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Новые поступления в фонд зала документов международных организаций

Леонтьева, О. В. Франчайзинг : практ. пособие для предпринимателей / О. В. Леонтьева. – Минск : Альтиора Форте, 2018. – 46 с.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//700632К(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 334–Формы организации и сотрудничества в экономике.

Цель данного пособия – в доступной форме осветить основные вопросы, связанные с использованием такого эффективного и популярного во всем мире инструмента развития бизнеса, как франчайзинг. Пособие содержит не только общую информацию о франчайзинге, но и практические рекомендации по использованию данной технологии в предпринимательской деятельности.

Издание может быть интересно широкому кругу читателей, но в первую очередь: всем тем, кто опасается идти в бизнес из-за отсутствия опыта, знаний и поддержки; начинающим предпринимателям, которые задумываются о создании собственного бизнеса и не могут выбрать идею; успешному бизнесу, который ищет для себя возможности быстрого и эффективного роста; представителям структур поддержки бизнеса для расширения собственных компетенций и дальнейшего развития регионального предпринимательства.

Пособие разработано и издано в рамках проекта «Содействие занятости и самозанятости населения в малых и средних городах Республики Беларусь», реализуемого Программой развития ООН и Министерством экономики Республики Беларусь при финансовой поддержке Российской Федерации.


Перельмут, В. Взаимоотношения Республики Беларусь и Европейского Союза : 1991–1996 / В. Перельмут. – Saarbrücken : LAP LAMBERT Acad. Publ., cop. 2012. – 53 с.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//696432(039)

История начала 90-х годов XX века, когда на международную политическую арену довольно робкими шагами вступил новый объект ее игры – Республика Беларусь, весьма актуальна. Реализовав свое естественное право на независимость, Республика Беларусь приступила к строительству суверенного государства, проведению самостоятельной внешней политики, направленной на укрепление независимости, включение в общеевропейские процессы, активизацию сотрудничества с соседними странами и мировыми державами. История развития взаимоотношений между Республикой Беларусь и Евросоюзом насчитывает более 20 лет. Начало им дали 2 масштабных исторических события, которые волею судьбы произошли практически одновременно. 8 декабря 1991 года на территории Беларуси были подписаны Беловежские соглашения о распаде СССР и создании СНГ, а в голландском городе Маастрихт день спустя был одобрен текст договора о создании Европейского союза. «Европейский вектор» являлся и является одним из приоритетных направлений внешней политики Республики Беларусь. Беларусь стремилась и стремится к построению паритетных, взаимовыгодных отношений с европейскими государствами на долгосрочной основе.


Республика Беларусь на пути к Роттердамской конвенции / С. И. Сычик [и др.] ; М-во здравоохранения Респ. Беларусь, Науч.-практ. центр гигиены. – Минск : [б. и.], 2018. – 33 с.
Шифр НББ: 1Н//703139К(039)
Тематическая рубрика: 61–Медицина

Роттердамская конвенция была принята на дипломатической конференции, проводившейся в Роттердаме 10 сентября 1998 года. Она вступила в силу 24 февраля 2004 года. Конвенция создает условия, позволяющие странам мира проводить мониторинг и контроль торговли отдельными опасными химическими веществами.

Вопросы разработки Национальной программы предотвращения незаконного оборота химических веществ и ратификация Роттердамской конвенции являются одними из основных задач, определенными в Национальной стратегии устойчивого социально-экономического развития Республики Беларусь на период до 2020 г.


Annuaire européen, 2016 = European yearbook, 2016 / Council of Europe. – Leiden ; Boston : Brill Nijhoff, 2017. – Pag. var.
Шифр НББ: 1И//700342(039)

The aim of the European Yearbook is to promote the study of a number of international organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year’s relevant publications.


Core-periphery patterns across the European Union : case studies and lessons from Eastern and Southern Europe / edited by G. C. Pascariu, M. A. Pedrosa da Silva Duarte. – Bingley : Emerald Publ., 2017. – XXXV, 382 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//700223(039)

The EMU debt crisis that emerged in 2010 has identified a group of Southern countries, especially Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy, as low performers exhibiting several serious macroeconomic imbalances, and it has also highlighted that EU integration experienced by Eastern European countries (especially the latter-comers to EU) was not accompanied by a rapid process of real convergence. Since then, the research about the effects of peripherality have regained a renewed interest to ultimately ground better regional policy recommendations aimed at achieving a sustained reduction of income per capita disparities across EU regions.

