Provision of information services to users is one of the major tasks of the National Library of Belarus. With the purpose of meeting customers’ needs in the best way possible, the Library offers additional paid services. In particular, we provide such a service as preparation of thematic reading lists. Our bibliographers will check and correct bibliographical descriptions and will make corresponding amendments to an electronic reading list. The reading list compiled in compliance with working regulations and standards is an integral part of any term paper, graduation thesis or dissertation.
Our users have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with reading lists of literature displayed at anniversary and thematic book exhibitions the National Library of Belarus arranges. Reading lists are available on any user workbench through the folder “Book exhibitions reading lists”. You can copy required data onto your own media or get a photocopy, according to the approved Service price list.
The activity area of the Library features as well such a service as provision of factographic and qualifying references. A virtual reference service “Ask a librarian” is very popular. Some users have difficulty searching for information through the electronic catalog and card catalogs. So our experts shall help you!
If you want to explore the Internet, our Internet center is at your service. We offer free access to a number of information resources available within the National Library of Belarus only.
Examination of manuscripts, old-printed and rare books is a unique service provided by the Library. Experts from the Bibliology Department will perform a research and make a conclusion.
You can order and pay the services at the library or online.