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To the 205th anniversary of Stanislaw Monyushko's birth


But there is a glory to which you belong,
Like a moth to the fire, you always fly,
And you drink love like bitter wine.
May the way to Minsk home not be lost,
Where is your music, like roots
The sacred tree that lifts the days
The countries that have been and will be with us,
Belarusians have an endless time
As long as with prayer, holy music
The soul is full here to be alive…

Victor Schnip.
A fragment from the poem "The Ballad of Stanislaw Moniuszko", 2009

In 2024, the 205th anniversary of the birth of Stanislaw Moniuszko(1819-1872), the world-famous composer and conductor, our countryman, who made a significant contribution to the formation of Belarusian musical culture, is celebrated.

Five years ago, the 200th anniversary of the composer was included in the UNESCO list of memorable dates. Thanks to this, 2019 became a real surge of interest in the personality and work of S. Moniuszko, contributed to a wide celebration and numerous initiatives. The National Library of Belarus joined the anniversary and created a virtual project "Stanislaw Moniuszko. A musical romantic from Minsk region", in which she emphasized the role of the composer specifically for Belarusians.

Nowadays, interest in the fate and work of S. Moniuszko still does not fade: His personality is one of the centers of attention of our scientists and researchers, musicians and artists, historians and museum staff, teachers and musical performers. This is evidenced by the significant number of various events and initiatives that have been held in Belarus over the past five years (2019 – early 2024) and have supplemented the already existing virtual project. We bring to the attention of users all the novelties related to the personality and creative activity of Stanislaw Moniuszko.

To mark the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth, Moniuszkovedy has prepared a number of scientific monographs, popular science publications, illustrated albums, exhibition catalogs, and collections of articles.

Among this panorama of books, there are studies by Belarusian authors, connoisseurs of Stanislaw Moniuszko's work: Viktor Skorobogatov, Yazep Yanushkevich, Svetlena Nemogai, Vladimir Markhel, Anna Korzhenevskaya and others.

The book by writer and archivist Yazep Yanushkevich "The Lithuanian cockerel, or My Moniuszko" (2019) with the author's autograph, addressed to the National Library, deserves attention. The publication presents historical and literary materials about the composer, his era, S. Moniuszko 's pedigree, introduces lifetime reviews and Belarusian correspondence of our countryman.

The collections of the National Library of Belarus contain a unique essay "Stanisław Moniuszko" (1873), as well as its digitized copy. The author of the study is Alexander Valitsky (1826-1893), a writer, music critic, publisher, countryman and friend of S. Moniuszko.

In 2019, a reissue of this short story, a biography about the composer, was released, which was first translated from Polish into Belarusian and is considered a rarity. The translation was made by Yazep Yanushkevich and Kamila Yanushkevich, who managed to preserve the authentic construction of the author's sentences and statements of the nineteenth century. Finally, Belarusians can read one of the most significant studies about their countryman in their native language. The translator himself, Yazep Yanushkevich, an expert on the composer's work, considers Alexander Valitsky's essay to be a true "ocean of Moniuszkovology". The book is available in the collections of the National Library with the autograph of one of the translators, addressed to the readers of the "diamond of knowledge".

A separate edition was dedicated by specialists in musicology, led by Viktor Skorobogatov and Svetlena Nemogai, to the composer's operatic work. The book "libretto of Stanislaw Moniuszko 's operas" (2020) introduces the reader to the world of texts – the literary foundations of our countryman's stage works. The publication includes translations into Belarusian of the librettos of the operas "Idyll" by Vincent Dunin-Marcinkevich, ”Pebbles” by Vladimir Volsky, "The Terrible Courtyard" (“The Enchanted Castle”) John of Khentyn and others. Photos from performances that perfectly illustrate the book will help you find yourself in the atmosphere of the Moniuszkovsky theatre.

Scientists will be interested in a detailed collection of materials from the international scientific and practical forum “the artistic space of Europe of the XIX–early XXI century and Stanislaw Moniuszko: history, current state" (2021), which was held in our country in 2019 in honour of the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth. The publication contains articles related to the personality and creative heritage of Moniuszko, prepared by researchers from Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

Among the publications of the last five years, books by modern researchers and musicologists from around the world stand out: Magdalena Dedek, Doctor of Arts, professor at the Frederick Chopin University of Music (Poland), Rudiger Ritter, scientist, historian, musicologist, curator of exhibitions, lecturer at the University of Bremen (Germany) and others. Of particular interest is the gorgeous album of reproductions with drawings by Czeslaw Moniuszko, the composer's father, whose images were first published in full within the framework of one edition.

The slider contains the covers of the above and other books about Stanislaw Moniuszko, which are available to readers in the collections of the National Library of Belarus.



In the last five years, a number of musical editions of Stanislaw Moniuszko's works have been published. Many of them were prepared by the Polish Music Publishing House (Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, PWM Edition), which popularizes the musical heritage of Polish composers of the XVII–XXI centuries.

Belarus also made a significant contribution to the music publishing of Stanislaw Moniuszko 's works. Thus, thanks to the support of the "Roman Catholic Parish of St. Simeon and St. Helena”, the participants of the creative collective "Belarusian Chapel" led by Viktor Skorobogatov published 5 music notebooks "Songs of our Church" with compositions by the composer for various instruments. The editions were prepared as part of the Belarusian Historical Music Collection series, which was founded by Belorusskaya Kapella in 1996. The music notebooks are intended for both professional performers and music lovers. Each collection presents different facets of Stanislaw Moniuszko 's work. For example, in the first notebook you can find notes of organ compositions, in the second – works for voice and piano, the third contains the composer's musical legacy for a capella choir and accompanied by an organ, the fourth also introduces choral works, but accompanied by instrumental ensembles, the last notebook presents compositions for choir accompanied by piano. Almost every collection includes introductory articles and comments by musicologists Svetlena Nemogai and Svetlana Shaipa.

All musical editions placed in sliders are available to visitors in the hall of musical and audiovisual documents of the National Library of Belarus.

Bibliographic list of articles from periodicals and books from 2019 to 2023 from the collections of the National Library of Belarus

Readers are offered a bibliographic list of articles about Stanislaw Moniuszko published in recent years in newspapers, magazines and books stored in library collections. The presence of a cipher will help you order a particular publication from an electronic catalog.

