ГалоўнаяПаслугiВіртуальныя сервісыВіртуальны цэнтр па дзейнасці міжнародных арганізацыйКніжныя выстаўкіВыстаўка новых паступленняўАрхіў паступленняў за 2015 год04.05.2015


Годовой доклад ЮНКТАД, 2013 год: одна цель – процветание для всех / ООН, Конф. по торговле и развитию. – Женева : ООН, 2014. – 98 с.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//490298К(039)

Жизнеспособная планета жизнеспособных людей: будущее, которое мы выбираем : докл. Группы высок. уровня Генер. секретаря Организации Объедин. Наций по глоб. устойчивости. – Нью-Йорк : ООН, 2012. – 122 с.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//486139К(039)

Понимаем права человека : рук. по образованию в области прав человека / Орг. по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе, Бюро по демократ. ин-м и правам человека ; пер. с англ.: Е. Ардыцкая. – Варшава : ОБСЕ/БДИПЧ, 2005. – 362 с.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//485277(039)

Committee on the Application of Standards at the Conference: extracts from the record of proceedings: gen. rep., observations of the Comm. of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations – individual cases, observations and inform. concerning particular countries, submission, discussion and approva / Intern. Labour Conf., 103 sess., 2014. – Geneva : Intern. Labour Office, 2014. – Pag. var.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//485324К(039)

Convergence in information and communication technology: strategic and regulatory considerations / UN, World Bank ; R Singh, S. Raja. – Washington : The World Bank, 2010. – XIV, 125 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//247909(039)

Farm mechanization: a new challenge for agriculture in low and middle income countries of Europe and Central Asia : reg. review / Food and Agr. Organization of the UN / UN, World Bank.. – Washington : The World Bank ; Rome : UN, 2010. – XII, 70, [1] p.
Шыфр НББ: 1Н//229099К(039)*1Н//229100К(039)

Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs of November 6, 1925; Hague Act 1960; Add. Act of Monaco 1961; Complementary Act of Stockholm 1967 as amend. on Sept. 28, 1979; Geneva Act 1999: Common Regulations (as in force on Jan. 1, 2015) and Administrative Instructions (as in force on July 1, 2014) / UN, World Intellectual Property Organization. – Geneva : WIPO, 2015. – 132 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//490631(039)

Out-based aid : lessons learned and best practices / UN, World Bank ; Y. Mumssen, L. Johannes, G. Kumar. – Washington : The World Bank, 2010. – XVI, 175 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//247033(039)

Patent Cooperation Treaty yearly review: the International Patent System / UN, World Intellectual Property Organization. – Geneva : WIPO, 2014. – 93 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//490784К(039)

Trade in services negotiations: a guide for developing countries / UN, World Bank, ed. by S. Sáez. – Washington : The World Bank, 2010. – XV, 177 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//247039(039)

UNCTAD handbook of statistics, 2014 = Manuel de statistiques de la CNUCED, 2014 / UN, Conf. on Trade and Development. – New York ; Geneva : UN, 2014. – XVIII, 364 p.
Шыфр НББ: 1И//490846К(039)

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