This book is very rarely exhibited. The exhibition offers a unique opportunity to see the old printed edition which has no copies available in any other museums or libraries of Belarus.
"The Comedies and Tragedies" is the collection of the dramatics by Ursula Radzivill, the wife of Great Hetman of Lithuania Mikhail Kazimir Rybanka. The princess is known as first of all the founder of the original theater in the Radzivills’ palace in Niesvizh for which she wrote and staged plays. The theatrical repertoire included Ursula’s works published in the Niesvizh printing-house which was opened with the assistance of the princess as well.
The first Niesvizh edition of the collection “The Comedies and Tragedies” is very rare. The National Library of Belarus keeps the only in Belarus copy of the second edition of “The Comedies and Tragedies” (Zholkva, 1754). This edition has interesting engravings, various headpieces and colophons made by engraver Mikhail Zhukovsky.