  • Magazines
    1. 3ОК1214
      Балабановіч, А. Слухалі сваё! У Вялікім тэатры / А. Балабановіч // Мастацтва. – 2019. – № 9. – С. 22–25.
    2. 3ОК9229
      Дадзіёмава, В. У. Станіслаў Манюшка як сімвал культур розных народаў: беларускі аспект : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / В. У. Дадзіёмава // Весці Беларус. дзярж. акад. музыкі. – 2019. – Вып. 35. – С. 4–7.
    3. 3ОК235
      Корбут, В. Мінск Станіслава Манюшкі / В. Корбут // Беларус. думка. – 2019. – № 4. – С. 66–71.
    4. 3ОК9229
      Пилатова, И. В. Особенности трактовки жанра мессы в произведениях С. Монюшко «Жалобныя спевы» / И. В. Пилатова // Весці Беларус. дзярж. акад. музыкі. – 2019. – Вып. 35. – С. 8–12.
    5. 3ОК7327
      Янушкевіч, Я. Самы вядомы ў свеце мінчук : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / Я. Янушкевіч // Наша вера. – 2019. – № 2. – С. 28–31.
    6. 3ОК9229
      Ліхач, Т. У. Віленская рэдакцыя “Галькі” Станіслава Манюшкі / Т. У. Ліхач // Весці Беларус. дзярж. акад. музыкі. – 2020. – Вып. 36. – С. 77–83.
    7. 3ОК1420
      Смолік, А. І. Станіслаў Манюшка: кампазітар, дырыжор, педагог / А. І. Смолік // Нар. асвета. – 2020. – № 3. – С. 76–78.
    8. 3ОК7327
      Шэйпа, С. Харавая творчасць Станіслава Манюшкі ad majorem Dei gloriam / С. Шэйпа // Наша вера. – 2021. – № 4. – С. 62–67.
    9. 3Н//2566
      Шэйпа, С. И. Духовная сила сакральной музыки Станислава Монюшко / С. И. Шэйпа // Мастацтва і школа. – 2023. – № 2. – С. 14–17.


