MainServicesVirtual ServisiesA virtual center on activities of international organizations Book exhibitionsNew arrivalsArchive of arrivals 201515.06.2015


Асосков, А. В. Венская конвенция ООН 1980 года о договорах международной купли-продажи товаров: постатейный комментарий к положениям, определяющим сферу ее применения / А. В. Асосков. – М. ; Берлин : Инфотропик Медиа, 2013. – XVIII, 281 с.
The NLB call number: 1//491389(039)

The offered book represents a clause-by-clause comment to Chapters I and IV of the UN Vienna Convention 1980 concerning contracts of international sale and purchase in goods which define the sphere of application of the Convention. The comment is based on the detailed analysis of preparatory materials, the UNISTRAL papers, Russian and foreign court practice and doctrine.


Ковалев, А. А. Международная защита прав человека / А. А. Ковалев. – М. : Статут, 2013. – 589, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1//487358(039)

The manual is about the evolution of the concept of human rights and the questions of formation and development of the common concept of human rights. Such historically significant documents as the Great Charter of Liberties 1215, the Habeas Corpus Amendment Act 1679, the General Declaration of Human Rights 1948 are analyzed. A special attention is given to conceptual bases of the phenomenon of human rights: the natural law doctrine, the positive philosophy and the concept of universality of human rights. The in-depth analysis of international standards in the field of respect, observance and protection of human rights is presented. The regional cooperation is examined alongside with the interstate cooperation in the field of human rights. In this connection the major regional documents are analyzed: the European Convention on Protection of Human Rights and Basic Freedoms 1950, the American Convention on Human Rights 1969, the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights 1981.


Кузнецова, В. В. Политика финансовой стабильности: международный опыт : монография / В. В. Кузнецова. – М. : Курс : Инфра-М, 2015. – 218, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1//491633(039)

In the monograph theoretical and practical problems connected with institutional organization and implementation of the policy of financial stability are analyzed, and basic trends of financial reforms which are carried out today in various countries are shown. Theoretical approaches to the allocation of system financial crises are examined: failures of financial regulation and supervision revealed by the global financial crisis; reforms of financial regulation and supervision initiated both at the international level and in separate jurisdictions; macroprudential instruments which can be used as countercyclical regulation. This work summarizes an extensive circle of primary sources and advice of supranational bodies, such as the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and the Council on Financial Stability.


Курбанов, Р. А. Энергетическое право и энергетическая политика Европейского Союза : монография / Р. А. Курбанов ; Ин-т государства и права РАН. – М. : Юнити-Дана, 2013. – 166, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1//489173(039)

The book is published within the bounds of the agenda stipulated by the Allied State Commission on Legal Aspects and the Eurasian Economic Union, the Association of Lawyers of Russia and the Belarusian Republican Union of Lawyers.
The monograph is dedicated to general questions and fundamentals of European right and policy in the sphere of energy as the basic component of the European energy law and policy, legal regulation of the domestic energy market, features of legal regulation of atomic engineering and foreign policy of the European Union and the third states.


Международно-правовые основы создания и функционирования Евразийского экономического союза : монография / К. А. Бекяшев [и др.] ; отв. ред. Е. Г. Моисеев. – М. : Проспект, 2014. – 170 с.
The NLB call number: 1//492029(039)*1//492030(039)

The monograph is about international legal bases of economic integrations in the post-Soviet space which ultimate goal is the formation of the Eurasian Union. This activity started in 1991, at once after the collapsing of the Soviet Union and the foundation of the Commonwealth of Independent States.


Миротворческая деятельность, ее роль и место в поддержании международного мира и обеспечении коллективной безопасности Организации Договора о коллективной безопасности : сб. докл., сдел. на междунар. конф., 14 нояб. 2013 г., г. Москва / под ред. В. В. Карякина, В. С. Зиновьева. – М. : РИСИ, 2014. – 82 с.
The NLB call number: 1//489624(039)*1//489625(039)

The collection includes reports made at the international conference “Peace-making activity, its role and place in the maintenance of international peace and collective security of the Organization of the Collective Security Treaty” which took place on November 14th, 2013 in the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies (Moscow).


Олимпиев, А. Ю. Международные проблемы Ближнего Востока, 1960-е – 2013 г. : монография / А. Ю. Олимпиев, А. М. Хазанов. – М. : Юнити-Дана : Закон и право, 2013. – 342, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1//489080(039)

This monograph is an attempt to pursue a complex and logical investigation of international problems of the Middle East from the 1960s to 2013 inclusive. The diverse nature of international conflicts, their specificity, and also their active and increasing aggressive use by external forces is shown.
The attention is focused on the most important foreign policy and military problems of the main countries of the Middle East: the specificity of public life of the states in question; the importance of the oil factor in the world economy and political life of the region and each state separately; the interest of the world community in hydrocarbonic riches and political climate in the region; the specificity of the Arabic-Israeli relationships; the character of interstate political relations in the region; wars which occurred in the region and the specificity of each conflict.


