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Corruption: causes, problems, counteraction

Corruption: causes, problems, counteraction
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From December, 8th, to January, 13th, a subject book exhibition “Corruption: causes, problems, counteraction” timed to the International Anti-Corruption Day runs in the Documents of international organizations reading room (auditorium 207g).

This Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in November, 2003 (resolution № A/RES/58/4) and is observed annually on December, 9th.

Corruption is a complex social, political and economic phenomenon which in any event touches all the countries. It destroys democratic institutes, slows down the economic development and undermines the state system. Corruption defeats the basis of democratic institutes through the distortion of selective processes and the principle of leadership in the law and creation of bureaucratic barriers which unique sense is to extort bribes.

By restraining the inalienable human rights, it also aggravates the problem of poverty and strengthens social inequality as a result of derivation of funds which could have been used for the needs of public health, education and other vitally important services. The fact that corruption is the great evil is known to millions people all over the world. Its reasons, no less than its consequences, are the actions of criminals, the incapacity of public institutes and a poor control.

The basic international normative document concerning prevention and fight against corruption is the United Nations Convention against Corruption which was adopted in October, 2003 and came into force in December, 2005. At present 140 states have signed the Convention and 80 have ratified it.

This international contract provides countermeasures to corruption, penalty, and also international cooperation ifor the struggle against corruption. It obliges state-members to pursue a policy of counteraction to corruption, to approve corresponding laws and to found special bodies for the struggle against this phenomenon. According to the Convention, states must make their officials incorruptible, fair and responsible. It is recommended to take for a reference point the International Code of Conduct for Public Officials approved by the UN General Assembly in 1996. The Convention obliges the countries to prevent and stop transboundary transfers of misappropriated actives and to strengthen the international cooperation for their return.

By maintaining and developing the initiatives on the struggle against corruption at national, regional and international levels, Belarus, one of the first states-participants, have ratified the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Besides this Convention, Belarus has ratified and strictly observes the Criminal Law Convention on Corruption of the Council of Europe, the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, the Civil Law Convention on Corruption.

An uncompromising and resolute struggle against corruption is the central part of our state’s internal policy. The basic document on the anticorruption activity in our country is the “Law of the Republic of Belarus on the struggle against corruption” adopted on July 20th, 2006.

The offered exhibition presents over 60 documents of international organizations (UN, the European Union, the Council of Europe etc) in Russian and English languages: books, periodicals, the UN mimeographed papers, brochures and booklets.

The exposition includes the subject sections as follow:

  • The concept, forms and kinds of corruption. The influence of corruption upon the development of society.
  • The international legal acts against corruption.
  • The basic methods and directions of the struggle against corruption and its local manifestations.
  • The fight against corruption in the Republic of Belarus.

The exhibition will be interesting to workers of governmental bodies and administration, employees of law enforcement bodies, public prosecutors, judges, university professors, students and post-graduates.


Adam Shanyavsky and the library fund of the Nesvizh county school (the last quarter of the XVIII century)

25 Apr 2024

On April 24, 2024, at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Rumyantsev Readings-2024" in Moscow, Olga Polunchenko, chief bibliographer of the Department of reference and Information Services, presented a report "The role of Adam Shanyavsky in organizing the library fund of the Nesvizh County School (the last quarter of the XVIII century)."

National Library of Belarus News