  • Newspapers
    1. 4Н//334
      Асіпенка, М. Вялікія зоркі пры двары Радзівілаў / М. Асіпенка // ЛіМ. – 2019. – 14 чэрв. – С. 13.
    2. 4Н//334
      Аскера, В. Пастаноўка для Нясвіжа / В. Аскера // ЛіМ. – 2019. – 28 чэрв. – С. 15.
    3. 4Н//411
      Баршчэўскі, Л. І паўстаў Манюшка побач з Дуніным-Марцінкевічам / Л. Баршчэўскі // Нар. воля. – 2019. – 9 ліп. – С. 7.
    4. 4Н//323
      Бунцэвіч, Н. Падарожжы ў яго сусвет / Н. Бунцэвіч // Культура. – 2019. – 4 мая. – С. 12–13.
      About the International Music Festival dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Stanislaw Moniuszko's birth at the Belarusian State Academy of Music.
    5. 4Н//323
      Бунцэвіч, Н. У гонар Манюшкі / Н. Бунцэвіч // Культура. – 2019. – 4 мая. – С. 3.
    6. 4Н//137
      Бурак, И. Вечера Большого театра / И. Бурак // Белорус. воен. газ. Во славу Родины. – 2019. – 22 июня. – С. 13.
    7. 4Н//137
      Бурак, И. “Стала б ты калінай”… ЮНЕСКО объявило 2019-й Годом Станислава Монюшко // Белорус. воен. газ. Во славу Родины. – 2019. – № 22. – С. 11.
    8. 4Н//334
      Варонка, Г. Род Міладоўскіх: лёс генія без герба / Г. Варонка // ЛіМ. – 2019. – 23 жн. (№ 33). – С. 15.
    9. 4Н//334
      Варонка, Г. Сяброўства вялікіх / Г. Варонка // ЛіМ. – 2019. – 12 ліп. – С. 15.
      About S. Moniuszko's cooperation with outstanding countrymen of his time.
    10. 4Н//436
      Дзвінская, Э. Вандроўка па мясцінах роду Манюшкаў / Э. Дзвінская // Наша слова. – 2019. – 31 ліп. – С. 6–7.
    11. 4Н//436
      Дзвінская, Э. Мелодыі, спеўнікі і оперы Манюшкі / Э. Дзвінская // Наша слова. – 2019. – 7 жн. – С. 4.
    12. 4Н//436
      Дзвінская, Э. Незабыўны Манюшка – на канцэртах і ў лекцыях / Э. Дзвінская // Наша слова. – 2019. – 29 мая. – С. 5.
    13. 4Н//436
      Дзвінская, Э. Пакінуў песні, оперы, кантаты : да 200-годдзя Станіслава Манюшкі / Э. Дзвінская // Наша слова. – 2019. – 2 мая. – С. 1.
    14. 4Н//334
      Дзенісенка, А. Ад песень ліцвінаў : карані Станіслава Манюшкі // ЛіМ. – 2019. – 3 мая. – С. 10.
    15. 4Н//116
      Дзенісенка, А. Зачынальнік нацыянальнай оперы // Навука. – 2019. – 10 чэрв. – С. 7.
      About the exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Stanislaw Moniuszko in the Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts of the National Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
    16. 4Н//308
      [2 мая ў філіяле Нацыянальнага мастацкага музея Рэспублікі Беларусь музеі “Дом Ваньковічаў. Культура і мастацтва першай паловы XIX стагоддзя” адбылося ўрачыстае адкрыццё выстаўкі “Вобразы эпохі ў творах Чэслава і Станіслава Манюшкаў”…] // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – № 18 (Май.). – С. 2.
    17. 4Н//334
      Іўковіч, М. “Галька”– на сталічным экране як даніна павагі Станіславу Манюшку / М. Іўковіч // ЛІМ. – 2019. – 29 лістап. – С. 3.
    18. 4Н//2768
      Исайчук, Д. Под музыку Монюшко / Д. Исайчук // Вечер. Минск. – 2019. – 8 авг. – С. 20.
    19. 4Н//2957
      Исайчук, Д. Чарующая классика : музыкальная капелла “Сонорус” покорила произведениями Станислава Монюшко / Д. Исайчук // Мин. курьер. – 2019. – 6 авг. – С. 4.
    20. 4Н//308
      Канцэрты і пленэры – класіку : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / А. Фралоў; падрыхтаваў У. Пучынскі // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – № 9 (Сак.). – С. 6.
    21. 4Н//620
      Костяхин, И. С чего начинается опера / И. Костяхин; беседовала И. Овсепьян // Совет. Белоруссия. – 2019. – 14 июня. – С. 12.
    22. 4Н//308
      Купрэвіч, Н. Беларускі фонд культуры як грамадская супольнасць / Н. Купрэвіч // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – № 17 (Май). – С. 3.
    23. 4Н//308
      Купрэвіч, Н. Дзень народзінаў прайшоў, ушанаванне прадоўжыцца : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / Н. Купрэвіч // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – № 19. – С. 1–2.
    24. 4Н//245
      Лазоўская, Т. Манюшка і маленькі Парыж / Т. Лазоўская // Звязда. – 2019. – 29 мая. – С. 11.
    25. 4Н//620
      Морунов, А. Станислав Монюшко: его идиллия / А. Морунов, А. Локотко // Совет. Белоруссия. – 2019. – 30 мая. – С. 11.
    26. 4Н//5160
      Музыка Монюшко прозвучит в Витебске // Витеб. вести. – 2019. – 19 окт. – С. 15.
    27. 4Н//1877
      Наркевіч, Г. Гэта музыка будзе вечнай… / Г. Наркевіч // Мін. праўда. – 2019. – 9 крас. – С. 9.
      About the exhibition dedicated to Stanislaw Moniuszko in Cherven.
    28. 4Н//323
      Немагай, С. Класіка – не постаць Камандора : ці не наспеў час фестывалю Станіслава Манюшкі? / С. Немагай, Н. Бунцэвич // Культура. – 2020. – 2 мая. – С. 6.
    29. 4Н//2957
      Орёл, Д. Услышать Париж / Д. Орёл // Мин. курьер. – 2019. – 2 авг. – С. 4.
    30. 4Н//245
      Палянская, С. Манюшка, Дон Жуан і “Адзінота ў сеціве” : сёння ўсе дарогі вядуць у Верхні горад / С. Палянская // Звязда. – 2019. – 15 чэрв. – С. 5.
    31. 4Н//1877
      Пашкевіч, А. На высокай ноце / А. Пашкевіч // Мін. праўда. – 2019. – 28 мая. – С. 7.
    32. 4Н//334
      Сімаковіч, Л. Гучаць па-беларуску : развагі з нагоды прэм’ера оперы Станіслава Манюшкі “Галька” на сцэне Беларускай дзяржаўнай акадэміі музыкі / Л. Сімаковіч // ЛіМ. – 2019. – 12 крас. – С. 1, 15.
    33. 4Н//334
      Сімаковіч, Л. Стварэнне генія / Л. Сімаковіч // ЛіМ. – 2019. – 26 крас. – С. 15.
    34. 4Н//334
      Смірнова, Д. [У Нацыянальнай бібліятэцы Беларусі адбылася прэзентацыя новага віртуальнага праекта бібліятэкі “Станіслаў Манюшка. Музычны рамантык з міншчыны”...] / Д. Смірнова // ЛіМ. – 2019. – 26 крас. – С. 3.
    35. 4Н//308
      Скорабагатаў, В. Дунін-Марцінкевіч – музыкант? : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / В. Скорабагатаў, У. Мархель, Г. Каржанеўская // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – № 13 (Крас.). – С. 6.
    36. 4Н//308