Программа и бюджет на двухлетний период 2014–2015 гг. : одобр. Ассамблеями государств-членов ВОИС 12 дек. 2013 г. / Орг. Объед. Наций, Всемир. орг. интеллект. собственности. – Женева : ВОИС, 2013. – 300 с.
The NLB call number: 1И//490812К(039)

After the WIPO Assembly’s special session, the member states adopted the two-year program and budget of the Organization for 2014-2015. The upper bound for the Organization’s program and budget makes 673,2 million Swiss francs, i.e. 3,8 % more than today’s two-year period. The WIPO aggregate profits, predictably, will grow in 4,5 % to make 713,3 million Swiss francs during 2014-2015. The voted budget also stipulates the assignments for two new external WIPO Offices in China and the Russian Federation.


Шепенко, Р. А. Введение в право ВТО. Курс антидепингового регулирования : учеб. пособие / Р. А. Шепенко. – М. : Проспект, 2014. – 214, [1] с.
The NLB call number: 1//490117(039)

On the basis of normative, judicial and academic materials, the system questions of the implementation of antidumping measures with a view of the elimination of the damage to national industry caused by dumping import in goods are examined. The edition is interesting to teachers, post-graduates and students of legal and economic faculties, and also to practicing experts and everyone who is interested in government control of foreign trade activity.


Building European reference networks in health care: exploring concepts and national practices in the European Union / UN, World Health Organization ; ed. by W. Palm [et al.]. – Copenhagen : WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2013. – XIV, 82 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//485261(039)

Under the European Directive on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border health care, the development of European reference networks was promoted as one of the prime areas for cross-border cooperation among Member States. These networks are meant to improve access to and provision of high-quality specialized health care to those patients who need it, and to act as focal points for medical training and research, information dissemination and evaluation, especially for rare diseases.
This book examines the ways in which reference networks have developed in European countries, for what kind of medical conditions or interventions, the motivations behind their establishment, the regulatory and administrative processes involved, and the financial arrangements needed. This study outlines the key policy implications and challenges of developing the concept of reference networks at national and European levels, and will assist policy-makers, health professionals, administrators and others involved in implementing the Directive.


Doing business, 2011: making a difference for entrepreneurs : comparing regulation in 183 economies / UN, World Bank, Intern. Finance Corp. – Washington : The World Bank, 2010. – VI, 255 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//490623К(039)

Doing Business 2011 is the eighth in a series of annual reports investigating the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Doing Business presents quantitative indicators on business regulations and the protection of property rights that can be compared across 183 economies—from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe—and over time.
Regulations affecting 11 areas of the life of a business are covered: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, registering property, getting credit, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts, closing a business, getting electricity and employing workers. The getting electricity and employing workers data are not included in the ranking on the ease of doing business in Doing Business 2011.
Data in Doing Business 2011 are current as of June 1, 2010. The indicators are used to analyze economic outcomes and identify what reforms have worked, where and why. The methodology for the employing workers indicators changed for Doing Business 2011. See Data notes for details.


Eastern Partnership = Partnerstwo Wschodnie / ed.: M. Dzierżanowski. – Warsaw : Min. of Foreign Affairs of the Rep. of Poland, Dep. of Publ. and Cultural Diplomacy, 2012. – 48, [2] p.
The NLB call number: 1И//486064(039)

The European Neighborhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership are the European Union’s priorities. Poland plays a very important role in them. The Eastern Partnership helps partner countries make a strategic choice: whether they want to follow a pro-European orientation. To help them achieve this, we offering an institutional framework which brings these countries closer to the European Union.


