save intermediate files when working with text documents.
23. While working with electronic resources, it is inadmissible to perform system procedures on the computer network, reinstall the software.
24. Electronic information can be saved only through the "Portfolio" folder of the user's automated work desk (hereinafter referred to as the "Portfolio" folder) in accordance with the Instruction on the saving of electronic information.
25. The IL user’s can get additional services on photocopying and scanning of fragments of documents from the collections of the Library, exporting of electronic information to different kinds of data carriers according to the Price list. The photocopying and scanning is available according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus “On the author’s rights and associated rights”.
26. At the user’s request, the reading room of the department can provide photocopying services up to 40 pages of the Library documents. Should more photocopies required, the photocopying is to be performed in photocopying points.
27. At the user’s request, the reading room of the department can scan up to 10 pages of documents from the Library’s documents.*** Scanning of more pages and other document formats is carried out at the request which has been sent in advance.
28. The request on a prior scanning shall be executed at the desk of the librarian on duty. The user shall fill in a proper form; pay the order; submit a clean electronic carrier or specify an e-mail address to send an electronic copy. The request is processed within one to three working days.
29. To copy information from the file “Portfolio” the user must notify an assistant librarian of the number of user work desk and the name of created file.
30. To copy electronic information it is advisable to present a clear electronic carrier. The exporting of information is performed after virus test (during which the virus files can be deleted by the system). In the presence of virus files that can’t be deleted copying of information is denied.
36. The Library has a right:
36.1. to make changes in this Procedure;
36.2. to impose restrictions on the terms of use of document, on issuing of originals;
36.3 coping the documents in order to provide safety of the collections
36.4. to stop servicing a user in case the Procedure is violated;
36.5. to close the user’s loan in case of the second Procedure violence;
37. The Library is obliged:
37.1. to provide high-quality services to users for the provision of originals of documents and additional services except the cases described in p. 19 of this Procedure;
37.2. to provide consulting and reference-bibliographic support for user orders;
37.3. inform users about changes in the Order and mode of service.
To solve any problems that are not settled by this Regulation, ask the head of the Library Service Department and / or Deputy director general – director of information resources and user service.
* Library employees and employees, who are retired and whose working experience in the Library is at least seven years, are served for free (except the additional services).
** The librarian on duty considers in every case.
*** Scanning is performed during the opening hours of the interlibrary loan sector.