      Скорабагатаў, В. Жыццёвы шлях : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / В. Скорабагатаў, У. Мархель, Г. Каржанеўская // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – Студз. (№ 2). – С. 6.
    37. 4Н//308
      Скорабагатаў, В. З “Хатняга спеўніка”: Станіслаў Манюшка і Ян Чачот : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / В. Скорабагатаў, У. Мархель, Г. Каржанеўская // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – № 4 (Студз.). – С. 6.
    38. 4Н//308
      Скорабагатаў, В. Люстэрка эпохі : беларускае ліставанне Станіслава Манюшкі : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / В. Скорабагатаў, У. Мархель, Г. Каржанеўская // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – Крас. (№ 14). – С. 6 ; Крас. (№ 15). – С. 6.
    39. 4Н//308
      Скорабагатаў, В. Манюшка. Маленькае пасляслоўе : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / В. Скорабагатаў, У. Мархель, Г. Каржанеўская // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – Чэрв. (№ 23). – С. 9–10.
    40. 4Н//308
      Скорабагатаў, В. «Ніхто і ніколі лепш за Банольдзі...» : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / В. Скорабагатаў, У. Мархель, Г. Каржанеўская // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – Крас. (№ 16). – С. 6 ; Май (№ 17). – С. 6.
    41. 4Н//308
      Скорабагатаў, В. Паэзія Адама Міцкевіча ў творчасці Станіслава Манюшкі / В. Скорабагатаў, У. Мархель, Г. Каржанеўская // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – № 10 (Сак.). – С. 6.
    42. 4Н//308
      Скорабагатаў, В. Паэзія філаматаў у творчасці Манюшкі : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / В. Скорабагатаў, У. Мархель, Г. Каржанеўская // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – № 3 (Студз.). – С. 6.
    43. 4Н//308
      Скорабагатаў, В. Пра опернае мастацтва Станіслава Манюшкі… і не толькі : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / В. Скорабагатаў, У. Мархель, Г. Каржанеўская // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – Май (№ 20). – С. 6 ; Июнь (№ 21–22). – С. 6.
    44. 4Н//308
      Скорабагатаў, В. Станіслаў Манюшка і Вінцэнт Дунін-Марцінкевіч : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / В. Скорабагатаў, У. Мархель, Г. Каржанеўская // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – № 11 (Сак.). – С. 6.
    45. 4Н//308
      Скорабагатаў, В. Станіслаў Манюшка і Уладзіслаў Сыракомля : да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі / В. Скорабагатаў, У. Мархель, Г. Каржанеўская // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – № 5 (Люты.). – С. 6.
    46. 4Н//560
      Стаін, А. Па слядах сціплага рамантыка / А. Стаін // Рэспубліка. – 2019. – 6 чэрв. – С. 16.
    47. 4//818
      Тельтевская, Ю. Реформатор / Ю. Тельтевская, С. Немогай // АиФ. – 2019. – 7 мая. – С. 39.
    48. 4Н//586
      Ускова, Т. Такому наследию место на сценах, а не в запасниках / Т. Ускова // Сел. газ. – 2019. – 11 мая. – С. 22.
    49. 4Н//323
      Фралоў, А. “Код Манюшкі”, увасоблены фарбамі / А. Фралоў // Культура. – 2019. – 6 ліп. С. 3.
    50. 4Н//620
      Фролов, А. По следам белорусского Моцарта / А. Фролов; И. Овсепьян // Совет. Белоруссия. – 2019. – 31 июля. – С. 9.
    51. 4Н//1877
      Халдеева, А. Палитра талантов / А. Халдеева // Мін. праўда. – 2019. – 11 чэрв. – С. 4.
    52. 4Н//334
      Цімошык, Л. Чысло М. Пяты дзень кожнага месяца як прысвячэнне 200-годдзю Станіслава Манюшкі / Л. Цімошык // ЛіМ. – 2019. – 18 студз. – С. 15.
    53. 4Н//245
      Цмыг, Г. “Па партытуры Манюшкі можна дакладна сказаць, што гэта – наш кампазітар” / Г. Цмыг, Н. Капыцько, І. Гарбушына ; запісала І. Кацяловіч // Звязда. – 2019. – 11 мая. – С. 12.
    54. 4Н//3257
      Чарняк, А. Падарожжа ў ХIХ стагоддзе / А. Чарняк // Аршан. газ. – 2019. – 27 жн. – С. 3.
    55. 4Н//620
      Часовитина, Н. В Смиловичи, на родину Монюшко / Н. Часовитина // Совет. Белоруссия. – 2019. – 15 июня. – С. 13.
    56. 4Н//323
      Чыжэўская, А. Драматызм у маладых галасах / А. Чыжэўская // Культура. – 2019. – 4 мая. – С. 12–13.
    57. 4Н//2957
      Шидловская, С. Дарованный Богом : 5 мая исполнится 200 лет со дня рождения Станислава Монюшко, великого композитора, нашего земляка / С. Шидловская // Мин. курьер. – 2019. – 19 марта. – С. 17.
    58. 4Н//245
      Шчарбачэвіч, Н. Манюшка ў сэрцах, Манюшка ў гісторыі / Н. Шчарбачэвіч // Звязда. – 2019. – 24 верас. – С. 13.
    59. 4Н//560
      Шымук, Т. Па слядах сціплага рамантыка : дзіцячыя партрэты ў музеі і віртуальны бібліятэчны праект: як на радзіме Станіслава Манюшкі адзначаюць яго 200-гадовы юбілей / Т. Шымук // Рэспуб. – 2019. – 16 мая. – С. 6.
    60. 4Н//560
      Юр’ева, І. Залатыя рыбкі музыкі : «Беларусь 3» прадстаўляе новы дакументальны фільм пра Станіслава Манюшку / І. Юр’ева // Рэспуб. – 2019. – 14 чэрв. – С. 17.
    61. 4Н//323
      Юркевіч, З. “Шлях Манюшкаў” і яго церні / З. Юркевіч // Культура. – 2019. – 25 мая. – С. 15.
    62. 4Н//334
      Амосава, Ю. Экскурс у віртуальнасць : новы праект на партале Нацыянальнай бібліятэкі / Ю. Амосава // ЛіМ. – 2020. – 5 чэрв. – С. 14.
    63. 4Н//334
      Шыцька, Я. Папулярызацыя гістарычнай навукі / Я. Шыцька // ЛіМ. – 2020. – 17 ліп. – С. 10. Presentation of the book “Лібрэта опер Станіслава Манюшкі”. Minsk, 2020.
    64. 4Н//323
      Юркевіч, З. Таямніца каменнай лавы: знаходка, што памятае дотык класіка / З. Юркевіч // Культура. – 2020. – 15 лют. – С. 14.
    65. 4Н//323
      Юркевіч, З. Таямніцы Манюшкаў / З. Юркевіч // Культура. – 2020. – 21 сак. – С. 15 ; 28 сак. – С. 15 ; 4 крас. – С. 15 ; 11 крас. – С. 15 ; 18 крас. – С. 15 ; 25 крас. – С. 15 ; 2 мая. – С. 15 ; 16 мая. – С. 15 ; 30 мая. – С. 15.
    66. 4Н//323
      Юркевіч, З. Купала і Манюшка. Што яднае творцаў? / З. Юркевіч // Культура. – 2022. – 4 чэрв. – С. 14.
    67. 4Н//308
      Янушкевіч, Я. Люстэрка эпохі : беларускае ліставанне Станіслава Манюшкі / Я. Янушкевіч // Краязн. газ. – 2019. – Крас. (№ 15). – С. 6.


