1. The Legal information reading room rules of use (the Rules hereinafter) are developed in accordance with the National Library of Belarus Code of Service, The rules about use of information resources in the reading rooms, The rules about information copying, The rules about use of electronic documents from the stocks of the National Library of Belarus and specify the service procedure at the Legal information reading room (the Reading Room hereinafter).
2. The Reading Room serves all users of the National Library of Belarus (the Library hereinafter).
3. The Reading Room delivers documents from its deposit collection, provides access to electronic resources and offers additional (paid) services.
4. Before starting to work with information resources in the Reading Room, a user must pass their library ticket to a consultant bibliographer.
5. All user data and data on websites he or she visits are stored in special file depot, in compliance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus “On the improvement of the national Internet segment usage” оf 1 February, 2010 № 60 (with further modifications and additions).
6. The work time of the Reading Room corresponds with that of the Library.
7. Users can take documents from the deposit collection, without breaking the system of arrangement on the shelving. Users must register borrowed documents at a consultant bibliographer.
8. Borrowed documents must be placed on special tables near the shelving after use.
9. Documents from the deposit collection can’t be booked.
10. It is forbidden to take away documents from the Reading Room without permission of a consultant bibliographer..
11. The Reading Room doesn’t deliver documents from the library stock.
12. Access to electronic resources of the Library is provided on any user workbenches.
13. Free access to the Internet information resources is provided on particular user workbenches. Access to social networks and entertainment websites is prohibited.
14. A user can get a free consultation on use of electronic resources at a consultant bibliographer.
15. To process electronic documents, users can use text editors WordPad and Notepad. To avoid information loss, it is advisable to save file when processing data.
16. Users can save data from electronic resources of the Library and the Internet text files to the file "Briefcase" on computer desktop during a day.
17. It is forbidden to perform any system operations in the Library’s computer network, reinstall software tools.
18. It is forbidden to process data on users’ media in the Reading Room. To work with personal data media, a user can take a carrel in the Specialists reading room, the Belarusian literature reading room and the Visual materials reading room.
19. In the Reading Room users can use a TV set (up to 30 minutes per day) to watch scientific and educational programs. Sound volume is regulated by a bibliographer so that not to disturb other users.
20. The Reading Room offers additional paid services as follow: photocopying of fragments of documents from the Reading Room collections, export of electronic information to different kind of media according to the Service Price List and The rules about information copying.
21. A user can have copied up to 40 document pages. Photocopying of more pages is carried out by operators in the atrium on the first and the second floors.
22. A user must note down the numbers of document pages to be copied.
23. Saving and copying of electronic information to different kinds of media is performed via file “Briefcase” from user workbench, according to the Instruction on Electronic Information Saving.
24. To copy information from file “Briefcase” a user must notify an assistant bibliographer of the number of a user workbench and the name of created file.
25. To copy electronic information it is advisable to have a clear electronic medium. Export of information is performed after virus test. In the presence of viruses information copying is denied.
26. Service payment is made at the cash desks. Additional paid services are provided upon presentation of a cashed check.
27. Service rendering ceases 30 minutes before the closing time of the Library.
28. To solve any problems that are not settled by this Regulation, please ask head of the Offical Documenst Division or First Deputy Director for User Service and Ideology.