ГалоўнаяПаслугiВіртуальныя сервісыВіртуальны цэнтр па дзейнасці міжнародных арганізацыйКніжныя выстаўкіВыстаўка новых паступленняўАрхіў паступленняў за 2018 год26.11.2018


Новыя паступленні ў фонд залы дакументаў міжнародных арганізацый

Будущее международного права : сб. ст. / М-во образования и науки Рос. Федерации, Моск. гос. юрид. ун-т ; под ред. К. А. Бекяшева. – М. : Проспект, 2017. – 224 с.
Шыфр НББ: 1//692122(039)

Сборник подготовлен в рамках серии юбилейных изданий, приуроченных к 85-летию Федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Московский государственный юридический университет имени О. Е. Кутафина (МГЮА)». Авторами статей являются члены кафедры международного права МГЮА, их коллеги-международники из других российских и иностранных вузов.

Законодательство приведено по состоянию на 1 февраля 2016 г.

Для преподавателей, аспирантов и студентов юридических вузов, а также практических работников, занимающихся вопросами международного права и международных отношений.


Группа Всемирного банка в Республике Беларусь. 20 лет сотрудничества = World Bank Group in Belarus. 20 years of cooperation : результаты в обл. развития / Представительство Всемир. банка в Респ. Беларусь. – [Б. м. : б. и.], 2015. – 23 с.
Шыфр НББ: 1Н//490693(039)

На протяжении последних 20 лет Всемирный банк помог улучшить качество жизни людей в Беларуси, профинансировав 12 проектов займами на общую сумму 865 млн. долларов США, поддержав 30 национальных программ грантами на общую сумму 23 млн. долларов США, а также предоставив знания, опыт и экспертный потенциал.

Международная финансовая корпорация (IFC) инвестировала более 340 млн. долларов США в финансовый сектор, сельское хозяйство, строительство и сектор услуг. IFC также активно реализует консультативные программы в Беларуси.

В брошюре представлены результаты поддержки, оказанной Группой Всемирного банка Республике Беларусь в ходе 20 лет сотрудничества.

Политические конфликты в Латинской Америке: вызовы стабильности и новые возможности / Ю. И. Визгунова [и др.] ; отв. ред. З. В. Ивановский. – М. : Ин-т Лат. Америки Рос. акад. наук, 2017. – 448 с.
Шыфр НББ: 1//690452(039)

В исследовании рассматриваются междисциплинарные подходы к проблеме конфликта, анализируются конфликтно-консенсусные отношения между властными структурами и оппозицией, социальные и этнические конфликты и роль государства и гражданского общества в их урегулировании, а также межгосударственные противоречия в Латинской Америке.

Издание рассчитано на политологов, социологов, журналистов и политиков-практиков.


Руководство по возврату активов для специалистов-практиков : пер. с англ. / Ж.-П. Брюн [и др.]. – М. : Альпина Паблишер, 2018. – 354 с. – (Серия "Библиотека Всемирного банка").
Шыфр НББ: 1//689088(039)

Ежегодно из-за взяточничества, незаконного присвоения средств и прочих коррупционных действий в мире теряются миллиарды долларов, причем большая часть доходов от коррупции оседает в мировых финансовых центрах. Это означает, что похищенные средства никогда не будут вложены в экономику или направлены в социальные сферы – на здравоохранение, заботу о детях, образование и т. д. Однако есть законные и эффективные способы вернуть эти средства – они и описываются в данном руководстве. Его авторы являются ведущими сотрудниками Всемирного банка и ООН – организаций, осуществляющих масштабную и комплексную борьбу с коррупцией.

Книга будет интересна сотрудникам организаций по борьбе с незаконными доходами, сотрудникам правоохранительных органов, аудиторских компаний, а также юристам.


Турбан, Г. В. Всемирная торговая организация в интересах предприятий : пособие / Г. В. Турбан. – Минск : Альтиора Форте, 2018. – 99 с.
Шыфр НББ: 1Н//707499(064)

В пособии излагаются базовые нормы и правила, предусмотренные Соглашениями ГАТТ/ВТО. Особый акцент сделан на их использовании в практике внешнеторговой деятельности предприятий.

Предназначено для руководителей и специалистов предприятий, работающих в сфере внешней торговли, органов государственного управления, научных и деловых кругов, студентов и преподавателей.