  • Newspapers (e-resource)
    1. Андреева, Ю. В Доме Ваньковича показали рисунки Чеслава Монюшко [Electronic resource] / Ю. В. Андреева // Совет. Белоруссия. – 2019. – 6 мая. – Access mode : – Access date : 17.01.2024.
    2. Антонава, Г. Станіслаў Манюшка ў Залессі [Electronic resource] / Г. Антонава // Светлы шлях. – 2019. – 5 нояб. – Access mode : – Access date : 17.01.2024.
    3. Выставку к 200-летию Станислава Монюшко открыли в Москве [Electronic resource] // Звязда. – 2019. – 16 крас. – Access mode : – Access date : 17.01.2024.
    4. Морунов, А. Чем завершился двухдневный форум Станислава Монюшко в Минске? [Electronic resource] / А. Морунов // Совет. Белоруссия. – 2019. – 4 июня. – Access mode : – Access date : 17.01.2024.


  • Book editions
    1. 1Н//836603(039)
      Запрудскі, І. М. С. Манюшка ва ўзаемаадносінах з А. Кіркорам і У. Сыракомлем / І. М. Запрудскі // Беларуская літаратура і культура XIX стагоддзя: асаблівасці развіцця і актуальныя пытанні даследавання / І. М. Запрудскі ; Беларус. дзярж. ун-т. – Мінск, 2021. – С. 51–60.
    2. 3Н//3409
      Лакотка А. І. Яркая старонка музычнай культуры (да 200-годдзя з дня нараджэння Станіслава Манюшкі) // Пытанні мастацтвазнаўства, этналогіі і фалькларыстыкі. Вып. 26 / Цэнтр даследаванняў беларускай культуры, мовы і літаратуры НАН Беларусі ; навук. рэд. А.І. Лакотка. – Мінск : Права і эканоміка, 2019. – С. 7–10.


Honouring the memory of Stanislaw Moniuszko in 2019–2024

The anniversary of Stanislaw Moniuszko was included in the UNESCO list of memorable dates for 2019 and was widely celebrated by the cultural community around the world.

In Belarus, 2019 also became extremely fruitful for the various events that were held in honour of the composer throughout the country. Initiatives to perpetuate the memory of our famous countryman were carried out according to the Action Plan for the preparation and celebration of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Stanislaw Moniuszko, which was specially developed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.

Belarus began celebrating the composer's jubilee year in winter, but the largest number of cultural events took place in the spring, among which there were initiatives not only at the national but also at the international level with the participation of Belarusians. For example, in April 2019, a solemn event dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Stanislaw Moniuszko took place in the business and cultural complex of the Embassy of Belarus in Russia (Moscow). The exhibition, prepared by the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus, includes copies of drawings by the composer's father Cheslav Monyushko, music collections, posters, photographs of theatrical productions, works by modern Belarusian artists that were created for the anniversary. A unique concert was waiting for the visitors of the event, at which the composer's works were performed by students of the Belarusian State Academy of Music and Russian opera singers.

In 2019 The Museum of Lithuanian Theatre, Music and Cinema (Vilnius) hosted the exhibition “Stanislaw Moniuszko – eighteen years of creativity and love in Vilnius”. The Chervensky Regional Museum of Local Lore (Cherven, Minsk region), which presented its exhibits, among other institutions from different countries, took part in the creation of the exposition.

On May 6, 2019, a concert of the Istoki ensemble and soloists of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus together with Lithuanian colleagues took place in the historical center of Vilnius, in the St. John's Church. It is symbolic that the magnificent Baroque organ, transported in the XIX century from the Polotsk Jesuit Academy, which Stanislaw Moniuszko played during his life in Vilnius for 18 years, has been preserved in the church.

In the jubilee year of the composer, representatives of Belarus took part in an international conference dedicated to Monyushko, which was held in June at the Lithuanian National Library named after M. Mazhvydas, and the choir of the Belarusian State Academy of Music performed in a concert dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Stanislaw Moniuszko at the Krakow Music Academy.

In September 2019, a scientific conference dedicated to the composer was held at the Lithuanian Embassy in Belarus, and a joint concert of Belarusian and Lithuanian musicians was organized in the Minsk Church of the Holy Trinity, where spiritual works of our countryman were performed.

A significant scientific and cultural event in 2019 was the International Scientific and Practical Forum “The Art Space of Europe of the XIX–XX centuries and Stanislaw Moniuszko: history, current state”, which was held on May 30-31 at the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus with the support of the Polish Institute in Minsk.

The forum brought together more than 100 scientists from different countries: Belarus, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Kazakhstan. The event was also attended by the staff of the National Library of Belarus, who introduced the participants to the new virtual project "Stanislaw Moniuszko. A musical romantic from Minsk region", created for the composer's anniversary.

Within the framework of the forum, the Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus hosted the presentation of the documentary film of the Belarus 3 TV channel "goldfish of musician Stanislaw Moniuszko” (author of the film Ales Zelenko).

The film tells about the formation of the personality of the creator, his significance in the context of Belarusian and world musical culture, about preserving the memory of the composer in his homeland. The magnificent musical finish of the film was S. Monyushko's compositions performed by the ensemble of soloists “Istoki”, organist Svetlana Nemoga, pianist Yuri Blinov, soloists of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater of the Republic of Belarus, as well as students of the Belarusian State Academy of Music, who, under the direction of Alexander Vysotsky, presented Monyushko's two-act opera “Pebbles”. In addition, over 20 “monyushkologists” and musicians took part in the film.

The presentation of the film continued with a concert of works from the Minsk-Vilna period of the composer's work, performed by the musical chapel of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (head Galina Tsmyg).

During the concert in honor of S. Monyushko. The Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. 05/30/2019 Photo from the library's website
During the concert in honor of S. Monyushko. The Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. 05/30/2019 Photo from the library's website

During the concert in honor of S. Monyushko.
The Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. 05/30/2019
Photo from the library's website

Book exhibitions of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus were organized within the framework of the forum: expositions of scientific publications of the Centre for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature and the Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts of the Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Stanislaw Moniuszko.

The scientific forum continued with a rich cultural program with visits to memorable places associated with the life and work of Stanislaw Moniuszko and perpetuating his memory, including a visit to the section of the exposition “Stanislaw Moniuszko – a figure of Belarusian musical culture” in the Chervensky Regional Museum of Local Lore. The summing up of the forum took place in the “Stanislaw Moniuszko music room” in the town of Smilovichi (Chervensky district).

Following the results of the international scientific and practical forum, a collection of articles by the participants was published, which is available in the collections of the National Library of Belarus.

In addition to significant international events, the whole of 2019 was full of interesting republican initiatives. This is clearly evidenced by the creative activity of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter – the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus) in the jubilee year. So, in May, the theater hosted a Republican festive concert dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth, which featured a mix of famous arias and duets from “Galka”, “Scary Yard“ and ”Peasant Woman”. The artists of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus were accompanied by Polish conductor Roman Revakovich. The republican premiere was also presented at the concert - a historical divertissement to the music of S. Monyushko's ballet “at rest”. The gala concert was recorded by the Belteleradiocompany with the lenses of eight HD cameras of a new mobile television station and broadcast on the Belarus 3 TV channel.