Pascariu and Duarte, along with an international group of acclaimed scholars, delve into key challenges currently facing the European Union. They investigate this central question: does the domestic market system lead to the development of a center-periphery model, by highlight gaps, or does it support the convergence process? Analyzing the effects of peripherality across the EU regions, a two-fold approach is used to deliver policy recommendations grounded in economic theory, and of interest to other countries and regions facing a process of integration.


Environmental crime in Europe / edited by A. Farmer, M. Faure, G. M. Vagliasindi. – Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publ., 2017. – XIX, 367 p. – (Modern studies in European law ; vol. 82).
Шифр НББ: 1И//700330(039)

The aim of this important new collection is to explore how environmental crime is controlled and environmental criminal law is shaped and implemented within the European Union and its Member States. It examines the legal framework, looking in particular at Directive 2008/99/EC, and the specific competences of the EU in this domain. In addition, it provides a detailed analysis of environmental criminal law in seven Member States, focusing inter alia on the basic legislation, the way in which environmental pollution is criminalised and the main actors in place to enforce environmental criminal law. In so doing, it provides a much needed explanation of the evolution of environmental criminal law in Europe at Union level and how this is implemented in selected Member States.


The Eurasian Project in global perspective / edited by D. Lane. – New York ; London : Routledge, 2018. – IX, 160 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//700337(039)
УДК: 339.923(1-67ЕАЭС)

Regional associations have become major players in international politics and economics. The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), composed of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, is considered as a player which will strengthen the international influence and international trade of the post-socialist countries. It is intended to become a parallel association to the European Union.

This comprehensive volume considers the potential global role of the EEU. A major problem outlined is the balancing of relations between the EU and the West on the one hand, and China and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation on the other. The book explores the impact of the global crisis as well as a consideration of the EEU in the world system of states. It also examines the EEU’s relationship with other regional developments, in relation to the EU and to the outer circle of post-socialist states that joined neither the EU nor the EEU. It concludes by considering Eurasia in the Asian context, looking at the two central Asian countries (Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan), relations with China and the relationship between the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) and the EEU.


The handbook of managing and marketing tourism experiences / edited by M. Sotiriadis, D. Gursoy. – Bingley : Emerald Publ., 2016. – XXIX, 548 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//700333(039)

The Handbook of Managing and Marketing Tourism Experiences is a comprehensive resource that presents the latest research and approaches to designing, managing and marketing experiences for consumers. It provides in-depth analysis and discussion of the main issues and challenges in the field of tourism experiences, bridging the gap in contemporary literature between the management and marketing of tourism experiences. The book adopts strategic, operational management and marketing approaches to the discipline, taking both tourism business and destination perspectives under consideration and analyses the main issues and aspects related to the three phases of offering experiences to tourists: before, during and after the experience encounter.

The Handbook of Managing and Marketing Tourism Experiences is split into four distinct sections across 25 chapters: Planning: Design and Creating Tourism Experiences; Managing: Orginizing and Delivering Tourism Experiences; Marketing: Communicating and Promoting Tourism Experiences and monitoring and Evaluating Tourism Experiences. It brings together contributions from 36 internationally known authors from 18 countries and 5 continents. It features a range of case studies, cutting edge research and current thinking, providing the most up to date, in-depth and international analysis of the major issues related to tourism experiences. It will prove an essential reference for academics, educators, researchers, and undergraduate and postgraduate tourism students as well as practitioners in the fields of tourism marketing and management.


Lester, S. World trade law : text, materials and commentary / S. Lester, B. Mercurio, A. Davies. – 3rd ed. – Oxford [etc.] : Hart, 2018. – XIV, 992 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//700103(039)

This third edition of one of the leading textbooks on world trade law offers what is, in a number of ways, a unique perspective on this important subject. Combining the best aspects of both casebook and treatise, this comprehensive textbook provides detailed explanations and analysis of the law to help understand the issues as well as case extracts to offer a flavour of the judicial reasoning of trade adjudicators. Moreover, the book is truly global in outlook, being equally useful for students of international trade law in the UK, Europe, the US, Asia and elsewhere around the world.

This updated edition includes in-depth discussions of the most recent developments in international trade jurisprudence, setting out important precedents that help establish the boundaries between global trade rules and domestic national autonomy. In this era, when political developments place even more importance on international trade, it will be essential reading for all students, scholars and practitioners in the field.