Чумаков, А. Н. Глобализация. Контуры целостного мира / А. Н. Чумаков. – Изд. 3-е, перераб. и доп. – М. : Проспект, 2017. – 449 с.
Шыфр НББ: 1//692241(039)

Третье, дополненное и переработанное издание монографии представляет собой основополагающий фрагмент разрабатываемой автором общей теории глобализации, в которой он воссоздает холистическую (целостную) картину мира и рассматривает глобализацию, с одной стороны, как естественно-исторический процесс, а с другой – как сферу взаимоотношений и противоборства различных сил и интересов. История предстает как единый, разворачивающийся во времени процесс, проходящий определенные этапы, смену которых знаменуют основные поворотные пункты общественного развития, в результате чего происходят эпохальные метаморфозы. В конечном счете логика развития объективных событий порождает глобализацию, охватывающую всю Землю на уровне трех ее основных сфер: геологической, биологической и социальной, которым дается объединенное название – триосфера.

В книге показано, как проходило зарождение и становление глобалистики в качестве междисциплинарной области научного знания, образуемого на стыке философии, естественных, технических и гуманитарных наук.

Книга носит междисциплинарный характер и адресована как научным работникам, преподавателям, студентам, аспирантам, так и широкому кругу читателей.


The borders of "Europe" : autonomy of migration, tactics of bordering / ed.: N. De Genova. – Durham ; London : Duke Univ. Press, 2017. – VIII, 363 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//700009(039)

In recent years the borders of Europe have been perceived as being besieged by a staggering refugee and migration crisis. The contributors to The Borders of "Europe" see this crisis less as an incursion into Europe by external conflicts than as the result of migrants exercising their freedom of movement. Addressing the new technologies and technical forms European states use to curb, control, and constrain what contributors to the volume call the autonomy of migration, this book shows how the continent's amorphous borders present a premier site for the enactment and disputation of the very idea of Europe. They also outline how from Istanbul to London, Sweden to Mali, and Tunisia to Latvia, migrants are finding ways to subvert visa policies and asylum procedures while negotiating increasingly militarized and surveilled borders. Situating the migration crisis within a global frame and attending to migrant and refugee supporters as well as those who stoke nativist fears, this timely volume demonstrates how the enforcement of Europe’s borders is an important element of the worldwide regulation of human mobility.


Chan, S. Plural international relations in a divided world / S. Chan. – Malden ; Cambridge : Polity Press, 2017. – X, 223 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//700098(039)

The world is troubled and full of misunderstandings. It seems a new world order of fundamentalist violence and meaningless atrocity is upon us, whilst civilised instruments for cooperation and compromise are becoming increasingly ineffective.

In this timely book, Stephen Chan explores the historical and philosophical roots of difference and discord in the international system. He begins with the introduction of the Westphalian system, showing how, throughout the 20th century, new states – from the Middle East, Asia and Africa – entered that system with reservations, preconditions, and great efforts to introduce new forms of concerts and congresses but without seriously challenging the international status-quo.

By contrast, the 21st century has brought turmoil and change in the form of militant Islam – be it the Taleban, Al Qaeda, or ISIS – whose varied roots and fluid emergence have so far prevented the West from being able to understand and combat it. Developing Kissinger's suspicion of Saudi Arabia as an Islamic state in Westphalian dress, Chan argues that what is at stake today is not the development of a new Caliphate or an old radicalism – but the effort to supplant and replace the Westphalian system itself. This is the complex and challenging reality to which a truly modern and persuasively relevant plural international relations must now adapt. Whether it can do so remains to be seen.


Changrok Soh. Introduction to international development cooperation : issues and actors in the global arena / Changrok Soh, Kyungyon Moon. – Seoul : Korea Univ. Press, 2017. – 379 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//694943(039)

The objectives of this book are threefold. It is essential to first understand why the issues of poverty and foreign aid have emerged as a global agenda and how and why these relationships between the rich and the poor have developed. In this sense, the first step is to trace the evolution of foreign aid from its beginnings in the aftermath of World War II to better understand the historical contours of donor and recipient relationships. Second, the authors seek to assess global efforts made by the international community during the 50-year history of development aid and identify challenges for the Post-2015 era. The international community has improved aid practices but there are still many obstacles to achieving global goals and eradicating global poverty. Last but not least, the authors recognize that the boundaries of development aid have expanded to include a wide range of complex issues and practices as well as the participation by multiple actors. The authors also emphasize the importance of constructing a global governance framework and aid architecture that encourages cooperative networking among multiple actors for increased aid effectiveness in the future.


Dupré, C. The age of dignity : human rights and constitutionalism in Europe / C. Dupré. – Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publ., 2018. – XVII, 238 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//700096(039)

Human dignity is one of the most challenging and exciting ideas for lawyers and political philosophers in the twenty-first century. Even though it is rapidly emerging as a core concept across legal systems, and is the first foundational value of the European Union and its overarching human rights commitment under the Lisbon Treaty, human dignity is still little understood and often mistrusted. Based on extensive comparative and cross-disciplinary research, this path-breaking monograph provides an innovative and critical investigation of human dignity's origins, development and above all its potential at the heart of European constitutionalism today. Grounding its analysis in the connections among human dignity, human rights, constitutional law and democracy, this book argues that human dignity's varied and increasing uses point to a deep transformation of European constitutionalism. At its heart are the construction and protection of constitutional time, and the multi-dimensional definition of humanity as human beings, citizens and workers. Anchored in a detailed comparative study of case law, including the two European supranational courts and domestic constitutional courts, especially those of Germany, the UK, France and Hungary, this monograph argues for a new understanding of European constitutionalism as a form of humanism.


