The Radzivils were the major noble family in the Great Duchy of Lithuania who had made an outstanding contribution to development of the national culture, including Belarusian book culture.
The old printed editions from the Radzivils’ library in Nieswiez with booklates, editions published in the Radzivils’ printing-houses in Brest and Nieswiez in the XVI and the XVIIІ centuries, and also the books “Іerosolymitana peregrination” (Antwerp, 1614) by count Nicolay Krzysztof Radzivil Sirotka and “Comedies and Tragedies” (Zholkva, 1754) by Frantiska Ursula Radzivil.
In 2009 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) included the Radzivils’ archives and the Nieswiez book collection to the Memory of the World Register. The National Library of Belarus as the keeper of part of the Radzivils’ documentary heritage has received a certification that is presented at the exhibition as well.