Levchenko, A. A. Globalization : the macroecon. implications of microecon. heterogeneity / A. A. Levchenko. – Singapore [etc.] : World Sci., 2017. – XIX, 319 p. – (World Scientific studies in international economics, vol. 54).
Шифр НББ: 1И//700235(039)
УДК: 339.9

We live in an era of globalization: ever increasing international integration of goods, capital, and labor markets. The benefits and costs of increased trade and financial integration in the world today continue to be hotly debated. The reason globalization is controversial is that the impact of globalization is often nuanced, and theory reveals many possibilities. The impact of globalization on macroeconomic outcomes thus remains an empirical and quantitative question.

The author collects, in one volume, the results of a multi-year research program to build heterogeneous firm and sector models for the quantitative evaluation of globalization. The volume explores the impact of globalization on both welfare and macroeconomic fluctuations using these micro-founded quantitative models.


Prime, T. European intellectual property law / T. Prime ; with a chapter on intellectual property licensing agreements within the provisions of the Treaty of Rome by D. Booton. – Reissued ed., Burlington, Dartmouth Publ., 2000. – New York ; London : Routledge, 2018. – VII, 328 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//700171(039)

This title was first published in 2000: European Intellectual Property is a survey and discussion of the impact of the economic principles of the European Community, upon the legal regime for the protection of intellectual property rights within the Community and the laws of its Member States. Beginning with a discussion of the issues arising from the treaty itself and the efforts of both the European Court of Justice and the European Commission through the liberalization of licensing procedures to meet these specific issues, the survey goes on to consider the attempts to achieve harmonization of national laws in the fields of trade marks, patents, industrial design and the wider efforts to create Community wide intellectual property rights.


Queiroz, B. M. Illegally staying in the EU : an analysis of illegality in EU migration law / B. M. Queiroz. – Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publ., 2018. – XVIII, 207 p. – (Modern studies in European law ; vol. 85).
Шифр НББ: 1И//700100(039)

Principally, this book comprises a conceptual analysis of the illegality of a third-country national's stay by examining the boundaries of the overarching concept of illegality at the EU level. Having found that the holistic conceptualisation of illegality, constructed through a combination of sources (both EU and national law) falls short of adequacy, the book moves on to consider situations that fall outside the traditional binary of legal and illegal under EU law. The cases of unlawfully staying EU citizens and of non-removable illegally staying third-country nationals are examples of groups of migrants who are categorised as atypical. By looking at these two examples the book reveals not only the fragmentation of legal statuses in EU migration law but also the more general ill-fitting and unsatisfactory categorisation of migrants.

The potential conflation of illegality with criminality as a result of the way EU databases regulate the legal regime of illegality of a migrant's stay is the first trend identified by the book. Subsequently, the book considers the functions of accessing legality (both instrumental and corrective). In doing so it draws out another trend evident in the EU illegality regime: a two-tier regime which discriminates on the basis of wealth and the instrumentalisation of access to legality by Member States for mostly their own purposes.

Finally, the book proposes a corrective rationale for the regulation of illegality through access to legality and provides a number of normative suggestions as a way of remedying current deficiencies that arise out of the present supranational framing of illegality.


Questioning EU citizenship : judges and the limits of free movement and solidarity in the EU / edited by D. Thym. – Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publ., 2017. – VIII, 330 p. – (Modern studies in European law ; vol. 83).
Шифр НББ: 1И//700196(039)

The question of supranational citizenship is one of the more controversial in EU law. It is politically contested, the object of prominent court rulings and the subject of intense academic debates.

This important new collection examines this vexed question, paying particular attention to the Court of Justice. Offering analytical readings of the key cases, it also examines those political, social and normative factors which influence the evolution of citizens' rights. This examination is not only timely but essential given the prominence of citizen rights in recent political debates, including in the Brexit referendum. All of these questions will be explored with a special emphasis on the interplay between immigration from third countries and rules on Union citizenship.