Economics without borders : econ. research for Europ. policy challenges / edited by L. Matyas [et al.]. – Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2017. – XXVI, 637 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//700003(039)

If treated as a single economy, the European Union is the largest in the world, with an estimated GDP of over 14 trillion euros. Despite its size, European economic policy has often lagged behind the rest of the world in its ability to generate growth and innovation. Much of the European economic research itself often trails behind that of the United States, which sets much of the agenda in mainstream economics.

This book bridges the gap between economic research and policy-making by presenting overviews of twelve key areas for future economic policy and research. Written for the economists and policymakers working within European institutions, it uses comprehensive surveys by Europe’s leading scholars in economics and European policy to demonstrate how economic research can contribute to good policy decisions, and vice versa, demonstrating how economics research can be motivated and made relevant by hot policy questions.


Euroscepticism in small EU member states / ed.: K. Bukovskis. – Riga : Latv. Inst. of Intern. Affairs, 2016. – 159 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//698514(039)

The book “Euroscepticism in Small EU Member States” is an effort by an international team of analysts to address the Euroscepticism phenomenon in small European Union Member States. It draws the general conclusions that the observed small countries of different enlargement periods, namely, Luxembourg, Ireland, Portugal, Finland, Latvia, Bulgaria and Croatia, are realists in terms of reckoning the political and economic gains from the membership and future amendments of the EU policies. Although Eurosceptic ideas are not unfamiliar in any of the countries, calls for exiting the European Union are marginalised. The book is the result of successful collaboration between the Latvian Institute of International Affairs and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.


Foreign policy of the European Union : in 4 vol. / edited by B. Tonra, R. G. Whitman, A. R. Young. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE, 2017. – Vol. 1 : Foundations and design. – XXXV, 338 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//694310(039)

The European Union's significance as an international actor rests on several foundations. Empirically, the Union's size, scope and scale gives it a presence in the world in terms of politics, diplomacy, economics, trade and aid that is in need of analysis and contextualisation. In theoretical terms, the Union is a fascinating experiment in democratic, multi-state, multinational polity-building the likes of which we have not seen before.

Across four volumes, the editors present the foundational articles that have shaped mainstream academic discourse surrounding this topic as well as a handful of more provocative pieces. The result is a series of maps; at different scales and highlighting different topographical features, which will cumulatively provide a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of this fascinating international actor.


Foreign policy of the European Union : in 4 vol. / edited by B. Tonra, R. G. Whitman, A. R. Young. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE, 2017. – Vol. 2 : International political economy. – 308 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//694311(039)

The European Union's significance as an international actor rests on several foundations. Empirically, the Union's size, scope and scale gives it a presence in the world in terms of politics, diplomacy, economics, trade and aid that is in need of analysis and contextualisation. In theoretical terms, the Union is a fascinating experiment in democratic, multi-state, multinational polity-building the likes of which we have not seen before.

Across four volumes, the editors present the foundational articles that have shaped mainstream academic discourse surrounding this topic as well as a handful of more provocative pieces. The result is a series of maps; at different scales and highlighting different topographical features, which will cumulatively provide a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of this fascinating international actor.


Foreign policy of the European Union : in 4 vol. / edited by B. Tonra, R. G. Whitman, A. R. Young. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE, 2017. – Vol. 3 : Core foreign policies. – VI, 401 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//699763(039)

The European Union's significance as an international actor rests on several foundations. Empirically, the Union's size, scope and scale gives it a presence in the world in terms of politics, diplomacy, economics, trade and aid that is in need of analysis and contextualisation. In theoretical terms, the Union is a fascinating experiment in democratic, multi-state, multinational polity-building the likes of which we have not seen before.

Across four volumes, the editors present the foundational articles that have shaped mainstream academic discourse surrounding this topic as well as a handful of more provocative pieces. The result is a series of maps; at different scales and highlighting different topographical features, which will cumulatively provide a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of this fascinating international actor.