In May, the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus hosted a unique exhibition from the institution's archive dedicated to the anniversary of Stanislaw Moniuszko. The exhibition featured photographs, valuable books, posters of performances staged at different times at the Belarusian Bolshoi Theatre based on the composer's works.

Fragments of the exposition. May 2019 Photo from the website of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus

Fragments of the exposition. May 2019 Photo from the website of the National Academic Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Republic of Belarus

Later, in the Chamber Hall of the theater, one could hear a fascinating story about the history of the Belarusian opera ”from Monyushko to the present day“ from Viktor Skorobogatov, Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus, researcher of ancient Belarusian music and artistic director of the Belarusian Capella he created.

On June 15, 2019, as part of the project “Evenings of the Bolshoi Theater in Radziwill Castle”, a concert program “Stanislaw Moniuszko at home” was held. The leading soloists of the theater performed "Evening Song“, ”before the Neman“, ”Village Lyre“, "Domine ne in furore tuo", “Gypsy Song", "Spinning wheel" and others. Viktor Skorobogatov acted as director and presenter.

The Belarusian State Academy of Music (BGAI) made a significant contribution to the celebration of the anniversary of our countryman. Thus, from April 5 to 11, 2019, the Academy, together with the Polish Institute in Minsk, the National Commission for UNESCO in Belarus and the Krakow Music Academy, held an International Music Festival. A number of concerts took place within the framework of the event. The magnificent opening of the festival was the staging of scenes from ”pebbles", the composer's debut opera. The performance was prepared by students of the Belarusian State Academy of Music, musical director, conductor Alexander Vysotsky and director of photography Anna Motorna.

On April 8, the musical marathon continued with a theatrical concert of Stanislaw Moniuszko's works ”a picturesque gift – a poetic mood" with the participation of students of the Department of Opera Training and Choreography of the BGAI. The concert took place in the Great Hall of the Academy of Music. On April 9, a concert of laureates and diploma holders and the republican competition of vocalists named after S. Monyushko took place here.

The finale of the festival was a grand event: on April 11, in the Great Hall of the Belgorod Philharmonic, as part of the Evening at the Conservatory project, the choir of the Academy of Music performed the composer's "Crimean Sonnets" and a number of his symphonic works.

Posters of concerts of the International Music Festival dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Stanislav Monyushka.
Photos from the websites of the Belarusian State Academy of Music and the Belarusian State Philharmonic

Summing up the results of the Monyushko year at the Belarusian State Academy of Music was the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Musical theatre in the space of artistic culture: problems and prospects (for the 200th anniversary of the birth of S. Monyushko and the 90th anniversary of the birth of E. A. Glebov)”, which was held at the BGAI from November 26 to 29, 2019.

The Belarusian State Philharmonic also organized a series of concerts in honor of our outstanding countryman. On May 23, 2019, the “Concert dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Stanislaw Moniuszko” took place. It was attended by both Belarusian and Polish musicians who performed the composer's works. On June 28, 2019, the audience was presented the program “the origins of Belarusian musical classics”, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of S. Monyushko's birth. Among a number of works by world composers, performed by the chamber orchestra “prelude” (conductor L. Kalinovskaya), the compositions of our countryman were also performed.

Concert posters. From the website of the Belarusian State Philharmonic

In addition to the capital, other cities, collectives and cultural institutions of Belarus actively joined the concerts in honor of S. Monyushko. So, at the beginning of the composer's jubilee year, on January 27, 2019, a concert “Life in Song" was held in the White Living Room of the Rumyantsev and Paskevich Palace of the Gomel Palace and Park Ensemble with the support of the Polish Institute (Minsk). Pages of Stanislaw Moniuszko's "House singers". The works were performed by soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre of Belarus -laureates of international competitions Irina Kuchinskaya (soprano) and Ilya Silchukov (baritone), as well as a member of the Istoki ensemble, bassoonist and conductor Alexei Frolov.

On April 5, 2019, a concert dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Stanislaw Moniuszko's birth was held in the concert hall of the Mogilev City Center of Culture and Leisure. The Symphony Orchestra, soloists and choir of the Mogilev Chapel under the direction of Sergei Lischenko presented the composer's works.

On May 21, 2019, the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Brest and the Brest Academic Drama Theatre organized a concert “Monyushko: Pearls of Opera". Brest residents and guests of the city enjoyed the composer's operas: on the main city stage, in the Great Hall of the Brest Academic Drama Theatre, excerpts from the operas “Winter's Tale”, “Galka”, “Terrible Courtyard”, “Countess”, “Verbum Nobile” and others performed by the soloist of the National Opera in Warsaw Artur Yanda (bass-baritone) and soloists of the Warsaw Chamber Opera Evelina Osovskaya (coloratura soprano) accompanied by the Symphony Orchestra of the Brest Academic Drama Theatre under the direction of Alexander Sosnovsky.

Concerts in honoru of the composer in the regional centers of Belarus continued in the autumn. For example, on October 23, 2019, the Honored Collective of Belarus, the State Chamber Choir under the direction of Natalia Mikhailova, performed at the Vitebsk Regional Philharmonic, where he presented to the public a concert of chamber music “on the wave of respect”. The concert featured little-known pages of the composer's work: Mesa for women's choir, "Sad songs" (Mesa in D minor), Ecce lignum crucis for mixed choir, choral miniatures without accompaniment, arias and duets, rare organ works.

The State Museum of the History of Theatrical and Musical Culture of the Republic of Belarus enthusiastically joined the celebration of the composer's anniversary. The staff of the institution, together with fans of the composer's work, began celebrating the Year of Stanislaw Moniuszko in winter: on the 5th of each month, "monyushkologists" gathered here at concerts dedicated to our countryman, and on May 3, 2019, a round table was held at the museum to mark the 200th anniversary of Stanislaw Moniuszko's birth. The meeting was attended by researchers of the composer's work, musicians, teachers, librarians, art historians, museum staff. The participants got acquainted with the virtual project of the National Library of Belarus "Stanislaw Moniuszko. A musical romantic from Minsk region", and also summarized the issues of our countryman's creativity, discussed further initiatives to perpetuate his memory in Belarus.