IFC annual report, 2009 : their/our story – creating opportunity where it’s needed most / Міжнар. фінанс. карпарацыя. – Washington : IFC, 2009. – 125 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//490621К(039)

This report for the International finance Corporation (IFC) incorporates a strong thematic, visual, and story-telling approach to describing IFC’s activities and results. It provides a comprehensive picture of what IFC does and how we are performing in key areas, including development effectiveness and financial results. The global economic crisis has opened an uncertain chapter, especially for the 2.5 billion people who live on less than $2 a day. Many of them lack access to electricity, or clean water, or basic health care. For at least a decade, economic growth in developing countries helped expand the availability of basic necessities while steadily reducing the number of people in poverty. But this year, the number of people in extreme poverty is expected to be much higher than was predicted before the crisis. Unemployment is rising The IFC has quickly ramped up its advisory efforts and mobilized its donor partners to help governments, clients, and markets cope with the crisis and recover speedily. Priorities include: helping financial institutions better manage their risks and their nonperforming loans; complementing investment efforts in banking for small and medium enterprises, microfinance, and housing finance with advice to financial institutions; supporting governments’ efforts to keep trade flowing with advice on trade logistics; helping governments facing larger deficits widen their tax base; encouraging governments to simplify their bankruptcy systems to allow indebted companies to recover faster; advising boards of directors on risk management and crisis intervention; and helping governments redesign public-private infrastructure projects that face crisis-related difficulties.


IFC annual report, 2012: impact, innovation, influence, demonstration / Міжнар. фінанс. карпарацыя. – Washington : IFC, 2012. – 67, 51 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//490599К(039)

This annual report of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) summarizes the innovation and leadership roles in the private sector during fiscal year 2012. The IFC invested a record $20.4 billion in 103 developing countries, reflecting a doubling of annual commitments over the last five years. Those investments included nearly $5 billion mobilized from other investors, and an investment for Sub-Saharan Africa totaling $2.7 billion, nearly twice as much as five years ago. The advisory services program expenditures grew to $197 million, up more than 50 percent over the last five years. Advisory services also helped 33 client governments introduce 56 investment-climate reforms that will improve access to basic services for more than 16 million people. IFC investment clients helped support 2.5 million jobs in 2011 and made 23 million loans totaling more than $200 billion to micro, small, and medium enterprises. Net income before grants to the International Development Association (IDA) totaled $1.66 billion. The IFC has invested more than $23 billion in IDA countries, nearly $6 billion of it in fiscal year 2012 alone.



Kim, J. Trade, unemployment and labour market institutions : doct. thesis in econ. at Stockholm Univ., Sweden, 2011 / J. Kim. – Stockholm : Stockholm Univ., 2011. – IX, 108 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//318582(039)

This paper analyses the argument that labour market institutions can be thought of as devices for social insurance. It investigates the hypotheses that a country’s exposure to external risk and ethnic fractionalisation are correlated with labor market institutions. Extreme bounds analysis with panel data of fourty years indicates that countries that are more open to international trade have stricter employment protection, strong unions, and a more coordinated wage bargaining process. Moreover, there is evidence that union density is negatively associated with the degree of ethnic fracationalisation. The main finding is that the choice of the primary data and estimation method matter for the final outcome. The control variables in the primary studies also affect the results This study empirically investigates if international trade has an impact on aggregate unemployment in the presence of labour market institutions. Using data for twenty OECD countries for the years 1961-2008, this study finds that an increase in trade leads to higher aggregate unemployment as it interacts with rigid labour market institutions, whereas it may reduce aggregate unemployment if the labour market is characterised by flexibility. In a country with the average degree of the labour market rigidities, an increase in trade has no significant effect on unemployment rates.


Reconciling labour flexibility with social cohesion – the experiences and specificities of Central and Eastern Europe = Concilier flexibilité du travail et cohésion sociale – les expériences et les enjeux spécifiques en Europe centrale et orientale / Council of Europe. – Strasbourg : Council of Europ. Publishing, 2007. – 205, 219 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//485574(039)

How to reconcile labour flexibility with social cohesion? The Directorate General of Social Cohesion of the Council of Europe already put this topical question on the agenda of its annual forum in 2005. And the subject gained more momentum and importance in 2006 when taken up by the European Union presidencies. The European Commission has recently proposedThis volume is thus arranged in two parts: 1. Broadening perspectives so as to address, in a pan-European context, the questions of concepts and issues surrounding labour flexibility and social cohesion; 2. Comprehending the specificities of certain realities in central and eastern Europe, including Turkey. A green paper on labour law originally entitled “Adapting labour law to ensure flexibility and security for all” and is planning a communication on flexicurity for spring 2007. The Council of Europe contributes to this debate by inviting people to look at possible answers from a rights-based perspective. In its approach to social cohesion, it proposes principles that should govern this reconciliation.


Review of maritime transport, 2014 / UN, Conf. on Trade and Development. – New York ; Geneva : UN, 2014. – XIII, 118 p.
The NLB call number: 1И//485472К(039)

The Review of Maritime Transport is a recurrent publication prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat since 1968 with the aim of fostering the transparency of maritime markets and analysing relevant developments. Any factual or editorial corrections that may prove necessary, based on comments made by Governments, will be reflected in a corrigendum to be issued subsequently.