Foreign policy of the European Union : in 4 vol. / edited by B. Tonra, R. G. Whitman, A. R. Young. – Los Angeles [etc.] : SAGE, 2017. – Vol. 4 : Critical international relationships. – 243 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//699768(039)

The European Union's significance as an international actor rests on several foundations. Empirically, the Union's size, scope and scale gives it a presence in the world in terms of politics, diplomacy, economics, trade and aid that is in need of analysis and contextualisation. In theoretical terms, the Union is a fascinating experiment in democratic, multi-state, multinational polity-building the likes of which we have not seen before.

Across four volumes, the editors present the foundational articles that have shaped mainstream academic discourse surrounding this topic as well as a handful of more provocative pieces. The result is a series of maps; at different scales and highlighting different topographical features, which will cumulatively provide a sophisticated and nuanced understanding of this fascinating international actor.


The handbook of business and corruption : cross-sectoral experiences / edited by M. S. Aßländer, S. Hudson. – Bingley : Emerald Publ., 2017. – XVIII, 551 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//694565(039)

For years, corruption has been dismissed as a cultural phenomenon prevalent in developing countries, mirroring low salaries, weak infrastructure, disorganized administration and unstable political conditions. What this theory fails to explain, however, is why so many western multinational corporations have been involved in corruption scandals in recent years – even though most of these companies ostensibly had anti-corruption programs and monitoring systems in place. This book considers corruption in the business world in its broadest sense, including bribery and petty payments, nepotism and cronyism, gift-giving, embezzlement of public property and money laundering. It then explores corrupt behavior across different sectors in more detail in an effort to understand how corruption varies by industry. While a number of books dealing with corruption have been published over the years, little attention has been paid to the specifics of corruption in different industries and economic sectors. With contributions from some of the leading global experts in business ethics and law, this handbook will be an essential resource for both scholars and practitioners.


Lawson, S. International relations / S. Lawson. – 3rd ed. – Malden ; Cambridge : Pollity Press, 2017. – XІI, 216 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//700093(039)

International Relations emerged as a distinct academic discipline in the early twentieth century, but its philosophic foundations draw on centuries of thinking about human nature, power and authority, justice and injustice, and their implications for relations within and between political communities.

In this fully revised and updated third edition of her popular text, Stephanie Lawson retains a broad historical and contextual approach in introducing readers to the central themes and theoretical perspectives in IR while also addressing key issues and challenges in the contemporary period. These include the emergence of states and empires, theories ranging from classical realism and liberalism to postcolonial and ‘green’ theory, twentieth-century international history, security and insecurity, global governance and world order, international political economy, globalization, the future of the sovereign state and the prospects for a ‘post-international’ world.

Written in an accessible narrative style, this book is an ideal primer for students at undergraduate level and beyond, including those undertaking postgraduate study in IR with little or no previous academic training in the field.


Mikler, J. The political power of global corporations / J. Mikler. – Medford ; Cambridge : Polity Press, 2018. – XVI, 198 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//700081(039)

We have long been told that corporations rule the world, their interests seemingly taking precedence over states and their citizens. Yet, while states, civil society, and international organizations are well drawn in terms of their institutions, ideologies, and functions, the world's global corporations are often more simply sketched as mechanisms of profit maximization.

In this book, John Mikler re-casts global corporations as political actors with complex identities and strategies. Debunking the idea of global corporations as exclusively profit-driven entities, he shows how they seek not only to drive or modify the agendas of states but to govern in their own right. He also explains why we need to re-territorialize global corporations as political actors that reflect and project the political power of the states and regions from which they hail.

We know the global corporations' names, we know where they are headquartered, and we know where they invest and operate. Economic processes are increasingly produced by the control they possess, the relationships they have, the leverage they employ, the strategic decisions they make, and the discourses they create to enhance acceptance of their interests. This book represents a call to study how they do so, rather than making assumptions based on theoretical abstractions.


National identity and Europe in times of crisis : doing and undoing Europe / edited by C. Karner, M. Kopytowska. – Bingley : Emerald Publ., 2017. – X, 295 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//694557(039)

The European Union currently finds itself in the midst of its most profound crises since its creation. In the minds and writings of many commentators, politicians and European citizens, these multiple contemporary crises call the very future of the European project into doubt. Against the backdrop of economic and political crises across the continent, this edited collection examines the discursive workings and processes underpinning both the centrifugal and the centripetal political forces currently reshaping Europe and individual nation-states.

This volume strikes an original balance between inter-disciplinary work and a shared analytical engagement with the different methodologies and conceptual approaches provided by political linguistics. This is an edited collection that explores the linguistic manifestations of the competing political forces currently being negotiated within European nation-states and between them.

The chapters explore the different triggers, dimensions and reactions to recent and current crises across a range of European settings. Crises are thereby shown to give rise to complex political fields, in which different assessments and ideological blueprints compete for voters’ attention and support. Nationalism, as the currently most prominent political force, is shown to require analyses capable of shedding light on its wider contexts and its political competitors.


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