During the round table in honor of the 200th anniversary of S. Monyushko. The State Museum of the History of Theatrical and Musical Culture of the Republic of Belarus. 03.05.2019.Photo from the Internet portal of the National Library of Belarus

During the round table in honor of the 200th anniversary of S. Monyushko. The State Museum of the History of Theatrical and Musical Culture of the Republic of Belarus. 03.05.2019.Photo from the Internet portal of the National Library of Belarus

For the composer's anniversary, the museum has prepared an exhibition "Stanislaw Moniuszko. Journey to the XIX century" The exposition introduced the interior items of Monyushko's native folwark, in the town of Ubel in the Minsk region. In the hall of the museum, three corners were reconstructed using antique items-analogues of the last century in drawings, and a separate place was given to copies of drawings by the composer's father Czeslaw Monyushko, portraits of his relatives and friends, sketches of local landscapes. Museum visitors were able to get acquainted with music collections, posters and photographs of productions based on the composer's works on modern theatrical stages, with paintings by Belarusian artists created specifically for the 200th anniversary of the composer.

On November 1, 2019, the exhibition "Stanislaw Moniuszko. Journey to the XIX century", prepared by the Museum of the History of Theatrical and Musical Culture, was presented at the Museum-Estate of M. K. Oginsky in Zalesye.

From May 2 to July 10, 2019, in the branch of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus, the museum “House of Vankovich. Culture and Art of the first half of the XIX century" (Minsk) the exhibition "Images of the Epoch in the works of Czeslaw and Stanislaw Moniuszko" was organized with the support of the Polish Institute in Minsk. The exposition presented the covers of Stanislaw Moniuszko's music notebooks and sheets with drawings from the albums of his father Czeslaw Monyushko from the collection of the Stanislaw Moniuszko Musical Society in Warsaw.

Museums in other cities also initiated and presented their projects to the public. So, on April 5, 2019, a museum exposition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth was inaugurated in the Stanislaw Moniuszko music lounge, operating in the town of Smilovichi, Chervensky district, Minsk region. The updated exposition is located in two halls, the first of which is dedicated to Monyushko's childhood and adolescence, and the second tells about the Warsaw period of his life. Today it is a unique, the only Stanislaw Moniuszko Museum in the world.

The Lida Museum of History and Art joined the celebration of the anniversary, whose staff held a musical meeting on May 5, 2019, on the day of Stanislaw Moniuszko's 200th birthday. During it, visitors got acquainted with the life and work of the legendary composer and listened to his works performed by violinist Natalia Batorgina.

Valuable projects in honor of S. Monyushko were also carried out by the washing galleries. For example, from June 19 to August 4, 2019, an exhibition of paintings dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Stanislaw Moniuszko was held in the City Art Gallery of L. D. Shchemelev's works (Minsk). The exhibition was organized by the Belarusian Union of Artists in order to reveal little-known pages of the composer's life and work in the works of modern fine art of Belarus. The exhibition featured about 30 works by contemporary artists who told about Stanislav's childhood and youth years in Ubel. Some works are devoted to studying at the Berlin Academy of Music, friendship with Vincent Dunin-Marcinkevich, creation of the first Belarusian opera “Peasant woman” ("Idyll").

Poster and fragments of the exposition. The City Art Gallery of L. D. Shchemelev's works (Minsk). Summer 2019.Photo by E. Dvinskaya Street from the Internet portal of the National Library of Belarus

Poster and fragments of the exposition.
The City Art Gallery of L. D. Shchemelev's works (Minsk). Summer 2019.
Photo by E. Dvinskaya Street from the Internet portal of the National Library of Belarus

Young artists from Smilovichi, Stanislaw Moniuszko's small homeland, where the first years of his childhood were spent, did not ignore the anniversary of Stanislaw Moniuszko. In September, at the Museum of the History of Theatrical and Musical Culture, pupils of the Smilovichi Art Center “Uley”, who have known the name of their famous countryman since childhood, presented their drawings dedicated to the composer at the exhibition “Stanislaw Moniuszko. Music in the soul and images.” Among the works of the exhibition are portraits of an outstanding countryman, moods and impressions of Monyushko's organ music, images of his native places are the banks of the Volma River, the Smilovichi ancient Monyushko Palace, which is now being restored. Through the joint efforts of all participants, a special world was created, the art space of Stanislaw Moniuszko.

The National Historical Archive of Belarus has prepared valuable material for the composer's anniversary. In 2019, a virtual exhibition was presented on the institution's website, which demonstrated archival documents from the Minsk Provincial Noble Deputy Assembly foundation related to the history of the Monyushko family.

The libraries of the country did not stay away from the celebration of a significant date. Thus, in 2019, the National Library of Belarus prepared a large-scale non-profit virtual project “Stanislaw Moniuszko. A musical romantic from Minsk region”, which summarized all the composer's activities, revealed his name to a wide audience, showed the wealth of literature about our countryman, imprinted in the funds of the “diamond of knowledge”.

On April 24, 2019 at the Labyrinth Gallery The National Library hosted a creative evening “The soul is filled with holy music here...” for the composer's anniversary. During the event, a presentation of a new virtual resource “Stanislaw Moniuszko. A musical romantic from Minsk region"”

From May 3, 2019 to February 15, 2020, the National Library of Belarus hosted a book and illustrative exhibition “The soul is filled with holy music here...” dedicated to the anniversary of S. Monyushko. The exposition presented more than 50 documents, including lifetime editions of the composer's works.

Interesting events in honor of S. Monyushko were held throughout the year in other libraries of the country. For example, the Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus has prepared a virtual exhibition “Musical classic from Minsk region”, in which valuable materials from the collections of the Rare books and manuscripts department of the library where presented.

On April 29, 2019, the library of the Mogilev State College of Arts, together with the Mogilev Regional Library named after V. I. Lenin, held a musical hour “Mirror of the Epoch”, where it presented to the audience a multimedia presentation and a book exhibition.

On May 23, 2019, a dedication meeting was held in the Art Literature Department of the Brest Regional Library named after M. Gorky to mark the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth. By the anniversary date, the book exhibition “on the wings of Monyushko's works” was presented. The musical finish of the meeting was the performances of the students of the Brest State College of Music named after G. Shirma.