Roberts, C. The BRICS and collective financial statecraft / C. Roberts, L. E. Armijo, S. N. Katada. – New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 2018. – XIX, 260 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//700014(039)

In the early 21st century, five rising powers (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) formed an exclusive international club, the BRICS. Although not extreme revisionists, the BRICS recognize an ongoing global power shift and contest the West's pretensions to permanent stewardship of the existing economic order. Together they exercise collective financial and monetary statecraft to achieve larger foreign policy goals. The BRICS share common resentments – of U.S. dominance of the global financial system, of playing junior roles in economic governance, and of serving as frequent targets of financial sanctions. They also share common objectives, such as obtaining greater financial autonomy and influence within the Bretton Woods institutions. Their financial statecraft ranges from pressure for the internal reform of international organizations and markets to operating outside the system through the creation of both new multilateral institutions and opportunity structures in international financial markets. To the surprise of many observers, the joint actions of the BRICS have been largely successful. The BRICS' future depends not only on their bargaining power and ability to successfully adjust to market shifts, but also on their ability to overcome domestic impediments to sustainable economic growth, which is the ultimate basis for their international influence.


Rosenberg, M. Strategy and geopolitics : understanding global complexity in a turbulent world / M. Rosenberg. – Bingley : Emerald Publ., 2017. – XVII, 301 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//700220(039)
УДК: 339.9

Large western companies are accelerating their expansion into emerging economies, while relying on oversimplified frameworks to make decisions and complex matrix organizations to make things happen. When critical events do happen (such as terrorist attacks or civil wars), senior executives and the companies they lead are often taken by surprise. As the world shifts to a less stable geopolitical structure, only firms that can acquire a better capability to foresee and prepare for change will prevail over the long term.

Strategy and Geopolitics provides a strategic framework that can help senior business executives address the challenges of globalization in this evolving geopolitical landscape. This book underlines the need to go beyond a simplistic understanding of different countries and territories: it discusses the geopolitical issues that can be the cause of success or failure in different markets; and it explores strategies for dealing with global and local complexity, as well as introducing innovative ideas on recruitment and organization.


Schulze, R. European сontract law / R. Schulze, F. Zoll ; prepared by J. Watson. – 2nd fully revised ed. – Baden-Baden : Nomos ; Oxford : Hart Publ. ; München : C. H. Beck, 2018. – XXIV, 311 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//700335(039)

European contract law is not only a core aspect of European private law but also plays a highly important role in the development of contract law at national level. However, European contract law's contribution and significance are often overlooked and its content, methods and objectives not fully understood.

This revised and updated second edition unlocks European contract law by providing fundamental information about the central EU legislation, court decisions, and academic projects in order to show how a system arises from the dialogue between the different sources.


Social rights in Europe in an age of austerity : a GlassHouse book / edited by S. Civitarese Matteucci, S. Halliday. – New York ; London : Routledge, 2018. – XX, 300 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//700324(039)

This collection of essays examines the promise and limits of social rights in Europe in a time of austerity. Presenting in the first instance five national case studies, representing the biggest European economies (UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain), it offers an account of recent reforms to social welfare and the attempts to resist them through litigation. The case studies are then used as a foundation for theory-building about social rights. This second group of chapters develops theory along two complementary lines: first, they explore the dynamics between social rights, public law, poverty and welfare in times of economic crisis; second, they consider the particular significance of the European context for articulations of, and struggles over, social rights. Employing a range and depth of expertise across Europe, the book constitutes a timely and highly significant contribution to socio-legal scholarship about the character and resilience of social rights in our national and regional constitutional settings.


Thompson, H. International economics : global markets and competition / H. Thompson. – 4th ed. – Singapore : World Sci., 2017. – XI, 362 p.
Шифр НББ: 1И//700344(039)

International Economics: Global Markets and Competition integrates the microeconomics of international trade with open economy macroeconomics and finance. The theory is comprehensive but presented with intuitive diagrams. The book emphasizes the gains from international competition and the limits of trade policy. Trade theory includes market analysis and general equilibrium models of the economy. This text integrates the full range of trade theory with exchange rates, balance of payments, international finance, and open economy growth and macroeconomics.

The presentation focuses on diagrams and avoids equations and algebra. The theory is presented with numerical examples. The text does not assume intermediate economics, instead developing the theory with thorough explanations. Questions in each section build confidence in applying the theory. Boxed examples illustrate the importance of the theory.


Tsoukalis, L. The politics and economics of European monetary integration / L. Tsoukalis. – Reissued ed., London, George Allen & Unwin, 1977. – New York ; London : Routledge, 2017. – 192 p. – (Routledge library editions. Monetary economics ; vol. 9).
Шифр НББ: 1И//700244(039)

The object of this work, first published in 1977, is to examine the history of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) in the European Community, the policies of the parties involved and the conflicts of interest created in the political and economic environment within which all this has taken place. This title will be of interest to students of monetary economics and finance.

