1. This Procedure have been developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On librarianship in the Republic of Belarus", the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Copyright and Related Rights", the Instruction on the organization and functioning of the national system of interlibrary loan, STB 7.31-2000 "Interlibrary loan", the Regulations on the system of interlibrary loan and document delivery of states – participants of the CIS, the Rules of functioning of the system of interlibrary loan and document delivery of states – participants of the CIS, the Instructions for use of the National Library of Belarus, the Rules of copying of the information, and determines the conditions of service of users of interlibrary loan and document delivery (further – ILL and DD).
2. ILL and DD functions for the development of scientific, technical and cultural potential of users in order to ensure their rights to free access to information resources of domestic and foreign libraries.
3. The services of ILL and DD can be used by:
3.1. collective users – libraries and other institutions of the Republic of Belarus, that have a library or a person responsible for information support of scientific, educational, professional and other activities;
3.2. individual users of the state institution "National Library of Belarus" (hereinafter – the Library).
4. Services of providing of original documents of the Library for temporary use (only for collective users), print and digital copies for permanent use in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Copyright and Related Rights".
5. The providing of services on ILL and DD is carried out according to the Price list of paid services provided by the state institution "National Library of Belarus".
6. User service with the means of ILL and DD is provided by Library service department.
7. Collective user service is carried out on the long-term basis and on one-time requests.
8. The long-term service is carried out on the basis of the contract1.
8.1. State registration certificate of the institution is required to sign the contract.
8.2. The number of the loan and password for placing orders on the web portal of the Library is given after signing of the contract.
9. One-time request is provided on the basis of a letter of guarantee signed by the head of the institution that applies for the service.
10. The reason for request is an order.
11. Orders can be sent by means of post service or via e-mail or via the web portal of the Library.
12. Order of the collective user must contain the following information:
12.1. name of the institution;
12.2. number of the loan, date and number of the order, name of the responsible person;
12.3. bibliographic information about the document in the original language (surname and initials of the author, title, place and year of publication – for books; title of the publication, year, volume, number, surname and initials of the author, title of the article – for periodicals).
13. Individual users are serviced by means of ILL and DD only having the library card of the Library.
14. In the absence of the document in the collections of the Library of The individual user has the right to issue the order on the international interlibrary loan (hereinafter – IILL) for the search and obtaining of documents from foreign libraries.
15. Order of the individual user must contain the following information:
15.1. number of the library card;
15.2. surname, name, patronymic name;
15.3. postal and electronic address, telephone number;
15.4. bibliographic information about the document in the original language (surname and initials of the author, title, place and year of publication – for books; title of the publication, year, volume, number, surname and initials of the author, title of the article – for periodicals).
16. Valuable and rare documents, articles from newspapers and magazines, reference books publications, editions, available in the fund of the Library in a single copy, cartographic and visual materials, audio and video materials, documents, publication of which is up to 1945 are only issued in the form of copies.
17. The timing of orders for ILL and DD is from 1 to 3 working days, excluding time for transfer.
18. The timing of orders for IILL depends on its complexity and capabilities of the library-performer.
19. The term of using of the original documents received by the ILL is 30 days.
20. In case of absence of the ordered document in the Library or the inability of its delivery outside the Library, the user is informed about the rejection.
21. Users have a right:
21.1. to place orders on ILL and DD, IILL;
21.2. to choose the form of orders, taking into account para. 5 of this Procedure;
21.3. to determine the term of relevance of orders;
21.4. to receive the data of bibliographic completion of orders.
22. Users are obliged:
22.1. to use the original documents obtained by the ILL and DD, IILL only in the reading room of the library-orderer;
22.2. to keep the originals of documents obtained separately from the library-orderer;
22.3. to provide the preservation of documents and their timely return;
22.4. to replace the original documents in case of damage or loss with identical copies;
22.5. to use the documents obtained by means of ILL and DD according to para. 5 of this Procedure only for educational and research purposes.
23. The Library has a right:
23.1. to make changes in this Procedure;
23.2. to impose restrictions on the terms of use of document, on delivery of originals and copying of documents in order to safeguard the funds;
23.3. to stop servicing a user in case of debt;
23.4. to refuse a reservation for reasons beyond the Library.
24. The Library is obliged:
24.1. to take cognizance of orders, received by ILL and DD, IILL;
24.2. to carry out bibliographic completion of orders;
24.3. to fulfill orders within the period marked in paras. 17 and 18 of this Procedure;
24.4. to inform users about the execution or the rejection of orders.
Issues on the user service, not regulated by this Procedure, shall be resolved individually by addressing to the head of the library service department and Deputy director general – director of information resources and user service.
1 The Library reserves the right not to require to sign the contract in some cases.