During the event. 05/23/2019
Photo from the website of the Brest Regional Library named after M. Gorky

On May 30, 2019 The Slavic Library, a branch of the Gomel Regional Universal Library named after V. I. Lenin, organized a musical composition "forgiven by God". The event was prepared thanks to the long-term cooperation of the Slavic Library with the Gomel State College of Arts named after N.F. Sokolovsky. The songs, romances, mazurkas and arias of the composer were performed by teachers and students of the college. The rich musical part of the program was complemented by a multimedia presentation and book exhibition "Classic of Vocal Lyrics" about the life and creative path of S. Manyushki, prepared by the library staff.

Educational institutions of the republic also approached the composer's anniversary with interest. On the eve of the 200th anniversary of S. Monyushko's birth, creative events in his honor were held at the Chervenskaya Children's Art School, at the Children's Art School in Krasnopolye, Mogilev region, and at the Grodno State College of Arts. So, in the latter, on April 11, 2019, an open educational event “unknown Stanislaw Moniuszko” was held, dedicated to the anniversary of the composer.

The celebration of the National Opera, gastronomy, recreation and entertainment in the style of the XIX century became unique. "Monyushko Festival and 5D Opera", which took place on June 22, 2019 at the Central Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The guests joined Belarusian traditional dances and sang folk songs with the participants of the “Singing Meeting”, and Honored Artist of Belarus Viktor Skorobogatov gave a lecture about Stanislaw Moniuszko and his work. At the end of the holiday, Monyushko's opera Verbum Nobile was performed in 5D format with the participation of the Belteleradiocompany Symphony Orchestra and choir.

The final event, which became a kind of summation of the composer's jubilee year, took place on December 18, 2019. The festive imreza in honor of Stanislaw Moniuszko was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus and the National Historical Museum of the Republic of Belarus. The event was attended by members of the National Commission for UNESCO, partners of the commission, diplomats of the Polish Embassy in Belarus, the leadership of the Polish Institute in Minsk, representatives of the spheres of culture and education of our country. After the official part of the event, the guests were able to get acquainted in more detail with the virtual project of the National Library of Belarus " Stanislaw Moniuszko. A musical romantic from Minsk region“, as well as to take souvenirs with the image of the composer, prepared by the staff of the ”diamond of knowledge " specifically for the event.

The participants of the event got acquainted with the exhibition "Stanislaw Moniuszko. Journey to the XIX century", prepared by the Museum of the History of Theatrical and Musical Culture. At the end of the event, students of the Belarusian State Academy of Music performed works by S. Monyushko, and students of the Minsk State Art College named after A. K. Glebov prepared linocuts for those present as souvenirs.

In honor of the 200th anniversary of the composer in the Minsk Arch-cathedral church of the Blessed Virgin Mary a memorial plaque with the image of S. Monyushko was erected. The initiator of honoring the memory of our countryman in the Minsk cathedral was Viktor Skorobogatov and his associates.

At the end of the composer's year, on December 27, 2019, the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus issued a commemorative coin "Stanislaw Moniuszko. 200 years" On the obverse of the coin, you can see the image of a Swallow against the background of a fragment of the image of the Belarusian artist Napoleon Orda ”Monyushko estate, V. Ubel " and musical states with notes. On the reverse of the coin, in the center, against the background of musical states, there is a portrait of Stanislaw Moniuszko.

Obverse and reverse of the commemorative coin "Stanislaw Moniuszko. 200 years". Images from the website of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus

After the anniversary year, the events to perpetuate the memory of Monyushko continued. So, in 2020, a facsimile edition of Stanislaw Moniuszko was published in the publishing house “Belarusian Science”. Lifetime editions of classical music works from the collections of the Yakub Kolas Central Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

From the collections of the National Library of Belarus

On May 20, 2022, the Museum of the History of Theatrical and Musical Culture hosted a concert “the radiant singing of Stanislaw Moniuszko”, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the death of Stanislaw Moniuszko. The concert program consisted of works by the composer based on the words of Adam Mickiewicz, Thomas Zahn, John Chechot and others. Many of the songs were first presented in translations into Belarusian and performed by vocal masters: Yuri Gorodetsky, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus (tenor) and Galina Sokolnik, soloist of the Belgorod Philharmonic (mezzo-soprano). The concert program was hosted by musician and art critic Svetlana Nemogoy.

In April 2023, the III Republican Open Competition of Vocalists named after S. Monyushko was once again held on the basis of the Belarusian State Academy of Music. The creative competition is organized with the aim of discovering young talents among students of secondary special education institutions in the field of culture.

Iconic works by composers Stanislaw Moniuszko, Kleofas Oginsky and Fryderyk Chopin were played on May 30, 2023 at the Belarusian Society for Friendship and Cultural Ties with Foreign Countries. The main part of the compositions was performed by students of the Minsk State Musical College named after M. I. Glinka and the Children's Music School of Arts No. 1 named after L. P. Alexandrovskaya. An exhibition of paintings was also organized to this evening.

The Music Lounge in Smilovichi continues to be active in perpetuating the memory of Stanislaw Moniuszko. A number of initiatives are held annually at the institution. For example, in July 2023, as part of the excursion program, a concert was organized by students and teachers of the Chervenskaya Children's Art School, where the composer's works were played.

Stanislaw Moniuszko's 205th birthday is celebrated in 2024. Events to perpetuate his memory in our country have already begun. So, on February 14, a lecture from the series “Works of modern Belarusian composers in the context of the history of European music” was held in the hall of musical and audiovisual documents of the National Library of Belarus. The staff of the Center for Research of Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus told the audience about chamber vocal genres in the works of Belarusian composers, and the participants of the musical chapel of the institution performed the most striking examples in this genre, among which Stanislaw Moniuszko's romances were performed.

Thus, the issues of reviving, preserving and broadcasting the historical and cultural heritage of Stanislaw Moniuszko, popularizing his name and work remain relevant and important for modern Belarusians. The implementation of numerous initiatives held in honor of the composer in our country contribute to achievements and discoveries in the field of world “monyushkology”.


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